>European states wage war and take eachothers lands for years
>no outrage
>Europeans take the land from some natives across the world
Can someone explain this meme to me? Why are the natives so special?
European states wage war and take eachothers lands for years
Minorities use the most absurd cherry picked details while trying to hide others, in order to victimize themselves to get reperations, attention, and to bring the white man down.
This doesn't even apply solely to white men. Conquest was going around all over the world and even in tribal America. I'm just confused to why people got upset when natives got conquered by one specific force.
>implying any of this shit happened before the internet
Weren't most of those wars fuelled in part by outrage at previous wrongdoings? The Germans were assblasted enough to start WWII in part over what they lost in WWI. The dissolution of Yugoslavia brought plenty of outrage. If you mean that the descendants of East Prussians aren't bitching to Russia about gibs then the answer's clearly because Europeans respect themselves too much.
>No outrage.
Yes there was.
Literally what was the whole 19th and early 20th century Europe? Basically everyone being butthurt over each other and muh nationalisms.
Jesus Christ they were so outraged even earlier dynastic struggles became nationalized under the new historical rhetoric of the time.
In all fairness I don't think any like fate of the American natives has happened before or since. I am talking about reactive scale and range. I mean surethane other people's have been destroyed but two continents lost like 90% (not an exact figure) (also I understand th as the mostly it was disease but the Europeans didn't help.). I think that makes them somewhat uniquely horrifying in history.
Thathe being said all nations and people's have raped pillaged and conquered. Europeans just got exceedingly good at it.
>>no outrage
This is how I know that you are a dumb american
heh, too slow
>European states wage war and take eachothers lands for years
>no outrage
Fat, ignorant, revisionist /pol/ly frogposter...
Out of the top of my head, I can think of at least three cases:
All of them outrages later used for propaganda, wich in turn doesn't mean said events didn't happened. Also, almost every european country has some sort of minority with separatist ambitions who romanticize their victimhood.
>No outrage
Do you really believe this
The Portuguese are still butthurt about Olivença and Ceuta.
yes that is pretty much how it always goes
who said there was no outcry from the irish the fuck
>Can someone explain this meme to me?
Only meme here is your extremely poor education.
You know there are a lot of Human Rights groups/BLM-like groups for "white" Minorities in Europe like Catalonians and Basques
>inb4 Burger who thinks that the "White Race" is a homogenous group
Because everyone deep down considered non whites to not be fully human, if you saw to guys beating the shit out of each other in a fist fight whatever fair is fair but if you saw some guy beating the shit out of a guy with down's you pissed. So basically when Europeans invaded Africans and Asians it was like a normal guy beating up a retard.
Pretty sure the Irish are still pissed to this day.
>>no outrage
I don't think you realize just how butthurt every single European is about every other European.
>no outrage
you can't be serious. Go to literally any thread on /int/ and tell me there's no outrage. If you're talking about America then it should be obvious why that's a different situation.
Trust me, in Europe people spend a lot more time bitching about our land claims than whatever meme shit went down between Chief standing cock of the tallahakamonahowmanalatanasee and Major Parmenio H. Abernathy of Whocares, Arkansas
Maybe if you're an underage who never lived in a world without internet.
because the academic establishment used to have a weird blindspot where european crimes were concerned
like there are tons of europeans who aren't outraged by dead natives, which you'd know if you went outside
People fight and conquer and genocide each other for whole of god damn history, its just in the last hundred years that sissy faggots started making a big deal about it
t. European
>its just in the last hundred years that sissy faggots started making a big deal about it
Wew lad, what about the leyenda negra then? And the butthurt over the 30 years war?
It's only in the last few hundred years it can be countered.
Genocide in times of old was like seeing somebody getting murdered in Russia. The answer is drink more vodka.
You have it switched.
Because the Europeans could fight back.
The Natives were so undeveloped that it was like kicking sand in a kindergartner's face.
Add in the notion that the Natives were all peaceful people who never ever conquered each other and Christian guilt, and you get muh natives
>China for thousands of years considers itself the rightful ruler of the world, the only civilised nation and the centre of the universe
>Constantly raids, enslaves, vassalises and conquers its neighbours
>Demands everyone submit to it and ruthlessly destroys dissent
>Gets btfo by one little island
>Cries about it to this day
>"Mean old Europeans and their unequal treaties. So arrogant and evil, wanting us to treat them with some modicum of respect and equality!"
>Liberals join in crying about Europeans serving the Chinese as the absolute worst thing
I think part of it is a "stay in your own sandbox" outlook. What the Europeans did in their own sandbox was fine, so long as it stayed in their sandbox. But when Spain and Portugal discovered the American supercontinent while both in Pac-Man-esque territorial feeding frenzies, it led to rivalry, which led to European disputes spilling over into other sandboxes and causing a lot of suffering. I think that's part of the reason people resent colonialism.
I know right. Makes me laugh to hear people talk about India, which Westerners seem to think of as a wonderfully peaceful place where everyone loves cows and yoga and gets along perfectly.
They forget that it's had Empires, genocides, invasions, religious tensions, etc. They forget that it's been at war with China and Pakistan. They forget that these people carried out airstrikes against their own citizens in Christian-majority Mizoram to quell an independence movement.
All they care about is 'Muh Raj' and Gandhi the negrophobe.
what are you trying to even say?
who is outraging? if you are talking about natives, isn't it only normal that they outrage when their land is conquered but don't care when others conquer each other's lands?
if you are talking about europeans themselves outraging at the conquest of new world, they also outrage at european wars too, so..
I never understood the German part. Were they very organized or what?
Its standard meme about Germans
>no outrage
There was. Modern Europeans just don't care about the crimes that much anymore, as Europe is peaceful and they're wealthy. Also European culture and upbringing these days does not highlight said events.
I guess the moors conquering Iberia and establishing Al-Andalus was fine, then?
They got hammered and reconquistad. So yea it turned out OK.
What an woefully incorrect use of that word.
Iberia was conquered by Umayyad Caliphate, and the Umayyad Caliphate established the province of Al-Andalus. Those muslims who then inhabited Al-Andalus got the name "Moors".
>was fine, then?
It was history happening as history happens. Nothing special about it, nothing different. Stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you is from /pol/.
That's how the germans mean to portray themselves.
You'll notice in the upper-right part of this picture that this was german propaganda.
>this was german propaganda
It's actually from a Satire magazine (
There was outrage, it was called War.
>no outrage
>frog poster
18 and up buddy
there is still outrage but if one european country has a problem with land taken by another then they go to war. cherokee or whatever marginal groups don't have the power to fight for land so they ask for gibs which is the outrage you're talking about I think.
Euros hate each other though. See World Wars.