/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2812

Luci is pure.

>Recent news
Orchid's dagger FLB released with small Trium and DATA+echoes on ougi
Aphrodite FLB released, Arulumaya FLB released
Final Chapter of Pandemonium released
Get a free Baha Weapon from What Makes The Sky Blue rerun
Crits now work on all null element enemies.
Lecia's dagger FLB at the end of February
Class Champion Weapons FLB released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for February:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac)
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/21 - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I
2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
pastebin.com/8xELSDu4 (embed)

>Guild Pastebin
pastebin.com/HgkULL3k (embed)

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BE45B85C 8/18 baha hl

homos begone

So its homo season again, huh...

>fucked up the embeds again


This. It would shitty as fuck if Sandal was converted with the power of bonds just because he was beaten. It was obvious he was never sincere about the handshake, Gran is just an idiot.

how did he get light and dark wings from raphael

Grubble's aniversary is celebrating yuri and yaoi

how 2 wind /gbfg/?

make 5* nio

JK dagger MH
1 Xeno Spear
1 JK Dagger
7 Guns

If I'm weak do I just go with spartan or bunny? Since I can never do much, I'm going to get called a leech regardless.

Post you're collection bros


Its always homo season, user.

>dps leeching with sage
get out






>woah there is another spartan that means i can phalanx this small trigger and he will be able to phalanx the big one
>oh wait he just uno'd the big one and everyone else in the raid is fucked now
remove varuna niggers,, fucking selfish assholes


There are no light or dark wings there, except for his own which are the bottom two. The top four wings all came from Mike, Gabby, Ralph and Urkel.


be a multiboxing god like ararara

Oh shit nigga what are you doing? The other one hasn't even started yet.

Why does Mizako not have a JK dagger in his grid?

T-they're going to s-save light, right...

I want to be Sandalphon's personal whore!

build standard magna grid
get both GW 5*s
multibox like an autist

I'll wait, I don't give a fuck.

because its magna grid idiot -_-

But he never got Gabby's wings, so why are they there now?

Whoops I'm retarded I assumed he had no wings to start with but yeah the bottom 2 wings are the same. I still think the water and wind wings look like dark and light though
How did he even get Gabriels wings though? She broke them so he couldn't get them and then later in the story he gets mad at Lyria and gets them out of nowhere

And he wants to be Lucifer's personal whore, looks like it doesn't work out for you

>mizako always streams his mvps clearly single boxing

just solo it


bad writing

post the vod then

They probably made the design before finishing the story

I don't get why Sandals get so much hate to be honest, I didn't find him so terrible. Although, it was pretty cheeky of him to fucking push me of the island.

swordmaster is a real human meme too, don't discriminate


>Have JK Dagger and FLB Wind Grid
>Still playing with Fire Sticks (Not Twigs)

Guess I was the real baka around here after all.

him pushing MC off the island was hilarious, I loved him for it

What kind of Replacement Chief couldn't order repairs for company property when he's got most of the dept. under his thumb ?

When are free rolls

I'm going to ask again since you fuckers aren't answering me.
Does Mechanic's Bomb Maneuver OHKO the co-op slime room?

Anything that popular gets hate

Sandal is deplorable but he isn't even remotely the worst villian because despite what Cygames said, he's actually so pathetic you feel something for him

Compare him to annoying fucks like Furias or Gilbert and you get a real cunt of a villain

2 dancers
2 drum masters
1 samurai
1 gunslinger
1 swordmaster
1 off-ele CR

I don't think most of the people posting here actually know how the game works, like how multiboxing is a lot less effective than it used to be.

Luci is evil!

Play what you enjoy playing user.

Gilbert was such a waste of Accel
I wanted him as a playable CORE SSR so I could listen to him all day in pleasure, not some shitty npc villain

post leechlist!

That's not even what Voidwing Lucifer sounds like. Sakurai's voice is much deeper. Seems more like a regular Lucifer raid that wasn't implemented.

>it's real
so it confirms /gbfg/ is pretty much shit at the game

Will we ever find out what happened at the labs exactly, and why he seemed familiar with Lyria?

+2 swordmasters, 1 ninja, 1 mystic, 1 dancer, 2 DMs


>Seems more like a regular Lucifer raid that wasn't implemented.
Yet. Regular Lucifer is a mindless drone who does anything the astrals tell him, sounds feasible for a boss fight this time. Astaroth did call him a lapdog and that has to be foreshadowing considering the timing.

You too desu wa.

Reloading after literally any attack? How do you do that to yourself without going insane

It does, but why not use Swordmaster for that?

Pretty much, these are super old.
Plus I don't think Lucifer refers to his creator as 'God' anymore so most of these will probably stay buried.

Sandal was mobbed by faceless men and Lyria's 'true identity' will be teased forever

>black screen the game
thats just as bad as multiboxing

I liked it too, but then, I do have a weak point for pathetic characters that play dirty like him.

>fighting at 8
so he just pads

>could have gone with any element
>the game gave me varunas
>could have easily done the uno meme
>instead played light
Why am I so retarded?

>Attack withouth 18/18 to build enmity
Woaahh so that his trick...

>armored pants instead of leggings

not mizako, but I'd be going insane faster having to sit through all the animations every time in a raid, especially if there's a boss trigger or ougi
refreshing gets you back to pressing buttons faster

Granblue has always been a LGBTQ+ game, user.

He's not nearly as bad as Gilbert, who took the Nahelgrande arc, which was actually pretty okay, and turned it into a heaping pile of dumpster trash.

Sandalphon is just another generic monster of the week. He's not particularly egregiously bad or anything, it's just he's stuck around for far too long.

Anyone with a brain does this.

This, even on fights where they impose a long wait on refresh like Ubaha, refresh still feels more responsive than having to sit through the long ass enemy animations, to say nothing of the delays imposed on in-between turn stuff like characters that have stacks like Juliet or Romeo that for some reason make you wait 3 seconds just to see some text pop up.
The delays in this game are outrageously long by default.

Ararara don't and he mvp anyway.

I don't have DJ.
And I don't have Swordmaster yet.

Timers should be locked behind animations

this is why im not excited for playable sandals desu

When are we going to start getting SSRs from Nahelgrande? And I'm not talking about Grand characters like Cain and Rein, I'm talking about ticketable characters who come from the Nahelgrande side of things. I'm sure there's plenty of strong people willing to join a skyfarer crew in that place. Even if you're going to need to reach late in the story chapters to get their third skill.

I think the issue people have with him is how many enemies are turned into "you're my friend now, for no reason!". Its just really annoying for them to try to build you up into hating someone, only to have them join your party. It feels very manipulative, and its even worse when they make it predictable.

>attacking before raid full for enmity
So that's what happened in /gbfg/ raid

tfw carried by meme class

Thanks. My very first BahaHL MVP

Zooey was the last one standing


I think it's pretty clear at this point they have no plan. They just threw together the Nahlegrande story at the last moment because they needed something new to keep pushing their release schedule, but they had no idea how to integrate it into the rest of the game, so they basically haven't.

He will only lose his virginity to Djeeta

It's okay with good ping, but he has shit ping so I don't know why he does it even with lite mode.


The event isn't even out yet so we don't even know if Sandal will actually join the crew or if he's just a temporary ally.

My bucks are going to him being a temporary teamup because he wants to save Lucifer. I don't think he'd ever give a shit about you otherwise.

I don't think Sandals was ever going to join us.

Have in mind as well that you will need to reach Nahlegrande chapters to unlock their fates and third skills

Leechlist doko.

How many Ancient Aubs for a UBHL snek grid? I have two 0* so far.

You can have 1,000 ping and refreshing will still be better than watching through animations on almost every boss. It becomes a little sketchy when they're para'd, but is still almost always better.

Even with shit ping refreshing is still faster than a round of autos + the boss animations

Who introduced so far would be ticketable instead of Grand? There aren't quite as many irrelevant characters like Noa/Ferry/Vira

Did this fail?