/lolg/ - League of Legends General


Dont you dare lewd the fizz edition

Tentacles mid lane edition

First for C9 getting BLACKED

have you ever gotten perma'd, /lolg/?
this honestly seems like a bullshit figure


>tfw I love both midlane picks

I dont know who to root for. I main Azir but I love Vel'koz.

Never bully your support!
Honor your support after every game!
Good night /lolg/


>there was a time when Zilean had literally 2 point and click AoE nukes

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt petite gf

>start playing 4 years ago
>spam voli top for two years
>he's unplayable for 2 years now (even with his recent buff)

the feels

What champions are practically never bad in Solo Q but unplayable professionally?

lulu likes them too

his q hitbox is so fucked that he doesnt need to aim

why does it have to be so hidden


xth for my wife Kaisa


Apollo/Hakuho have been more consistent performers this split.

again, pics in motion plz

Never even chat suspended, despite having said faggot, nigga and kys.

It turns out unless you're full inting people will usually not give a shit about what you say.

>Tfw Kassadin has been growing on me from repeated use of him in ARAM
>I prefer melees in general and like Diana as well so I think about playing one of them in mid but mid lane makes me want to kill myself.

Reminder that Kai'Sa is going to be a jungler, not an ADC.


xth for Teemo

You're allowed to root for Azir because he's using that shit April Fools skin

>fighting against kog
>get on top of him
>deals 2.4k magic damage to me
>with his w
>i have tabis and adaptive helm

jesus fucking christ how the fuck am i supposed to kill this?

Kled is the cutest boy.

Fizz would be cuter if he was a real fluffy yordle and not some fish retconned into a water yordle.

guys how to stay relevant with Ryze in teamfights? If a tank accidentally steps in front of your Q, your whole combo's gone.

>adc jungler without jungle-specific mechanics
um no sweetie :)

Zed honestly

No Ranged Top Laners Beyond This Point

I don't understand velkoz mid

I do better with him as support

untargetability or more damage

Land your combo faster?
e the enemy twice?
phase rush?

>i dont know how to play a melee in mid

i'll break it down

shove lane, roam.

Fizz is a SLUT

>Kai'Sa's accent
My dick has never been more diamonds. Holy shit it puts Cait's shitty accent to shame.

You play reactive and confirm allied cc or enemy initiation. If you build the wrong thing you're fucked so don't do that.

> Zed

Zed was the king of professional play before

>its a Stixxay on Kalista episode

>tfw Its not Arclight
>Not even Battlecast at least
>It had to be the shitty 750 skin

Why should I be allowed? Even if he is using that terrible Vel'koz skin I still love this bird emperor, a good shurima shuffle never gets old for me to watch.

fizz belongs with the rest of the yordles

in a shallow ditch

>0 cc
>0 utility
>bad mobility
Yeah she's really going to be great in the jungle!

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Also just combo their tank for like 1400 true damage lol

square up trespassers

>start out a few months back
>get placed in low Silver
>Finally learn to cs and play safely (ADC)
>Average around 8cs per minute with a solid KDA and KP
>Go up to Gold
>Stop playing for a few days to prepare myself as I don't want demoted quickly
>Literally identical to Silver

Holy shit, when does the massive gap happen? Because Gold rank (currently Gold 3 and climbing) is literally no different to Silver 2-1.

I wanna FUGG Vayne.

He was until pro-players lost their spine and wanted to start playing passively and not lose. They'd rather go 0/0/0 than risk at all going 0/1/0. Pro-players want champions that scale, Zed falls off like a rock once ADCs actually get decent items. Stop watch isn't helping and alot of supports already can peel Zed off. Zed buffs when? WE NEED HIM meta.

>this fag again

That's because Kai is a straya cunt. Cait just sucks in general, completely unappealing character and only exists as a crutch for autofill ADCs.

Will do

People said the same of Graves and Kindred too before they had their ankles broken with nerfs. Kai'Sa has good clears and damage and a kit that lends itself less to laning and more to farming jungle in general.

Fuck off Ant.

gold 2

around D3 you should start noticing better players

at what elo do people stop blaming me (jungler) for going 0/10 5 mins in because they wont stop pushing under the enemy turret giving the other jungler a free kill?

Rumble or Ornn ? Which one is more fun

>compare top rated guide to op stats
>everything is the opposite
Why does this keep happening?

when you start counterganking

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

everytime when I played Kled I went 10/1 before 20min and then we just lost game

Everything below D4 is literally interchangeable mechanically speaking. Usually the higher ranked players just tilt less

Rumble unless you're a meta sheep

is huhi the most likable na mid laner?


I'm sorry but your picture is highly disturbing

No no one said that about Graves or Kindred because Graves and Kindred have great mobility and have at least soft CC. Complaints about Graves and Kindred were focused elsewhere. Kai'sa has no ganking tools whatsoever and slapping her in a role that gives her less gold than going bot is only going to be a detriment for her team. Janna jungle would be more useful.

I think I'm gonna main this cunt

They did WHAT now?

lmao based play mid lane right there

Febiven is so good

Don't we all?

Wheres the best place to find LoL hentai.
Preferably futa

she's getting reworked soon ( in 7 months)

congrats you're already doing much better than the notalent hardstuck silver/low golds that infest these threads

keep chugging at it and you'll probably be diamond with enough games honestly

sauce for more?

>forget to ban tristana
>ally picks tristana
>think to myself it should be an easy win
>NOPE the asshole keeps hopping into melee range and getting deleted instead of just fucking kiting

I really fucking wish they would move power away from the adc role so that they can go back to being useless shits that the rest of the team has to carry since the role is mained by the most mongoloid playerbase

>tfw huhi missed a target thats standing still.

Vel'koz and Xerath outrange and destroy azir.

any of the boorus

>enemy team shit pick
>theyve all got negative winrates on those picks
>it's a fucking remake


>been playing a few months
>Already at Gold

How the fuck does that even happen? I've been hardstuck Silver for 2 seasons now. What the fuck do people improve that quickly that i'm not doing?

What's wrong with it? It's just two guys being dudes.

Splitpush and ult whoever is defending mid when they're coming for you. Although, you need your team to actually pressure mid and not be retarded, which never happens.


Kaisa has soft CC as well and her leash range for her passive allows her to jump into skirmishes from very long range.
>Janna jungle would be more useful.
No it wouldn't, and because even though Janna in theory would have fantastic ganks, she can't clear the jungle for fucking shit. A lot of champs are denied the ability to jungle for this very reason. Kai'Sa is not one of these champions.

where is my cock warmer Zyra main?

I'm actually really digging Clutch Gaming.

Cure yourself.

there is NO worse feeling than losing a won game



It gets VERY lewd.

>submissive Zyra mains
that's not something you gonna find user

>been hardstuck silver since season 2
>made a secondary account in season 4
>just because i wanted to practice champions without worrying about LP
>go 10-0 in placements on it
>get gold 4
>blast up to gold 1 in two weeks
>hit plat 5
>hit plat season 5, 6 and i took a break 7
>do placements hit gold 1 with it in a week
>still can't get my silver account out of silver

idk lol

Really? Don't diamonds go for 10 cs/m or some shit crazy? I can't hit that on a good game

Err, I dunno man. I didn't find it too hard to climb. Just played a safe easy champion like Tristana/Twitch ADC, focused on csing in lane and played safe in team fights making sure I was constantly getting off damage whilst out of harms way.

Worked like a charm for me. Also having a Shyvana Jungler as my second role helps as I can carry pretty easily with her if I don't get ADC.

Really though, you're probably as skilled as the gold players i'm playing with. I see no difference from them and the silver players that I used to play with

They're all pretty likable. Especially Febi

meta shifts, rito's shitpatch bonanza, learning matchups, revising your rune pages and attitude are the biggest factors.

Upper silver has plenty of people that COULD be gold if they did something slightly differently.

literally every Zyra main here is a sub

is it possible to change an account's email?

sauce me already my guy

>enemy team shit picks
>they've all got negative win rates on losing streaks
>my team is the exact opposite
>we get stomped

Everytime. I literally have more luck in games that look like they're guaranteed losses

n-no. i am a strong independent crazy plant lady.

>kog and wits end gets buffed
>all i fucking see non-stop is kog with lulu/taric/braum



She doesn't have soft CC at all. I don't know where you're getting that from. Red buff doesn't make a champ's ganks viable by itself. And the only time she would be decent for ganking would be post-6. Where she'd just be badNocturne who's already dogshit at the moment.

I was being facetious about the Janna jungle pal, but she would bring more to a gank than Kai'sa could.