/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #81


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proteus general

>when you high speed low drag flank in onward and sweep the whole enemy team

First for this used to be fun but is now worsening my depression.

4th for not being able to log in.

[Log:2/25/2018 12:54:38 AM] SendUnityHmdAnalytic: result: TooManyItems

[Exception:2/25/2018 12:54:38 AM] Exception: AnalyticsInterface not initialized! Call AnalyticsInterface.Initialize before sending events
VRC.Core.AnalyticsInterface.CheckInstance ()
VRC.Core.AnalyticsInterface.SetUserProperties (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 userProps, Boolean replace)
Analytics.SetUserProperties (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 CIAFCBIKBBH, Boolean NMCHJKFCBAB)
HMDManager.Update ()



>tfw you ace the enemy team in onward with a knife

man this maidreamin world is kawaii as fuck

I just replaced my idle to see if the eyes would change and they did, so i'm just at a loss now, my brainlet-ass has been trying to figure this out since last night.

>watching everyone around you fall to the proteus effect

such a lovely scenery

after he buys his VR Socks Ill be the last non degenerate in this group

i dont have vr sox, im pure.



I don't know who you are, but I'm pretty confident that I'll be the last non-degenerate standing.

>tfw you show off your crappy first attempt at porting MMD model and immediately get plenty of compliments and useful advices
I love you guys

hey /vrg/

What does it mean if you have a generic model, and it is upright when you drag it into the scene, but in-game it is on it's side.
pls halp

Pretty sure I will be since I rarely go to meetups anymore...I'll sing stories of your heroic virtue and your tragic fall.

>tfw got recorded showing "ironic" interest in VRsox

it was sideways in blender

you cannot outlast me


Gorn is fun.

Your purity is a thin veil that hides the degenerate within.

Purity? He's a rapist of afkers. Never forgive, Never forget.

That's a bold accusation. Any evidence?

>people call me a sloot or thot
>erp basically once a day
>avatar is a totally not a little girl im 500
what do you mean? sekko did that to undead, not me

My soiled body.
I'm not UD It was before that happened by weeks

fake news delete this right now

Kirsch, I...

What who r u? I dont remember this

It was a group effort, all you drunk degenerates...

The friday orgy night? I only remember sekko molesting undead

stop using girl avatars

i need a list of everybody who records meetups pronto

But it's fun to be cute!

are you ok, user?

How's it going, /vrg/?


i forget what night is move night?

Are any of us OKAY? user!????????

>weeks before
They got poor stiff ponytail too...RIP.

if it was weeks b4 orgy night I wasnt proteused enough back then


>avatar upload taking ages to show up

there was a dangerous slut hiding in that mute desktopper
how horrifying

unfortunately it is upright in blender

That's the Proteus effect user. Any combination of VR + anime girl avatar inevitably leads to a slut. Leg trackers speed up the process.

does it have a bone? otherwise you probably need to adjust the position in unity, other people have had this problem but I've never encountered it so I don't know

post more

I've been an anime girl since the start and I've been fine.

no bone
and I have adjusted it a little bit in unity, it didnt seem to effect how it appeared in game, though i could just be doing something wrong.

If it's not the first time you're uploading the avatar it's probably not going to show up at all. Go to Inspector > Pipeline Manager > Detach, then upload.

it needs a bone.

Probably not the person you're thinking of.
I will tomorrow.

Thanks, I'll try that.

Same. I think it's because promiscuity/polyamory has always disgusted me, and not in the "ree I wish it were me" sense.


Don't get complacent if you want to remain pure, I was the same up until a couple of days ago. I've been playing for a month and a half and I started kissing with qt muties this week. My brain just doesn't really feel resistance anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually fall further


>he doesn't recognize that magician

I want to have a song thats pretty subtle that just plays when people are close to me. could anyone tell me some good values for audio source?

alright, so i know how to add a bone in blender, but how does one combine it with the mesh so that it's just not out on it's own?

How do I prevent automatic eye blinking when I am doing hand gestures? For example when I do my wink hand gesture there is also an automatic blink that happens from time to time and it makes my character double blink which ruins it a bit.

>Can't upload so try detaching pipeline
>it says login from the settings menu
> got logged out somehow
>401 error on logging in

Disable blinking in Blender.

Is it possible to add blinking without having eye bones? My character doesn't have any, and I'm sure it'd take too long to fix them properly so I'd rather just give them blinking st the very least

I just got mine to work, so keep trying!

>join VRC for fun
>have it
>later in the night, everyone goes off with someone
>log off, go to bed

I can't wait to be a desktopper in 3 days when my parts come in.

Some day I hope to make my yugi avatar have a magicial girl transformation just like the show

I want that 2d barkley package

who will real women leach off of when they all get replaced by VR girls(male)?

will we have inner city ghettoes full of women?

fuck off Yugioh user first exodia and now this just bugger off ya blasted cunt

Still can't login

The inner thot was unleashed.

There are plenty of dudes out there who are incapable of carrying their relationship with their vrgf (male) into a physical one (and even if you do like dick, is the man you have a relationship with even physically attractive to you?). As long as the desire for touch is there and the tech can't match it, 3dpd women will be fine.

why are you replying to this guys bait seriously user?

I'm gonna post this here since for some reason it doesn't say it in the Build Control Panel, but you need the Thumbs, Middle, and Index mapped for gestures to work.

i fapped to this

If it's going to be looping all the time, I'd say it should be pretty low. Maybe .2

In the unlikely event that I fall that far down the slippery slope, I could uninronically attempt to make it work if my VRfu was legitimately a convincing trap irl. As long as you're feminine and have a good personality I don't care if you have a dick or not.

Any way to keep particles from facing the viewer and keep their world position? I'm trying to make a raincloud and don't want the raindrops to come out sideways or something


I hope this isn't how my VRfu feels about me

Glad you enjoyed it user~

couldnt login to vrc anyway

I've tried to follow the videos as they do it, but I can't get gesture overrides to work. At most I disable the default gestures.

Don't worry user it's unlikely, I don't think anyone takes this game that seriously. I was just talking about the 0.01% chance.

fug so this means my quadruped can't gesture

Solve one problem, encounter two more.

If you have, some non mesh model in blender, you would normally alt + c and get a mesh for it.
But I cannot tell if anything is even happening until I attempt to join a bone to it. Then blender it will me "no mesh data to join".

Am I just fucked?

>I don't think anyone takes this game that seriously.
You'd be surprised, user.

>tfw no VRfu

Alright I'm ready, ONWARD W H E R E ?

Gimme some funky beats to play on my boombox vrg

Can I fap to you in game?

Do you seriously think that we could see legitimate romantic relationships form out of this game? I'm pretty sure most of the people playing as anime girls aren't gay?

DK64 rap obviously

Anyone here run VRChat with the oculus on a 1050 ti? Also got a i7-3770 and 16gb ram. How will I fair? Apparently i hit the minimum reqs but i don't know whether to get a rift right now. Either way i can't upgrade the gpu at the moment because lel bitcoin