when does elo decay begin? Does plat elo decay?
Gas Malzahar mains
xth for fuck flex queue
I don't think I've won a game since doing my placements
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!
post perfection
What champion pisses you off the most?
I watch Qt every day and I'm still bronze
what did she mean by this?
This is a melee toplaner only thread.
I want to cum in her ears so it gets stuck and she has trouble cleaning it out!
>tfw no qt petite gf
RIP Leona. It was fun while it lasted
Back the HECK off!
>>expect the void girl adc to be disfigured and inhuman and mangly like big sister from Bioshock from her time in the void
Why? That's a stupid expectation to have
what's the point of banning no champions?
To clarify, I watched Neace's coaching vids. I know /lolg/ has mixed feelings about him but his advice worked for me.
I approve, I just hope RIOT doesn't destroy the perfection that Annie is with that ugly trailer rework
>demolish instead of bone plating against gnar
>half health renekton engages on a full health darius
>uses both his dashes offensively
>darius trades back and kills him
what's the point of banning one?
demolish is too good on kled
plus bone plating is easily taken off cd by his just autoing me
Hope she gets a pool party skin
I tried playing this champ and he's just boring as shit, why do people like him so much?
playing high level awesomenauts actually got me from silver to plat
I think the simplified moba format helped me understand what exactly was important to winning.
yes. if you stop playing you'll decay into gold. just play a ranked game once a week (even if the decay timer is actually 28 days, because if you try to play every 28 days you'll inevitably miss the timer and cry). you're already here anyway.
>dl dying with flash again
someone murder this chink holy shit
Way to reply to year old pasta
Buff Illaoi please.
Kai'sa lewds when
this picture would be better if we saw her cute feet
I guess its my fault for trying to play ranked on the weekend. Is the only good time to play before 12pm on weekdays?
I'm not even loosing games in a good way. People keep dying to the same shit over and over and over and over. I even had a Cait try to freeze the wave at 12 min while everyone else is loosing. BITCH, HIT THE FUCKING TOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you even speak english?
Fuck RIGHT off!
>he can't move
close but wrong
fuck it's the weekend already?
I wanted to play all day but guess I'm gonna have to fap all day instead
Annie has cute feet.
Annie is literally perfection
>game is practically ended im dead from the last teamfight we won
>pinging nexus
>cat is literally hitting nexus to end it alone
>aatrox and teemo are at baron
>end up killing it and cat gets killed while the nexus is at 20%
>they all come back kill teemo and aatrox and fuck our nexus up winning
I don't know why I even have this game installed
>try to hit illaoi
>she sends a billion tentacles crashing down on me
>don't engage
>she can't really do much and ends up pushing my lane all the way
>dodge her hooks as much as I can
>jungler can't come because her ult is up
>end up just staying under tower as she destroys it little by little
>post tfw flyquest
>tfw will never spoon annie
>not even the best loli
>dodge hook
>beat her ass to death because it's CD is fucking 20s
What is Riots endgame for this splits script? Obviously they can't let TSM win again cause no one likes them anymore.
>ywn stick your dick in her butt
Zos is absolute trash
How is the game these days? I'm looking for a time killer while Paladins gets revived from near death.
Was nalcs today? Were there any good games to watch?
>take break from league
>come back and look at the new notes
>riot talks about some champions being too consistently strong and having easy lanes constantly
>darius buffs
fucking WHAT
Darius is fucking shit tier m8, top lane is hyper tanks that never die and wanted cancer. Bruisers literally have no place in the game.
Is there ever a reason to get berserker's greaves on an adc? Tabi and mercs seems better.
jax buffs when
I wanna play support for a while who should i play? and why do i want my adc to bully me?
darius is ass now, he can't even beat tanks anymore, and he gets kited to hell as always
post discord and ill bully you
>try to get near her
>nope lol all the tentacles around her come down when she autos you
>btw she heals off it
Lulu is CUTE and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!
that has also been my experience
there must be a lot of people on that haven't played in a while who are checking out the item update.
I dont believe you
What situations would I take them
>Kat on enemy team
>im not mid
oh boy here comes another loss
>adc is bad
>but you tryhard as janna
>suddenly your adc seems to be in a unkillable god-mode
holy shit this game is so adc-oriented i needed to tryhard on the most braindead support to win
i think the LCK has spoiled me this year, trying to watch the LCS is absolutely painful
Almost every situation since an ADC is an offensive stat check and is trying to bolster their stats to snowball their game.
You get defensive boots because it's an easy way to fit some resists into your build early and you're not the only carry on the team.
Beserker greaves are default because of how cheap the offensive stat boost is. They're the best option in almost all situations
cause you can win games being literally braindead for 30 mins
get a load of this silver theory crafting
when she pulls the "ghost" from you, you just facefuck her in melee range. Do this pre-6 and you will have no problems. post-6, when she uses ult, you move away, wait it out and then re-engage while it's on CD.
Illaoi is a champion all about punishing those who don't recognize windows of opportunity.
I will kill myself sometimes.
Bots play better
try to watch some high elo korean soloq and compare it to na soloq, the difference is night and day, legit everyone looks amaizing and if you make one mistake you're fucked for the rest of the game i have no idea how people can get that good
Why dont you offensive stat check the rengar thats kill you in 2 q's
Tabi save lives, youdo 0 dps when dead
cause korea has more players than NA, so being challenger there is in fact harder
>Morg's build
>watch vods of any high elo korean one trick
>its 1000x better than any NA one trick
its depressing
why are we so bad bros
What makes the yellow man superior?
How do I press Q fast enough on evelynn? I feel like I'm missing the rhythm
Why lulu over janna or someone? i like lulu so i might play her
Do people actually do that? it's CapinCold#5210
>adc bad
>adc + janna = unkillable god
>"lol adc isn't bad guys"
it's almost like the support matters more than the adc
>Finally lost it and told every person on both teams to kill themselves after a massive loss streak
>Permaban for sure incoming
Ahahaha I did it, I'm finally free!
I want to flipping die, dude
Are you leveling an account or something? Just play bots, boost(s) or without.
Alternatively buy an account.
Try Zyra or Brand.
1. play janna instead of nami
2. follow around the most useful person and press e repeatedly
When you have a lot of heads going after the same spots competition actually has to improve, where the west few even try to reach that level so that bar isn't high. Plus people will throw a game long before trying to win just off bad manners alone.
This happens in every esport thats played internationally.
It's not about leveling an account man. It's about fuckin forced winrate when riot matches you up with brainlets. Its so stupid.
Is their a rengar on every team? No there's not. Is the rengar always fed? No he's fucking not.
Ninja tabis are picked less and win less than beserker greaves because the situation you need tabis are already unfavorable.
No one defualts to tabis or Merc treads
>give up top lane control and 20 cs early into the lane phase to teleport bottom and secure a double kill for the adc
>adc repays me by snowballing the lead in their lane and carrying the game
>immediately commend them once we win since they did exactly what they were supposed to do
>suddenly flooded with all the memories of the support that i worked with constantly in roams, objective control and how the sustained and won us multiple teamfights
>immediately feel regret
Im sorry i didnt notice you support chan
Care to expand on this, friendo?
wrong it's because simply getting to masters in korea with a decent win rate can get you picked up by a team. that's why everyone tries the best they can to constantly improve.
all of the big teams in korea with have like 10 unofficially signed players they keep just in case
It's literally just attack speed.
ADCs dont need more attack speed they just need to not position like retards and click the enemy.
I pick volibear when warwick is banned
I wanna sing cheesy love songs with Lulu!