New Beginnings Edition
>last thread
Post server IPs that are semi-regular. so we can get an OP established.
New Beginnings Edition
>last thread
Post server IPs that are semi-regular. so we can get an OP established.
Other urls found in this thread:
Very nice, now it can be found on the catalog, accept fate fellas we're here now
This game worth getting lads? There enough Veeky Forums players that I don't have to play with normalfags?
Is that the 50 man server?
It's free, so yes
Why did you post the server that's already in OP?
Are you a fucking idiot?
Absolutely worth getting
Better get in and have fun while you can before a meta is established and turns it into another tryhard no fun allowed game
>why did you try to get as many people into the meme server as possible
Its free and unless you join servers not posted here you won't find normies
It's in the OP, you are a gigantic fucking retard and don't know how Veeky Forums works
Can I play if I don’t have a lot of experience with SCP or am I going to get banned for being new like SS13?
How do you play this game? Every match instant death and then waiting 30 minutes for the match to end.
>getting triggered over nothing
No shit. We're all new here, due to the banishment.
Who are you quoting?
Normalfags are more fun to play with at this point. Over the last two or three days /v/ suddenly got super duper serious and now actively teamkills anyone who tries to have any fun.
It's free
No one cares dude, just hop in the server and play along until you figure out what to do
That's what I did
If you're:
>Scientist/Nerd: Escape, avoid Chaos Insurgency and SCPs
>D Boi: Escape, make fun of nerds, Avoid NTF and SCPs
>NTF: Kill D-Bois and SCPs, rescue scientists, activate nuke
>Chaos: Kill Nerds, rescue D Bois, kill SCPS
>SCPs: Fuck shit up
your mental state
>before a meta is established and turns it into another tryhard no fun allowed game
Too late, it's already happened. Now servers have speedrunners that teamkill anyone who takes a second too long to upgrade cards and faggots who teamkill anyone who even tries to play music through their mic. The game is just a glitchy, poorly balanced coutnerstrike now.
70% of threads up have been so for more then a month.
One game in a game specific board in gets targeted for no reason.
Offtopic threads reach bump limit
People start to ask why
>"DURP, just read the OP, DURRRRRRRR"
I know the goals. I just have no idea how to play.
So did this general get bullycided off /v/ or something by the hotpockets?
I thought Chaos was supposed to Nuke?
host here, checked and my server is full but if it opens up feel free to join.
What is Rip Van Winkle about to do to that shota?
Reposting since thread got deleted.
>be a free game
>with no politics, waifushit, microtransactions or popular youtubers talking about it
>created after an idea of Veeky Forums
>popping out more OC than 99% of other games on /v/ did in two weeks of time
>community is niche and and the game is fun
>bannished to remain on Veeky Forums
What did he mean by this?
You will buy her game right?
It was her turn!
Nintendrones BTFO
What does /v/ think of x?
What would the farts of x smell like?
Do videogames cause violence?
*ruins your guild*
This is our son's room
Skeleton boss
Hat are some games where I can x?
Woah, so THIS is [waifu]?
This is x, say something nice about it.
Leave x to me.
When did AVGN peak?
Was it kino?
It's up
*posts twitter screencap*
This is my wife x.
American level burger music starts playing
DoA thread
He killed millions
What went wrong?
I love x!
Buyer's remorse
Wait a minute that card
Us gamers right
This is your x for tonight
Remember, no russians
This is the perfect female body...
Buy my game
*erases your save*
is piracy theft
imagine the smell
well seymour I made it despite your directions
is this loss
Pic related.
>did this general get moved to video game generals
like all generals, yes
reminder to close the fucking gate doors if you're not immediately using them
Chaos can nuke too, winning isn't really specified, you just win when you win
I don't understand how you dont know how to play an FPS homie
unless you're chaos
I want a quick escape and if you can't deal with a fucking skip in the easiest place to kill each and every one of them then get the fuck outta my face you casual
>When you kill everyone as Radical Larry and keep checking your room so no one can femur break you
>some NTF manages to get past you and get into the pod to sacrifice himself
>he was the last person alive and the game ended
fucking RADICAL
>doc and 5 zombies camp ntf spawn
was your "quick escape" worth it
Unfortunately, yes. I guess you could try to write a feedback file, a tweet at @Veeky Forums and maybe also contact dierctly Hiroshimoot, to reach them and get an official answer, but it might not even be read.
Still, it's better to try at least, instead of just vanishing quietly forever due to playerbase stagnation.
since we're pretty much doomed to death at this point lemme say the four games I got to play with you guys were pretty fun
What do you think?
Yeah because there's another gate I can just go to and Z-Boys are easy as shit to juke
>All the SCP's get out
>Camp spawns
You ain't too bright are ya boy?
is there no voice on the memesystem server?
I'm spectating it now and I'm not hearing anything
voice is fucky with more than 20 people but the games get more cuhrazy
but the whole point is to talk to people
mods are desperately monitoring this thread, holy shit how fucking sad can they be.
absolutely S E E T H I N G
Get over it already
you can still talk if you load early on round restart
Usually, whenever I join a game in progress, it doesn't work. However, once the round restarts you can hear people
>was gonna download minecraft again for the first time in like 5 years
>found this game because of the e-drama instead
sasuga hotpockets
post memes and OC
Where the heck can I find a map for this game?
Google aint giving me poop
>so did this general get moved to the video games general board
it's random
>get over video games being pushed off /v/
>get over asshurt niggerfaggot hot pockets monitoring the generals and banning anyone calling them out
how does it feel being a bootlicker for a fucking unpaid moderator for a british broadcasting board
>Spends all day every day reporting threads
>Tells everyone else to get over it
The general got moved to Veeky Forums. Big surprised. If anybody is SEETHING here it's you.
>didn't spawn for two waves in a row
explain this shit
>fucking 40 peopkle
>mods let porn threads and literal shitposting threads run rampant
>mods let Kingdom Come (which is about as old as SCP: SL) threads go into excess of 15 at a time
>mods let /v/ermin weekend and risk fo rain threads occur on a daily to semi-daily basis
They do it for F R E E
>general got forced to Veeky Forums because one asshurt nigger was spamming F5 for FOUR HOURS and deleting any thread that popped up
>this came about because one guy kept spamming reports and every single thread
>the people who wanna play video games are the le SEETHING XDDD ones here
so you get video games pushed off /v/, then come to Veeky Forums to gloat? thats really pathetic dude
Any news about the patch or any gameplay webms of shyguy from the stream?
I made this
Right now Shyguy is too OP for mainstream. they're going to nerf him slightly then test again.
What's stopping you from playing the game?
Devs had a YouTube stream with 096 in action
>be 049-2
>MTF guy trying to herd me into a cell
>keep taunting him while I wait for the doc to come
>finally the doc and another zombie show up
>aww yes we've got this fucker
>he traps all three of us
I hope you're happy you fuck
>forever moved to Veeky Forums
Welp, that's it lads. It's over. It's been fun.
>20 dbois at the gate
>not one card that can get us out
nobody said its stopping people from playing the game
but in a week or two these threads will die for good or be filled with tripfags blogging about their fucking lives and nobody will play the game anymore
We could probably take breaks, recreate the threads when the big updates hit to keep the controversy and usual Veeky Forums problems down
is allowed to hit the bump limit while SCP threads aren't even allowed to exist
You heard the mods, post tweets about SCP from literal whos and we're safe
sure. This is just to keep threads running for now.
Yea, building animosity right now won't help our cause, lets just lay low until the update hits and we have something new to discuss.
antagonizing the mods like this would just put them on guard and give them actual reasons to prune these games for spam, though that still leaves the Anons who'll remember us well enough to call for them
How do you kill the SCPs? They kill you in one hit and can survive a dozen headshots.
Did I seriously get banned for making an SCP thread?
Wtf is going on? first the Reddit cunt's ban me for calling the shitty homestuck SCP crap. and now I'm banned from /v/ for talking about vidya.
The worlds gone mad I tell ya! MAD!
The guy who found out about it said to just teleport while jumping to cause that
Very nice
Fuckin saved.
>no one has reposted that copypasta of SCP threads being an SCP while Mods are a task force
I knew I should have saved it
you remind me, if the space inhabiting killer machine who loves Homstuck and Tumblr can get a pass for approval, then how would bringing another meme into SCP classfication work out? wouldn't mind seeing the Skeleton Army you keep seeing in Halloween become a thing
In a few days the mods will have another pet peeve to launch an autistic crusade against. Might as well keep stirring the pot because a bigger issue they need to deal with will eventually come up
>Closing door on peanut for 2 min. straight
>Tfw he eventualy HAYAI'S into your room and snaps your neck