Other urls found in this thread:
describe your pre 30 lvl experience with 1 picture
>5% playrate
>15% banrate
I just...want to play
ahri is a slut
>tfw no qt petite gf
>snowing and freezing outside
>no fat gf to cuddle and keep me warm
send help
Who is this Vayne cosplayer?
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
what is difference between "shove" and "push" the wave, aren't they the same thing?!!
I want to sexually harass other male yordles with Kled!
fuck off underage
>would rather have bad ass stuff than sexy stuff
>implying they didn't vote for the cleave
For a badass skin and a more sensible AU for Illaoi they would've voted for the skin where she's working alongside some dark space entity, not something where she's almost mechanized by Viktor and uses some pitiful security bot's head as her idol.
Yeah they mean the same thing. To push minions into tower so they die and miss gold and exp.
Do you guys remember Thresh?
>fat gf
>posts LeBlanc
fuck. off. my. wife.
Can you stop this bullshit
LB is STICC with breasts if anything
>someone dodges in champ select
>Queue pops again immediately
>you're practically guaranteed to get autofilled if you accept so it's safer to just decline and queue up again
Is this even an intended feature or is it a bug that Riot couldn't care less about?
>already reposting my shitposts
Wew, that was fast. Hope you saved the other one too.
i stopped following pokemon after the first 3 seasons
>Feeding kids in low level games telling others they are silver
Levelling new account has been terrible recently
ur a slut
Is Eve OP now?
Cassiopeia is pretty! PRETTY!
LeBlanc is the perfect combination of curvy and slender you mongol
How could anyone forget the champion whose most notable feats hinge on a move with a generous hitbox?
>pick morde jungle
>mid lane is feeding horribly
>adc is getting out cs'ed and solo'd by the enemy support
>support janna is not shielding anyone and going for cs
gg better jungle won
what no I just want to know the source,who is she mate?
The Quake player?
>get 5 out of 7 towers for my team
>going 10/4
>3/8/5 janna tells me that we lost because i was split pushing as udyr
Some people are just retarded
Source is a video of her dildoing her twat. There's no hardcore.
tell me about snekpussy
The reminder is nice, but who ever denied it really?
Akali picking niggers EVERYWHERE
>hurrr me collide into you with the force of 1000 suns for 8 billion damage, energy champion btw
ahriposters are sluts
Oh you're in promos?
Here's your top laner
just tell me her name then will you please?
haha just learning :)
>play Vi
>mfw I have R up and the enemy flashes
>playing Singed with the new movespeed tonic and Celerity rune
Only in the right hands. Chance that you meet eve main like myself is really low but people dont risk even that. FUck
Literally your own fault for not playing a tank you always need 1 or 3 tanks every game to make akali zed yasuo kat etc players commit suicide
>when they have a jungler, and corcky goes top with you, what's the point even trying
How do you even lose this hard as nasus
>enemy spends more than 1 second into gas
>take all of their health thanks to meme mask
It's actually so fun to play singed know days
>bro just like have 5+ years of knowledge and game play experience when you're fucking level 15 LMAO
You know it slut
by building triforce as your first item
varus was a FAMILY MAN
She seems pretty self conscious about her looks, I bet she'd like to hear compliments every now and then!
Did the damage buffs help after the 2% HP nerf in 8.3? Do you max E second now?
Do you think she'd hug you and wrap her tail around you if you told her she was pretty?
should've told riot you cared about their old lore then :^)
Honestly not sure.
But I'd do it anyway if it meant making her smile.
Woops my bad did not read
For me it was Zed Akali and Kat niggers were really annoying but Zed was a nightmare
>describe your pre 30 lvl experience
Nigga that was YEARS ago for me you mouth breathing git, but I remember my pure white hate for akali and her auto win bullshit.
>[Posted Deleted]
NAH senpai niggas get to see your mistake
>clearly does not belong in silver
>lets put him in silver
No bully please :( too dumb to read don't let other anons know
what league waifu has most posters?
>4W 21L
How is he still Silver 2?
is camille balanced?
yes she is very balanced
imagine walking on those blade
>plays like a sub 60 iq ape
>gets placed in silver
I don't see the problem user
The better question is which league waifu has the most dedicated posters, because one autistic lulu main could easily outshitpost a dozen ahrifags.
not in the slightest
suffers from nu-riot does everything, literally the perfect bruiser
>wins all trades against any champion
Are you fucking kidding?
you don't know who ur messing with kid
Delete your Veeky Forums gold account IMMEDIATELY >:(
I bought and mained Ahri for 3 months because of posters like you
it seems like lulufags are the most dedicated for sure.
No Shaco so I can't play mind gaems.
Huh I do with a cutie ahriposter
Not even a debate.
thanks mate gonna beat my meat to a pulp now
>Swain can recast his E
hit you with the charm huh? did you have fun at least?
uh oh... don't call me cute or else I might blush
Remember when Nidalee was playable mid?
Remember when Kha was playable mid?
Remember when LeBlanc wasn't useless?
Remember when each team didn't have at least 3 tanks each?
I prefer jerking off to ahri then playing her I found
qt pie
Playing on the SEA servers does wonders to the deterioration of your patience, especially in peenoise servers.
I should know, I used to be one of them.
LeBlanc actually got a huge indirect buff with the new AP items btw
I maw W and E simultaneosly. Both are great
nice picture!
that's gross, Ahri is for cute
hah! I was prepared that time. you can't fool me twice. you gotta try harder than that kid.
What champion pisses you off the most?
I too remember when the game was decided in the milliseconds it took to pull off 1 second 3000 damage combo's
I do not remember it fondly
Sorry dude I get horny easily
>botlane goes 0/4 in the first 3 7minutes
>enemy jg ganks them once
>they lose first turret and blame their jgler for not camping the lane
>anytime its brought up they lost lane they just say they got camped despite only getting ganked once
Just take the fucking blame god damnit
yasuo, illaoi
Very nouce healing.
But for some reason, a good Yasuo makes me want to bludgeon my hands on the keyboard(especially when I'm playing Riven).
Why do you fucking care? Just mute them all
>Bullet Angel Kai'Sa
Thoughts on the Chromas now that we can see them in full detail?
I dislike none of the looks, but with the helmets on the competition becomes much more even, although, I keep my ranking of the 4 that exceed the base and the 4 that are beneath it. Intentional or not, it's a pleasant outcome.
Still takes 1.5 seconds to kill someone.
how do i get good with ausol?
Post an image that can help me un-tilt after an awful game