/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Dead class edition


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What’s under the radar /hsg/?

Your mother


you okay?

>discordfags in charge of making the OP again
And would you look at that, NA fags have started waking up. Time for the overall thread quality to go down the shitter.

Pure Yip armor warrior with double bladed gauntlet and rummaging kobold.


So what's the deal with this? Between ranks 15 and 10 I was playing a metrick fuckton of people with golden heroes, multiple golden Legendaries and epics, Legend card backs and the works... then at rank 5 and higher it went back to people using regular cards and more diverse card backs. How much do you have to spend to get an all golden deck? How long does it take to get a Golden portrait? Most of my classes have 20-100 wins. I want an animated hero but it's gonna take fucking forever to get one.

Do you have a list? I pulled Yip and two Gauntlets and would like to try and armor building deck. Sounds fun.

Jokes on you I'm yuropoor

How do we fix Warrior and Shaman, lads?

Revert the unnecessary Hex and Fiery War Axe nerfs.

Give Warrior more expensive unplayable legendaries and shaman more freeze archetypes

Oh wait fix?


Threadly reminder that Rexxar still hasn't been fixed

Small indie company

Small indie company, what can you do.

I absolutely hate what they did with warrior this expansion pack. Did they really think it would be a good idea to make a third of the expansion's planned archetype a bunch of overcosted legendaries that you end up drawing before you can cheat them out anyway? All the while warlock does a way better job at cheating mana anyway?

Not sure if this would fix Shaman, but it would surely help Freeze and Totem Shaman a bit.

How does Miracle compete against Token Paladin? They can start going wide by Turn 4 and are pushing lethal by the time I start cycling and pulling spooders. Would it make sense to include Sprint for additional draw?


Golden portrait is 500 wins in Ranked.

A golden deck is only a couple thousand dollars of packs away, so get out your credit card my dude.

Good, then it's perfect!

Make it a 1/2.


That’s the point

>playing fun deck against dragon combo priest (who stole my DK)
>I dead man hand my dw2.0
>recruit him out
>opponent kills it
>more deathwings
Gutter legend can be fun

This would be a good card for Warrior.

Yes it would

This is pretty neato.

>taste my blade survives one turn
>this against a priest minion with fuck tons of hp

Bittertide Hydra BTFO

So how much gold have you saved up so far /hsg/?
Currently sitting at 315.


>he has friends and more gold and dust than you
hahahahhaha laughing at you, socially acceptable and well rounded human being


Those friends are mostly just anons I've gathered over the time by doing 80g quests with them.

Loot boxes are gambling and should be legally banned from all games. Children are being exploited. Games used to cost $60 and now cost $1000+. Explain why this is allowed.

"I've been playing hearthstone since GvG came out and I calculated all of my transaction history on the Battle.net site and it came out to a total of $1600. That's just $1600 on packs. Yeah, it's crazy thinking that I've spent a lot of money on this game since beta, but I've always wanted to complete the collection. It's just mind blowing to me that after I've spent $1600 since Beta, I still don't have all of the cards in the collection. Roughly still missing around 105 cards to complete the collection, and most of them are Epics. Even if I dust all of my 30k dust, I would still be missing some of the cards. I just thought that this was interesting (also an addiction lol) to spend a ton of money on this game throughout the years and still can't get all cards from each expansion."

I wonder who is behind all of this

Mobile games are just like that I used to be into one called Walking Dead and I quit when it basically told me "pay 20 dollars or lose all this stuff" but before that I paid 50 bucks and got horribly addicted but luckily I have a strong will but they make these on purpose so people will pay thousands.

My father works in Blizzard, so here are the HoF'd cards that will be announced soon.
>Ice Block


>Games used to cost $60
I remember when they costed $30-40
t.80s kid

I’d believe it all except shadowstep
Not that I believe you

Someone must be pulling your dad's leg, because Ice Block is not getting HoF'd.

Those replies were random btw

Too OP?

It's very strong but shaman is so garbage that it is probably required. I like it tbqh. You should apply for Blizzard I like your ideas.

Just played against a cubelock who had:
weapon on turn 5
voidlord on turn 6
doomguard into cube into dark pact on turn 7
another voidlord on turn 8
another doomguard into another cube into another fucking dark pact on turn 9
how to fuck does this shit happens

Th-thanks user

Except some people never got their legit questions answered.

your ideas are shit and you should kill yourself

See I'm used to that

kek you should make it so it only deals damage to minions otherwise it's going to be cancerous af in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wild

You realize they cant use these fan created cards..right..?

Why the fuck does duskbreaker require a dragon in your hand instead of a dragon on the board? Paladin is the only class that can actually play aggro because they are the only one that can get their minions above 3 health by turn 4.

Wouldn't even be the first time.

Wrong. They can blatantly copy & paste all these card ideas as long as they weren't e-mailed directly to Blizzard. If they're just posted online wherever, they can take it.

Yeah. What Shaman really needs is good expensive spells like Druid has. It would make Runespear viable too.

Some of the actual printed cards originated on customhs subreddit. Mike Donais even confirmed that they get some ideas from reddit.

Buy more pace

That's how Dragon sinergies always worked, it's not wrong by itself. Duskbreaker as a card has no reason to exist tough.

This would synergize so fucking well with the Spellstone, which is currently beyond retarded because you need to Overload to upgrade it leaving you without enough mana to play it the following turn. Too bad Team 5 went full retarded printing Shaman cards that don't work well with each other.

one day I'll complete my classic collection..

Improve this deck lads.

### Big Dick Spells
# Class: Mage
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Arcane Artificer
# 2x (2) Dirty Rat
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (2) Pyros
# 2x (2) Raven Familiar
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (4) Polymorph
# 1x (5) Deck of Wonders
# 2x (5) Dragon's Fury
# 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer
# 1x (5) Harrison Jones
# 2x (6) Blizzard
# 2x (6) Meteor
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 2x (7) Firelands Portal
# 1x (7) Flamestrike
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Dragoncaller Alanna
# 1x (9) Frost Lich Jaina
# 1x (10) Pyroblast
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Doesn't Elise just ruin your big deck synergy?

I usually save her for when a match goes into Fatigue, after playing both Dragon's Fury. The pack puts off Fatugue damage by one turn and gives me options if I'm close to exhausting my hand. I could try replacing her with another threat like Sindragosa or something for early game like Tar Creeper though.

Where is this link?

Take out Pyroblast, deck of wonders and one Acolyte and add Sindragosa, N'zoth and another Artificer.

Is Pyros enough fodder for Nzoth? I'll try out your changes for a few matches and see how I like it. Thanks!

its hearthpwn, but you need the program innkeeper for it

>21 face dmg on turn 6 against Hydrafags

>lethal'd next turn because the hydra guy hadn't taken any damage and he still has a 8/1

In what world do you live in where you can lethal a control warrior by turn 6? Even when it's a bad dack and loses, it loses on turn 10 or later thanks to the idiotic amount of removal and armor gain.

>discord shitposting thread again
sasuga /hsg/
don't let these faggots make the thread

>In what world do you live in where you can lethal a control warrior by turn 6?
Very easy with face hunter. Even more so if you let me stick an 8 attack minion.
I've never lost games due to hydra damage, but i've won a few where the enemy made unsafe plays just to damage the hydra a little more.

>user is so autistic that he actually reads the OP

might be a fun build-around for ancestral malyshaman, plus it would be more interactive than most malygos decks because you have to telegraph your combo turns.

Please stop perpetuating the stereotype that aggrolet players are literally retarded.

>no response

does this count mana crystals you've overloaded for next turn (by casting an overload spell right before you cast this for example) or just currently overloaded mana?

Believe it or not, leaving the Discord link in the OP does actually attract more retards to the thread.

I'm not the user you were talking to but your reasoning is pretty stupid. Just because you can smorc bad control warriors at rank 15 doesn't mean a card like the other guy came up with wouldn't be an incredible tool for control war vs. hyper aggressive decks with Hydra.

It's the same. Overloaded crystals are like "frozen" crystals that don't refill for a turn and then "unfreeze".

Good. The thread is dead so even retards are welcome to bump it every now and then.

I miss him

Decks that run hydra don't care about taking 21 face damage against a control warrior.
In some rare circumstances it would be good vs midrange, otherwise it's only good because it removes any creature with blood razor.

This is just retarded. It would be played just for the mana unlock since it's 0 mana.
It's like Purify. When they playtested the card with 1 mana, people would play the card all the time just to draw 1 card. No one gave a single fuck about the silence effect.
This card would be played just to unlock the mana crystals. Bump the mana cost to 1 and it would be a very niche card that would be used only in very specific trash decks. Either way, the card is badly designed.

/hsg/, now that fiery war axe is leaving a gaping hole in Warrior and the class is effectively dead, what do you think warrior needs in the next expac to come back?
HARD MODE: not a 2 mana weapon with some tiny downside that makes it basically a 3/2

2 mana 3/2 weapon that summons a random 1 cost minion for your opponent

2 mana 2/2 weapon
+1 attack when attacking a minion

a bigger version of candleshot that can't hit face

3 mana 3/2
costs 1 less mana if it's your turn

Rogue is worse than Shaman right now

miracle is alive and strong like tupac.
only reason its so low on stats aggregators is because nobody plays it.
sometimes it self-destructs and u don't draw auctioneer but the Leeroy burst is good as hell and sap is still strong even without corridor creeper
on top of that every aggro deck got clapped except murloc paladin


>play Nova Doom versus an all-in Giants Paladin board on turn 5
>he casts Holy Wrath on Doomsayer for 10

so this is the power of highrolling

>tfw my opponent threatens me with the Paladin otk
>hero power beardo coin hero power spell hero power and...
>hovering over my conced button
>he concedes
Well played uther but not this time, my meme warrior deck beats your meme deck

Honestly it’s refreshing to play against a deck that’s not priest aggro pally or warlock

I WON THE MAMMOTH BUNDLE!!! This is amazing I never win anything. Check your e-mails it looks like they are distributing the mammoth bundles. What a nice surprise to wake up and see this in my inbox.

Faggot I got nothing