
Does anyone, any where have ANY respect for Hitler?? If so, why??

idk, being able to go from weirdo neet homeless autist in 1909 to being in a position of power to start the biggest war in history in 1939 warrants some kind of respect

>from an early age was in love with German history
>rare instance where a politician had risked his life for his nation and wasn't born into wealth
>was given multiple medals for bravery in WW2
>almost died fighting for his country
>suffered from poverty afterwards
>was an artist but worked as a manual laborer to make ends meet so he was aware of the problems the working class dealt wiith
>joined a unpopular political party during it's infancy instead of joining when it was popular
>helped build it, managed to prevent factions from within from tearing it apart or engineering it for their purposes
>stayed with the party after it was banned in various regions instead of jumping to a more popular party
>went to jail after trying to overthrow the corrupt government, had his arm broken and was shot at just prior
>never wavered once in his beliefs
>once in power instead of making deals with the bankers and accumulating wealth he nationalized the banks
>kicked out subversive elements and foreigners, inspired nationalism across Europe

I suppose that the fact that his goals never changed and that he would go to ANY extent to attain those goals deserves some respect. Not once did he flip-flop...on any issue. I also think that his deep love for Germany was absolutely real. Does anyone know, for FACT just why eradication of Jews was soooo damned important??

They sought to destroy Germany?

Neo Nazis and Muslims love him.

>>was given multiple medals for bravery in WW2
What? He was given an Iron Cross in WW1, not WW2.

>Does anyone know, for FACT just why eradication of Jews was soooo damned important??
It wasn't important. It's a meme. Hitler never said anything about killing the jews.

I'm not saying he didn't treat them like dogshit, but for the most part a lot of what you hear like skin lampshades and Jew soap is propaganda from the Soviets.

He gassed some kikes and commies so that makes him okay in my book

desu i think that deserves alot of respect. as evil as he may have acted/thought/talked he was a special, unique guy and very talented.

i mean, if u had to take a limited number of people to go found a new world somewhere with the best of our people, i think hitler would actually probably beat a big majority of people on Veeky Forums to a place.

your skepticism is too muhc.

Hitler did nothing wrong!
DA JOOS made everything up!
He was just an Astrian painter who wanted to unite his people!

>mfw there are legit /pol/ retards who believe this

In WWI he was a soldier and in a position to win an Iron Cross...by WWII he was Chancellor of Germany and doing the ISSUING of the Iron Cross.

This thread is full of uneducated idiots. It needs more Veeky Forums and less /pol/.

>can't fucking spell
>can't fucking have a sexual relationship
>can't win the war
>his paintings suck
Decent taste in music but that's about it.

>Hitler never said anything about killing the jews.
>Ich bin in meinem Leben sehr oft Prophet gewesen und wurde meistens ausgelacht. In der Zeit meines Kampfes um die Macht war es in erster Linie das jüdische Volk, das nur mit Gelächter meine Prophezeiungen hinnahm, ich würde einmal in Deutschland die Führung des Staates und damit des ganzen Volkes übernehmen und dann unter vielen anderen auch das jüdische Problem zur Lösung bringen. Ich glaube, daß dieses damalige schallende Gelächter dem Judentum in Deutschland unterdes wohl schon in der Kehle erstickt ist. Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in- und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann würde das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa.
Which he repeated in different versions dozens of times.

And yet you provide no source

I've searched for the speech where he talks about the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe before and haven't found it

Care to enlighten me?

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Its actually in "Mein Kampf". That being said, what people deliberatly misunderstand about this is that the mphasis here was on the annhiliation of the jewish race 'in europe'.
Hitler didn't want to eridecate all jews, he wanted to rid europe of them, thats why he approved of plans like resettling european jews to Palestine or Madagascar. And why his politics aimed years at terrorizing them without actually stopping them from leaving, rather than rounding them up from Day 1, because the point was to make the m go away by whatever means necessary.
The death camp solution ultimately only won out because Hitler stopped giving a fuck and more opinionated people stood behind it than the other less feasible solutions.

[spoiler] Though realistically Hitler most likely had nothing against jews at all and just used them as a common foe to rally the masses against because it was the easiest way to do it.[/spoiler]


That actually makes sense...good comment / answer.


What isn't common knowledge is that a majority of the Jewish population in Germany in the 1930s were immigrants, mainly due to the first the inflation and then the economic crash making financially alluring; purchasing German properties, businesses, and goods was easy with outside wealth. Essentially many were a Jewish version of the Carpetbagger of the Reconstruction Era.
Then you have the social aspect where Jewish influence over cinema, sociology, anthropology, etc. were encouraging anti-conservative, anti-European thought and action- we can see that continued here in America with Franz Boas or Betty Frieden or Gloria Steinem.

>inspired nationalism across Europe

no he didnt senpai. Nationalist/fascist countries like Austria, Italy, Lithuania, and Poland all hated him

Seeing a Communist defend Jews just to spite National Socialists sickens me. You have Jews such as Kissinger or banker cartel families such as the Rothschilds or Schiffs or economists such as Friedman who have done more damage to the Communist ideal than any Nazi has. But please, do go on.

It's not a common knowledge because it's not true. Jewish immigrants in 1930s? Think before you write.

>Lithuania and Italy, Axis allies hated him
>Austria, which peacefully joined with Germany
>ignoring his influence on Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, etc.

This. If his ideals had been something else, he would have been a fucking hero.

>>Austria, which peacefully joined with Germany

Are you retarded? Their leader was assassinated after his battle/persecution of nazis plus the German occupation and """""election""""" to join. And no one in Finland or Romania much cared for him that mattered. They simply allied with him because they wanted to fight against the soviets for all taking their land (in a deal Hitler was responsible for btw)

History is more complex than that and you are simply very ignorant.

>“Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”

>“They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end.”

These Hitler quotes speak for themselves. Literally

Ever Heard of Slovak national uprising?

Its almost Like Communist propaganda

>was an artist but worked as a manual laborer to make ends meet so he was aware of the problems the working class dealt wiith
He had to do manual labour, because he sucked at art.

>never wavered once in his beliefs

>once in power instead of making deals with the bankers and accumulating wealth he nationalized the banks
You make it sound like if bankers were the only tycoons of capital. He made plenty of deals with other tycoons, despite his alleged affiliation with the working class.

bulgarian here
we "joined" only because the crazy hitler dude promised us soil and we couldn't really fight the nazis either

we even saved our jews

to this day there's people who believe hitler had our tzar poisoned so we would send soldiers to the eastern front

wtf i love hitler now

also he was literally one of us

>one of us
>idpol for the sake of idpol
yes, yes he was a weirdo i guess, so am i hence i should be a nazi - no
the point is he rejected being smart in those quotes

out the window he flies as soon as a person does that, regardless - i guess it's just priorities

He was just the ultimate version of the autistic school shooter, but on a much greater scale. I think thats why so many faggots on Veeky Forums make him out to be this sort of anti-hero

he wasn't autistic by any non-meme definiton

>he rejected being smart in those quotes
it's just a rephrasing of nietzsche

schopenhauer and nietzsche were his two mentors

>we are barbarians
>i am freeing man from the demands of a freedom and independence
ok, go read the quotes with an open mind
imagine if a BLM said that or a leftist or anyone you know and hate
ok, maybe you don't like liberty and not being a barbarian, emphasis on LIKE

i don't hate or disagree with BLM or leftists

more like Grant and Streicher

>The election was rigged!
>assassinated by an Austrian
>no one cared for him in Finland and Romania
Codreanu considered him a hero, the only ones who disliked Hitler were Carol and the aristocracy/upper class.
>implying Hitler wasn't aware the temporary deal with the Soviets was just that
>History is more complex
>but any action against the Jews was completely black and white
You mean the one started by partisans who rejected the actual nationalist government, the one supported by the Soviets?
>Maybe if I call it a Nationalist uprising that will fool them
Granted there was a large force, but it was comprised of Czechs and foreigners and was supplied by the Soviets.
What did you expect, your nation didn't participate in the invasion of Greece or Yugoslavia, you only entered after the Germans won. And THEN you sided with the Soviets when it was apparent they were nearing your territory.

>getting butthurt and immediately talking about jews despite it not even being the topic at hand

give it a rest Adolf.

>implying hitler was actually a racist

Adolf was an hero


>actual nationalist government
You mean the Germans puppets? Come on, you can't be calling these cucks "actual natinalists" with a straight face.

>Maybe if I call it a Nationalist uprising that will fool them
Who should they fool? For what purpose? Attempting to make Slovaks look like they were not collaborants?

>Granted there was a large force, but it was comprised of Czechs and foreigners and was supplied by the Soviets.
Proofs? It is quite known that Soviets were distrustful towards it and missed an opportunity for offensive while later attempting to steal the credit.

>provide an accurate example of hypocrisy in that statement
>focus on the fact jews were mentioned

Just making my point

It wasn't Nationalist because many of the partisans were either non-Slovaks or were communists/socialists/Soviet collaborators
>These guys were puppets, but totally not these puppets funded and supplied by the Soviets comprised of communists, socialists, republicans etc.

>It wasn't Nationalist because
It was nationalist because these men were fighting for their nation, while the collaborants were fighting for foreigners, not to mention a lot of the SŠ leadership were sucking the German cock only to prevent Magyar annexation.

>many of the partisans were either non-Slovaks or were communists/socialists/Soviet collaborators

Did Hitler make one good decision?

The last one

>continuing to focus on jews despite the fact that it isnt even the topic at hand

you are actually digging yourself deeper in the hole. Why dont you just cut the bullshit and tell us about how the holocaust never happened/the jews deserved the holocaust and how it was really Poland who started the war?

somewhat uncalled for

Go away leftist.

great rebbutal

great rebbutal

i still keked

>jews never have been a net detriment to the nations they have lived in
>jews have been expelled from European countries over 100 times in their < 2,000 years spent there and every time it was backwards, European fearmongering
>we can attribute negative personakiyy traits to various people's in Europe but not der juden, G-d's chosen

>prevent Magyar annexation

Well thank God you escaped those evil Germans and their regime and were welcomed into the warm, caring arms of the Soviets. Tell me about the Slovak post-war halcyon years my obvious Slovak friend.

>>we can attribute negative personakiyy traits to various people's in Europe
you and /int/ can, i can't

I do. Good lad who did nothing wrong.

Soviets suck, but hey still better than the Nazis.

It's kind of like HRE. It wasn't Slovak, it wasn't national, and it wasn't an uprising.

Please. During the beginning of the brutal and nightmarish 1950s Stalin directed the Czechoslovak Communists to carry out purges and the nation held the largest show trials in Eastern Europe. Between 1949 to 1954, the victims included military leaders, Catholics, democratic politicians, those with wartime connections with the West as well as high-ranking Communists. About 180 people were executed. There was no such thing as a fair trial as judges cooperated with the country’s leadership. The defendants, branded guilty before the trial began, even had to rehearse their testimonies in advance, as if it all were some cruel play performed on a stage instead of in a courtroom. (During the 1960s, some of the victims were rehabilitated.) And the greatest irony? Many of those imprisoned or executed were involved in the same "nationalist uprising" we were discussing.

Ignore that guy. Most Slovaks who actually lived during that period view the Axis aligned republic as basically the golden age of Slovakia.

>most slovaks would be a pet state
okay, do you agree with them

I absolutely agree with them, considering the tremendous economic development the country underwent, not to mention they managed to avoid the war until '44. I have absolutely no idea how anyone can praise the communists and their systematic destruction of traditional institutions, classes and economy.

>About 180 people were executed.
180? That's pretty low number you know.

Only cucks do. If there was a golden age of Slovakia than it is today.

slovaks are not that different from poles, just saying

you'd be german today though
but who am i fucking kidding "slovakia" has a bullshit made up history anyway, it'd probably have been for the better off. slovenia, slovakia, cz republic are all a bunch of memes worse than ukraine in terms of historical weight

>I have absolutely no idea how anyone can praise the communists and their systematic destruction of traditional institutions, classes and economy.
i agree, commies were a total failure

It should be a part of Hungary obviously - that's where its historical roots are.

>only cucks do
>golden age is today
The irony.

well the land was part of austria, i'm guessing some nebulous unspecified slav population lived there at the time

i mean they literally named it SLOVAKia, it didn't even have some older ethnonym to designate some sort of distinct people - they were literally just "some slavs"

am I wrong?

>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.

The ethnonym is literally "Slavs", they alongside Slovenes, Novgorodians and Slavonians were the only Slavs to retain the original name instead of adopting a distinct tribal one like Czechs or Poles. In all the medieval and renaissance documents they are called just "Slavs".

I respect that he helped public health. He also started the first anti-tobacco campaign. Unfortunately, he was also a genocidal maniac; that's kind of irredeemable.

We were soldiers

What are you impying Marian?

When there was other time when Slovaks were richer than Magyars and comparably rich to Czechs?

You're talking about the current pozzed climate full of LGBT, gypsy-friendly and muslim-friendly foundations funded by the taxpayer as a golden age while calling other people cucks. That's the irony.

> funded by the taxpayer as a golden age
learn2read. I said "As closest to golden age there was". Unless you want to wewuz about Great Moravia being Slovak state I doubt you'll find me a better one.

>limate full of LGBT, gypsy-friendly and muslim-friendly foundations
Nice memes, totally comparable to regime that was literally murdering civilians by hundreds. Jesus, remember you are not /pol/.

>you want to wewuz about Great Moravia
Obviously, the best Slovak state was Hungary.

>murdering civilians
You mean communists, Gypsies and Jews?

I respect him because he was adored by his people

looks like I am done here

Such cases.

>the Nazi puppet regime was brutal!
>only 180 people murdered? Thats nothing!

This is comedy gold

During Stalin's great purge there were on average 1000 executions a day. And it lasted 2 years.

Stalin was a paranoid armlet shitbag who died in piss soaked pajamas

>only 180 people murdered? Thats nothing!
Nazis could murder 780 people in matter of days. Hillarious isn´t it?

He was a smart man though, able to pick apart his opponents brains and stay on top.
So now its a pissing contest.