>This is the face of Shills that defend Ubisoft Dev team without giving any source or proof for their arguments and calls bullshit and deletes any post with actual reasoning and data that proves him wrong.
>Also this is the face of youtubers that edit videos like "that"
Jace Ross
/our girl/
Liam Ortiz
fourth for tranny op when
Gabriel Morgan
thanks to the user who suggested using a super high mouse dpi and lowering the in-game sensitivity. it feels tons better.
Ryder Flores
someone explain this mindgame
Ethan James
explain this
Cameron Hughes
House is a meme map like Plane so it doesn't matter what you do.
Hudson Campbell
The people who are money matching Tokido or Infiltration aren't absolute fucking shit at the game. A silver person is someone who still uses the very most basic bnb combos like c.mk fireball meanwhile the people they would get matched up against in Ubisoft's shit matchmaking are people who are running rushdown vortex on the most aggressive character where you are basically permanently on the floor
Isaac Parker
what's mouse dpi?
Noah Peterson
Every Ela plays like a mouthbreathing retard. My most recent favorite one is >Sit on site for 3:30 then whiff 35 shots on the attacker that comes
Jayden Brooks
I want to hug Ying!
Brody Evans
This is my wife Farah, say something nice to her!
Caleb Jackson
>doesn't know about cryan bryan >doesn't know about the sheer amount of money matches vs mid tier players like kbrad happen Just stop dude.
Julian Perry
>waifufaggotry in /r6g/ we need a waifufilter
Brandon Martin
Carter Hughes
First for thatcher and for shilling
Jacob Richardson
Benjamin Lee
Dots per inch. Basically, how sensitive your mouse is!
Cooper Perry
>i literally don't know what this means but i heard it's a funny meme on le internetz hehe
Chase Nguyen
I'm so sorry guys, I can't help it...
Mason Harris
i want to use IQ's smelly socks as a face towel!
Jose Hernandez
>unironically linking to /pol/ yeah no, fuck off back where you belong
Grayson Gray
Ayden Moore
very nice
Eli Taylor
you're retarded
Jonathan Gomez
you're right, I don't know who the fuck cryan bryan is
Joshua Cox
Nigga can't you read?
Nolan Cook
>/po/ is now /pol/ Weeeeeeeeeeeeew laddie
Isaiah Collins
Ok, user! You do you!
Julian Baker
Jason Brooks
He's not a real nigga
Anthony Richardson
Julian Gutierrez
I thought it meant hot girl with thick thighs...
Ian Bennett
>he thinks that /po/ is /pol/
Jordan Bennett
Being a ho has nothing to do with thigh size
Christian Bennett
Fuck off.
John Reed
How do I learn maps properly? I'm currently at platin 3 and have 50h, but still feel like I don't have any specific map knowledge and play the same on all maps.
Luis Lopez
Blake Wright
haha absolutely btfo'd
Colton Harris
Cooper Barnes
There is no need to be so upset. Take it in stride.
Austin Rogers
Play champs that actually utilize map knowledge like Valk, Echo, Mira.
Hunter Reed
Can you just leave please? You are embarrassing yourself
Nathaniel Roberts
Brandon Cox
yt stop using our words
Robert Thomas
Brandon Lewis
Awful art
Nicholas Fisher
Make vigil a 1 speed mobile mute jammer
Elijah Rogers
I bet you were the same people who complained about bullies growing up. Full circle. Assholes.
Eli Rodriguez
>He keeps going for it
Mason Lopez
>the city state of you
William Bell
>guy posts super old bait >people keep biting Why are you like this r6g?
Jace Brooks
So which of the new ops is the most OP? Did Castle get anything?
Cooper Gonzalez
>super old >bait
none of those are true
Noah Phillips
you got lucky by not hitting sledge in the head
Lincoln Fisher
New mode idea: TDM - Polish Hostage
Michael Hernandez
Camden Phillips
People confusing /po/ with /pol/ is both super old and obvious bait. It's not even free (you)s most places but r6g is so fucking gullible you could say Cav is getting a buff and people would ask "is cav really getting a buff" for a week.
Noah Price
Easton Baker
>last man standing >teammates are either non-english speakers or silent Give a brother some help, man.
Justin Foster
Caleb King
>make a "mistake" and get rekt for it >HAHAHA IT WAS JUST A BAIT!
Jack Barnes
should have not said anything then and maybe look closely next time
Grayson Hernandez
>some guy goes lol im retarded look how retarded i am >call it bait >lol wow i can't believe you thought that was bait
Alexander Rodriguez
>Be retarded >I -I was merely pretending lol b-b-baited!!
Anthony Bailey
Isaac Price
How come nobody uses le aged huemonkey pirate?
Joseph Martinez
user, you can't be bullied by other anons and if you can it's sad, our words should carry no weight to you. we're just numbers as far as you should care
Jordan Perry
Oh sorry lemme scream HE'S RIGHT THERE
Easton Diaz
Brayden Cooper
if im last man alive i prefer silence unless they are on a drone watching a flank.
I have dies too many times because some retard is talking when im trying to track foot steps or hear for a pulse activation
Easton Ramirez
The magapedes are really riled up tonight
Xavier Morgan
Isaiah Turner
Are lesion's mines invisible?
Joseph King
Just put Chimera live Poobisoft.
Nicholas Thomas
They're 95% invisible
Chase Wilson
They're cloaked in the same sense that echo's drone is cloaked. Why? I don't know. They're not exactly easy to see even without cloaking.
Ian Carter
much easier to spot with a drone due to proximity and collision.
If i have time ill just park my drone a few inches from it and shoot it then move forward again with the drone.
Justin Diaz
hes picked a lot above gold rank you fucking bronze
Dylan Foster
this reminds of that time when someone made a /pol/ thread on the /po/ board
does anybody have the screen cap?
Michael Green
Ash is cute
Jayden Flores
>tfw no iq granny gf
Jaxon Reyes
Jackal and Monty are really handsome for their age.
Anthony Ward
>thatcher 56 What the FUCK Also what happened to Capitão to make him look like he's 77?
Kayden Jones
Hunter Butler
Is it time for the CornerShot to shine now that attackers have bullshit abilities like global healing and wall hacks?
Evan Phillips
if they add cornershot it should be an attacker gadget not defense
Wyatt Rodriguez
>thermite and ash are a year apart
Matthew Williams
Is there any reason why weapons such as these are not employed by real CTUs?
Jaxon Flores
You're in a casual and see this faget What do you do?
Ayden Lewis
>finka flirts with tachanka >finka is 28 >chank is 50 nice.
Jace Walker
John Diaz
Why would I care about the opinion of a motherfucking soyboi nigger that's losing his hair and doesn't have a real job so he has to play videogames for a living ? You can't make this shit up.
King george is a nigger and a retard.. Almost every Siege streamer is a soyboy manchild or a fucking ugly autistic slut like annemunition.
So shut the fuck up, george words are shit.
Jonathan Campbell
m8 u one of those leReddit dudes? you dont get karma here so maybe kys ok?
Sebastian Price
Jacob Scott
he's brazilian
Camden Edwards
I feel like both sides could use it, but with the dumb shit attackers have been getting I'd give it to the defenders
Jayden Powell
Men who keep fit don't suddenly get ugly after reaching middle age, often quite the opposite.