Can't cripple the Ripple
Can't cripple the Ripple
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give it to you, made me laugh
>mfw put 1 more btc into ripple today
>you funny as mutherfucker
>you're right though
True. But ripple can cripple you.
Yeah, it is looking pretty promising.
its still all a gamble though.
I can only pray it moons and doesnt tank... I have iron hands and will go down with the ship.
>t. honest poster
I try not to shill. It is a good looking product for banking and I see why some foreign banks are setting up to get it going but who knows how the big banks will deal with it.
they may try making their own ripple clone to save the money of having to buy in.
>buy at ~9,500 satoshi
>sell at ~10,500 satoshi
done this 3 days in a row now. just started with crytpo so i'm only doing this as practice with a small amount invested to try to get used to trading. pretty fun tbqh. made almost $5! who jelly?
excellent tip user. Most of those motherfuckers pasting a fucking address and begging could learn a thing or two about it.
sold at 1800 today
>tfw I could only hope to buy past that
How do you feel about buying right now that you sold?
With Stellar, nocoiners be jeller
Nice trading back for btc at .20
why do people say ripple is a scam? I need the straight facts
thanks. i'll never beg for money, i think it's pathetic and would rather have nothing. and like i said i'm not trying to get huge gains or anything like that just yet, i just want to get used to the whole concept as it's quite new to me. what do you think about day trading crypto? do you do it? most posts i've read on this board involve buying and holding until it reaches some high price, but i think there's real good money to be made day trading crytpos.
Dont invest in what OP bought
Ripple is just a big Jewish plot
Make your profit reach new Heights
Go out and buy Digibytes
well fuckin memed
only came across a couple other anons that seem to do it daily with a couple of cryptos they saw they could do the same you are doing. Main difference they were using more money to do it. One of them got fuck over while he was sleeping for not leaving a stop on the exchange. I'm not doing it all day everyday, more like every other day. Lost a few bucks on shitcoins for not properly researching or reading the fucking graphs but all in all you can do what you do with 10 bucks or with 1000 bucks and you can grow from there. On top of diversify when you can and keep most of your money on the coins that seem stable or that don't seem to have a huge drop in sight. Also check commissions, the only problem when using small amounts is that a lot goes to the exchange in that back and forth.
Besides that all I have to say is good luck.
buying at 00009
i feel like a lot of people are doing the same thing that i'm doing with this particular coin. why else would it have such a high volume everyday? also, thanks for the tips. i'm trying to soak up all the knowledge i can like a sponge
I'm really lost on these - the shittiest of the shitcoins. I'm holding over 100k XRP and XBY, and every other thread is about how they're mooning or tanking. I check the price. Steady. Hasn't done a fucking thing in weeks.
Looks like the Asians are in play now.
This thing will rally at around a low of 9000 SATs and then launch in a few weeks.
Here are some facts.
ripples plan is to offer banks a solution for international exchanges that usually take up to 3 days and cost about 11$ a piece. ripple would allow this exchange to be almost free and would be able to complete it in around 2-3 seconds.
Thats why banks are actually into this coin and why people think it has potential.
some cons people say it has:
a chunk of ripple is sitting with the devs, this may or may not change soon because of a lock up. if a lock up is announced I would jump on asap though.
Another con is that banks might just try to do what ripple is offering for themselves and make their own coins and collude to use a central one. its possible but Im not sure how well international banks can communicate to do this.
yes this coin has risk associated with it. Just because the idea is solid doesnt mean it will actually work out and become profitable. thats just how shit goes some times.
the thing is, right now its pretty cheap, I bought in at .06 cents so I am already sitting pretty happy. Maybe grab a little to get your feet wet but dont jump in fully till a big announcement comes down the pipeline.
Also its one of the top 5 coins so its not a fucking pajeet coin. Im sick of this shit fucking shills suck.
Lock-up was announced, that's why it has jumped
crypto yoda said $1 by the end of this year. I think it will launch on any positive news. Banks are the ultimate jews, and this will save them so much money.
I thought lock-up was still just speculation.
I saw the post from the dev but he just said they were now considering it because banks wanted it.
Also the jump happened way before any info about a lock up. the jump was from japanese banks adopting it.
Is there any way to get that yoda advice for free?
I cant find reliable crypto info anywhere for free.
Also $1 would make me hard as diamonds. I would buy this whole site lambos.
>Is there any way to get that yoda advice for free?
he literally said it on his twitter
well shit.
dont follow twitter. Guess I should start, huh?
Btc is starting its tank. Move over to xmr or xrp?
gnt, eth, xrp
Good on you man. I keep seeing 'I've got nothing to lose' but there's definitely a pathetic loser attitude that weeps from the pores of people who beg too often. It might not have an effect at first, but after a few times people like that get brought low. No wonder we have so many scam threads floating around.
Just curious, how exactly do ripple holders benefit if banks use it for interbank transfers?
My understanding is that each ripple is just a container that can be programmed to hold as much 'value' as they program it with. In that case, it does nothing to increase the value per token. Or are they going to peg each unit to a certain dollar value?
once the supply is locked it is deflationary, meaning the price of 1 ripple can only go up over time, which benefits banks a lot and obv benefits us holders.
Banks would love if they grabbed up ripple and it jumped in price, if anything they might try to force it. regardless, it shouldnt lose value so I feel alright where I am at.
lol, okay. I guaranteed this long winded faggot is some guy who just heard about XRP after it mooned, and is now bandwagonning or is a shill himself.
Ripple is not supposed to make you rich. Its main goal is to become a currency for banks: something stabilized and CHEAP. How do we know this?
-100 billion ripples exist
This means, in order for the coin to reach any significant amount, the ripple company will have to be worth TRILLIONS of dollars. Now, i like banks and all. But its not like ripple is going to be the next microsoft or apples. Especially since their coins are just a copy of bitcoin.
-Banks are using it
After you buy the ripples, who the fuck do you think youre going to get money from? You think the banks are going to buy your overprced coin for you? No fucking way. Ripple is trying to cut a deal with the banks, so that they adopt their coin. The last thing they need is a bunch of neets screwing them over. The biggest currency holders of the world will literally be working against a bunch of neets.
And besides these points. The butt blasted autist said it himself
>banks will create their own coin
And plus, we already have banks that are considering using ETH, a much superior coin. you think they have any room for Ripple?
And get a load of this baka dissing my man, Digibytes
DGB has been in production since 2012, our fanbase is growing larger because of how our coins can be mined in games such as LoL and CS GO, and soon minecraft, and our coin will just be featured more and more in gaming. AND, we have a clear alternative goal to bitcoin(pic). This is clearly the beginning for what the digibyte is planning. And were Chinese focused!
And on a final note, think of it like this:
Investing in XRP now would be like buying Apple stock in 2010
Investing in DGB now would be like buying Apple stock in 1990
You do the math for which you think will make you more money. :^)
your argument was sound until you started shilling your shillcoin, now you have to sell me on it with more than just a shitty infograph
why shouldn't I just buy ETH?
As if anybody believes this blatant shilling...
I laughed at ur shill at the end
>holds DGB and xrp
double dubs.
when do you think dgb will hit $1?
Is gatehub a good place to store my XRP.
Two major Korean exchanges going live with XRP on Monday:
Expect at least another billion in liquidity added.
Get your positions in boys.
Holding 1K of XRP. Don't forget about the rumored supply lockup in June. Price will hit at least $1 (that would be just a small hoop).
>That last second shill of some worthless memecoin.
holy kek