$1800 BTC, $90 ETH this shit is too stressful. I'm scared to go to sleep at night. I miss the good old days. Like four weeks ago.
$1800 BTC, $90 ETH this shit is too stressful. I'm scared to go to sleep at night. I miss the good old days...
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Are you complaining about making. Too much money?
I love the money it's just the anti-crypto shills are getting to me with all their talk about bubbles bursting. I'm about 30k deep in this bitch right now, which is pretty much my whole poor fag life savings. It's just been fucking with my head real bad the past few days. Someone please tell me we're gonna be ok.
Forget about the price, just hold crypto that actually has a good chance at a future (Bitcoin, Ethereum etc). Think long term. There will be booms and busts, but don't let them phase you, think 2020 at least. That's when crypto will really take off.
It's ridiculous that so many people still don't realise it but Ethereum as a token of value will never succeed. It's like a Ponzi ready to implode at any moment. If you think it's going to pump fine but never says it's a good long term hold.
I sold eth at 50 and btc at 900 you don't know pain
Yeah man. Don't worry about that. It's just talk. Look at pic related for reassurance. That's a completely normal and healthy trading chart.
i sold eth at 25 bud
you know user... that last spike there looks like... kinda like the one in the start there... anyone else seeing this?
either die or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
at the beginning of the year i bought 100k of xrp at .006 and then sold at .008 but what can you do you cant predict the future
what are the strengths and weaknesses of ethereum?
Just put some stop losses well below what normal fluctuations are when you go to sleep.
It's easier if you're already at a profit. But 1500-1600 stop loss for btc and ~60 for eth.
Yes... it will have a crash...
I know this because some of the exchanges have already banned certain states and countries from participating as local state/country laws change.
Any state in the USA can require exchanges/wallets to hold FIAT reserves. For example in February Hawaii made it a state law that coinbase & other bitcurrency companies must hold FIAT reserves...
Coinbase and other bitcurrency companies no longer allows any resident of the state of Hawaii to participate or even if you're vacationing there and using a HAWAII IP ADDRESS you may not be able to log in or your account can get blocked.
If the same is done in major states like CA/NY/TX/FL/WA...it's going to really crash.
Ethereum will be used as "fuel" for dapps and smart contracts. Who will sign up for your ether blockchain based service when it costs $20 of eth to burn?
Ethereum isn't the fuel used for dapps, gas is. Gas price will be scaled as necessary. Please don't post about things you don't understand.
Every. Goddamn. Year.
Fucking cryptonewfags
>30k deep in crypto
Better that than 30k in Savings or IRA in an economy that's literally about to shit itself any day now.
You are on the winning side my friend. Now go take a chill pill and enjoy life.
If you can't sleep then sell now, it is obviously the top