League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
>Sejuani is currently meta
>Everyone, including all the proplayers, have been saying that this meta is one of the worst metas in a while
Really makes you think...........

I want to fertilize this plant.

Post comics you fuck

What champion pisses you off the most?

I'm diamond, I have over 2k hours in this game + observing various skilled players, and I have the perfect theory why some people are just hardstuck shitters and some people (mostly Koreans) are perfect league of legends slaying machines. This is especially also why Korea churns out one westcuck slayer after the other.

It all has to do with what your parents allowed you to do while you were little. See, gaming is an activity like playing a musical instrument or drawing in that you have to start from a young age to develop your max potential.

Elementary school Korean kids run off to the PCbang after class with their friends and play League or Starcraft or whatever for five hours a day. They're competing with eachother for little kid e-peen as to who can git gud because gaming is a social activity. This means that they're way more competitive and hardcore and strive to be the best, and the good talent hardly goes undiscovered.

Meanwhile in westcuck nations you have like one computer a household and mommy gives Timmy forty-five minutes of internet time a day. Then Timmy grows up to be a shitter who complains on /lolg/ that he can't get out of silver because of his shit teammates and everyone rightfully shits on him for whining- but it actually isn't his fault. He was literally deprived of the opportunity to make use of any potential he could've had.

Basically, next time you see a shitter blogposting with an embarrassingly bad webm that supposedly shows something keeping them out of Gold V, don't be mad or condescending. Just be gentle and nice to them and try to respectfully point out their mistakes, and also quietly remind them that teammates have nothing to do with elo. Thank you.

Mid laners belong to junglers.


Do petite gfs have petite dicks?

>Janna does as much damage as Cait

Will 100T make playoffs ?

akali in mid
>Hurr durr let me mash r like a mongoloid and get free kills

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!
Good night /lolg/! Sleep early!


no they have petite pussies




fucking nice dude

I love how Sona players act all cutesy "glhf guise XD!!" and then when things go wrong they turn into the toxic bitchy faggots that they really are underneath



>that FLY draft


thats all solo supports in general.

Fuck me it was hard this season.


challenger morde, dark star mundo, bard bot



>useless fucking swain mid
Retarded, just like every other retard that brags about getting banned due to their nonexistent self-control

Arcade ekko. Popstar Kindred. Pool party Sona.

popstar poppy

>cant decide which team to cheer for
>DL opens his mouth for 10 seconds
fuck TL lets go starfox

Young Ryze

Cloud deserves better

How do girls with fangs give bjs?

Both of these

On father's day.

joint release with Cosmic Kai'sa bundled with Kassadin

Pool party Annie

pool party Jinx

jej this is good

>Doubleshit isn't on TSM or CLG anymore
What a washed up fag.

>pick Mundo

>all the cashgrab theme replies

I wanna vomit

*sigh* time to beat my meat again

Can someone explain Sion's popularity to me? Why is he getting picked or banned now

Comet + Scorch allows for an amazing laning phase

Also he's as tanky as Ornn. Its not that he's broken for any particular reason, he's just overtuned.

Cosmic Reaver Nocturne
Cosmic Reaver Morde
Cosmic Reaver Hecarim

>All these unimaginative "pool party" fags
Spaghetti monster Zac/Vel'koz

He can lane against Gnar and not fall behind in cs.

>biting lip

why is it so fucking hot when girls do this?

God Leg Camille

If you haven't been banning Yasuo he just got picked in LCS so be sure to rev up those bans for the next week or so

Reverse Kindred


Nurse Soraka.

Doublelift on an immobile champ against Echo Fox's comp could be bad.

She's some kind of self made cyborg that extremely glitchy and made from crude augmentations she's scrapped from others
>pool party
fucking overdue
Make her monster girl as monster girl can get. Tentacle hair and minor void creatures as weapons
It'd be neat to see what the opposite looks like
It'd be cute to see the brass or prototype looking weapons, id love it if she had toggle goggles
She'd fit in the arcade set up

Listen here, she was teased with it but never fucking got it so this is more than warranted.

Overtuned has to be the dumbest fucking league jargon ever.

the cuckplank nerfs did absolutely nothing

i wanna draw like this

Uhhhh the other team can't see the chat pregame dumbass

imagine being this guy

I don't get it. Do you need to be a massive lorefag for this?

Some actual decent Academy Skins.
>Academy Dean Azir
>Disciplinary Committee Garen
>Daycare Annie
>Janitor Nasus
>Biology Professor Vel'koz
>Substitute Teacher Rammus

imagine being this guy

>ywn be interrogated by Officer Jinx

Eh she just got a christmas themed skin, she won't be touched for a while yet

Like shit?

imagine being this guy

imagine being imagining being this guy

You better be doing it to Annie

>play Vi
>poppycucks think their W can stop my R
>they try to flash away from my R
>anyone tries to flash from my R


>what is 33% max HP W Ornn
>what is 900 AD bonetooth necklace Rengar
>what is Fizz's level 6 All-In

stop being a retard.
numbers bloat and powercreep are very real issues

Imagine this guy

Best jungler
Best waifu
Best voice actor
Best design
Best linest
Best all
Purest girl
Why aren't you playing your goddess /lolg/

Good boy


>tfw officer jinx will never give you a pat down

why even live??

>3 doran's blades

>reading comprehension

>op.gg swain
>he has a 1 game and 0% winrate with swian in ranked with horrible KDA
???? I play Swain myself, obviously this fucking shitter didn't

imagine being this guy

Imagine being this wrong.

imagine being

>FOX trollpicking again

Bloodmoon Ahri, Elderwood Ahri, Mafia Ahri, Cosmic Reaver Ahri, Hextech Ahri

Just say overpowered you cucklords, they mean the same fucking thing.

You have the wrong goddess

O-Of course I am user
and Zoe too

S-Source please.

I know I was asked for skins though so Imma still spit my ideas anyway.

Imagine getting stripped searched as she makes fun of you and humiliates you
>"Look we all know thats too small to be a pocket pistol"

Imagine being this tasteless
I want to fertilize this plant too but nothing tops Evelynn

hell yeah

K-kill yourself, please.

No they don't, being overtuned is just one of the reasons a champ can be overpowered

Said this in the old thred but got no replies,still curious

Persuade me that volibear is viable Top lane because everytime volibear goes top lane he ends up losing lane.

3rd time toda,just played another game where he lost lane and got buttfucked hard.

would my teammates think I'm trolling if I pick vi jungle


>jinx making fun of my below average penis

>good thing I bought these doran's blades

>Yasuo top feeding

>feeding yasuo with meme build
Its just like my soloq games

>Be pussy ravager Poppy
>Vi jg keeps trying to steal my camps and invading
>slam her ass into the wall and pulverize her

fuck outta here nigga