To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Persona 5. The theme is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the metaphors will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Joker;s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Friedrich Nietzsche literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these metaphors, to realise that they’re not just shallow- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Persona 5 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the metaphor in Joker's existential catchphrase “YOSH,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Nietzsche’s German epic Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Katsura Hashino's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Persona 5 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid B^]
Kevin Edwards
Kawakami a kawacutie
Julian Morales
1st for Nazi bots
Eli Jenkins
Sae Sunday, the best day of the week. I love this prosecutie
Owen Reyes
Her arm looks kind of weird, it clips right through her body.
James Smith
She can have that effect on people.
Jose Richardson
Kawaclaimed. Kawawriter here.
Jayden Evans
Ann wouldn't appreciate you shitposting with her.
Ryan Myers
Good thing I haven't done that then.
Luis Long
Her name is Anne.
Landon Fisher
the pose isn't unnatural, it's just that the cloth clips instead of pressing down like it would in real life
Jason Wilson
Carter Perry
P5 but Caroline and Justine are Pipimi and Popuko
What are you Kawaworking on?
Gavin Lee
She's mine /pg/
Wyatt Moore
People still love your games!
Liam Harris
There's so much clipping in the footage and screenshots they've shown. Look at Joker's collar here.
Michael Edwards
Chww Chww!~
Jonathan Moore
I heard that Hifumi was supposed to be the protagonist of the game and that they made Goro the traitor super late into development. Why would they be making such huge changes to the story so late?
Jeremiah Wood
and this is the stuff they're deliberately picking to show off
Camden Ortiz
Sojiro is my dad and he told me that Goro was meant to be the protagonist at first and Joker was just another Confidant
Samuel Garcia
i've heard that hifumi was supposed to be the incarnation of death instead of ryoji in p3 but it got changed at the last second
Jaxson Miller
t. brainlet
Isaac Ward
does anyone have any more of these or was this all of them
Levi King
Goro and Shiho making babies!
Dominic Anderson
I heard that you were supposed to be able to unlock H scenes of every waifu but they cut it due to cost, why would they do that?
Brody King
>Interview with Dub VA >"Oh yeah I play a lot of this game series lately" >oh cool >"Oh sorry, they don't tell me the context of a the scene I am playing I just act it out" >Mfw Why does this keep happening to most game dubs? How could they expect any proper emotion to come out if they keep doing lines (sometimes at random, they don't need to be in order of plot/scenes) without ever knowing the proper context or the scene itself?
Hunter Gutierrez
Why did the PTs basically do nothing in Hawaii? Still the most baffling thing about Persona 5 to me.
Daniel Harris
>Some weirdos dancing in the middle of the street in their Halloween costumes >99% of the people don't give a shit and are turned away
David Carter
Why not?
Jaxson Clark
It's in settings created by the twins in the VR. It's not real, user.
Parker Gonzalez
>"Have you played any Persona games?" >"No" >they're a VA why do they do this
Juan Gray
the director is supposed to provide emotional context, but it's a cut rate industry so you get cut rate staff on both sides of the mic
Luis Flores
>Playing Persona 5 in dub when you have Nana Mizuki, Yuuki Aoi and Shuichi Ikeda in the original casting
Liam Scott
because I want to see wacky hijinks and friends having fun with each other
Luis Gutierrez
Well fuck you
Hudson Lee
Not sure if this is ironic or not, but I don't get why some people get turned off from this, VAs don't really need to have experience in the game series to be a VA in said game.
Grayson Martinez
Why would they? This isn't even a western thing either
Cooper Jones
You need to have a pretty high IQ to understand Anne's appeal.
Carter Rogers
there's much more than just those three, the whole fucking cast is AAA tier
Julian Garcia
sauce? looked everywhere
Levi Taylor
looks like ketchup
Dylan Howard
i just want more engrish and anime america in general
Brandon Long
I don't know who any of those people are and it's impossible for me to gauge how good voice quality in another language is because I don't speak it and neither can you because I say so. I think I'll stick to the English voice track and my ironic weeb tendencies, thanks.
t. Xander Mobus
Cooper Anderson
Michael Bailey
Yeah I get that, but the issue sometimes is that scenes require some movement or drive from knowing how it plays out in game.
Persona does have a decent dub voice directing, but sometimes in some scenes and in other games. Having poor emotional context AND now know the how much it weighs in how the scene plays out, then that creates issues.
I think it was worse in persona 3 and some scenes of 4.
Isaac Myers
The easiest way to spot a grammer post is if "ironic weeb" is used.
Isaac Cruz
I hate you all and the same daily arguments you have
Jayden Campbell
>using any voice track who /silent/ here
Ryan Lopez
Liam Perry
sae needs a man to caress her bosom i am that man
Daniel Morgan
Name them all then. Go ahead.
Jacob Peterson
No projects currently. If you have a request, let me know.
Asher King
Would they have a boy or girl?
Owen Diaz
Wyatt Murphy
don'tcha know the hitchcock quote? >I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle.
Alexander Wilson
Leo Gray
How can yellow meat even compete?
Luis Nelson
Sebastian Sanders
/v/ copypasta Goro Dub vs sub Which waifufag is the most obnoxious And of course, who your are going to main in BBCTB. I know you fuckers can't shut up about BBCTB for five seconds holy fuck
Daniel Rivera
Ayden Walker
By having a personality.
Matthew Edwards
Fusion dance?
Mason Cook
>And of course, who your are going to main in BBCTB. I know you fuckers can't shut up about BBCTB for five seconds holy fuck What?
Christian Stewart
cutie and a half ty
Hudson Robinson
god i dont wanna fuckin play rwoobers kuso tag, when is arena gonna come out already
Nolan Diaz
But Anne has the perfect female personality.
Brody Ortiz
>And of course, who your are going to main in BBCTB. I know you fuckers can't shut up about BBCTB for five seconds holy fuck
William Rivera
by not looking like your average white girl
Charles Myers
>Anne is sweaty! >Anne is buxom! >Anne is beautiful! >Anne is happy! >Anne is wet! >Anne is cute! >Anne is flexible! >Anne is an angel! >Anne is lewd! >Anne is sad! >Anne is silly! >Anne is for kisses! >Anne is stylish! >Anne is for sexual! >Anne is awesome! >Anne is sultry! >Anne is pure! >Anne is amused! >Anne is quality! >Anne is Lovers! >Anne is canon! >Anne is an apricot! >Anne is an actress! >Anne is a model! >Anne is thankful! >Anne is Santa Claus! >Anne is dancing! >Anne is Anne, not Ann! >Anne is best girl!
Mason Anderson
Don't act like you don't want to argue about who is the superior zoner right this second
Gabriel Perry
William Morgan
If you think that's bad, I can also tell you that it's very likely the translation happened the same way. People got 100 line chunks with no context and were told to hand it in by the end of the day.
>the perfect female personality is no personality at all really gets the gears turning
Hudson Flores
Sir I'm afraid you might have the wrong general.
Colton Hernandez
Find a single flaw.
Zachary Martinez
Would a woman do?
Brayden Fisher
I prefer my women to not have the personality of a chimpanzee.
Michael Hernandez
this but unironically
Blake Martinez
No, you're just in the wrong timeline
Leo Barnes
>sweets >modeling >shiho that is her entire personality
Nathaniel Brooks
Do you have dark Tae? I like my women how I like my coffee: Black, bitter and preferably fair trade.
Jace Flores
Give a special massage, duh.
Cameron Flores
Kevin Taylor
I have a Sae/Tae request, but idk how comfortable you feel writing Makoto.
Justin Rivera
/fgg/ is honestly better
Colton Butler
A career is not a personality. Personality is temperament and attitude.
Easton Russell
You're not supposed to find apes attractive.
Brandon Reed
>literal retard >only cares about the superficial >actually thinks physical therapy is the same as getting gud at modeling >incredibly self-centered Oh man, she is a flawless woman.
Henry Bell
90% of that rests completely on the voice director's shoulder. It gets especially worse when characters who are supposed to reply to each other are in different rooms, different times of the day.