SivHD Edition
SivHD Edition
are we back to 2011 boys
2011 was 40 years ago
I want to make love to this cutie
first for comfy night
>Zoe's release was 33 years ago
she'd kick you in the balls
>Go on a losestreak of 5 matches due to retarded picks, botlane feeding, or someone inting / disconnecting
>Tilted as fuck, play like shit, not caring anymore
>Get either carried every single game, or the enemy team has someone inting/tilting after dying once
Why even bother trying, when the game result is decided at random before the match even started?
well then I'd just have to ask her for a kiss to make them feel better
what was your fastest game end on ranked? g2 btw
Jinx does NOT hurt balls
At the moment I like playing the game just to relieve the stress from college; whether I climb or not is out of the question although I would love to hit gold this season simply because I ended up gold 4 in preseason so I feel like it makes no sense that I'd be silver 1 level
could've reached challenger ;_;
because it was preseason you dingus
anyone wanna play ;w;
>1500 mmr
Where do I go to learn more about basic mechanics that I can work to improve on, and specific champions and roles? How about match ups? Do I just have to play and figure that out, or watch a streamer, or are there videos or written guides up I can use for guidelines?
I'm silver/gold and won't climb until I actually learn how to improve beyond CSing better and learning to be less suicidal.
Yeah I noticed that playing to win ends up just making me mad when I lose. So it's easier to just pick what I want to play, not caring about the rest of the team.
About your rank, that's par for the course. You never get the rank you where in the past season, but the climb is easier due to huge LP gains with each win.
Xayah lays eggs
>1500 MMR
That's silver MMR bro, why lie?
>decide to finally start my placements
>start off 3-0
The first games you play are weighted more than the last ones you play right?
That seems like a pretty bad idea. Try to play a champion you're comfortable with that fits with the team. Don't last pick an assassin jungler if you have no other tanks or frontliners or initiators.
look at your mmr during and after each game. it will depend on what the matches were.
if you were 1600 and beat a 1900 team, you would get more mmr than if you beat a 1500 team
I want to fertilize this plant.
I want to watch you fertilize that plant.
>free key for a shekel box from riot because i get 15% more tilt-proof honors than the average player
man feels great being a 24 year old among 19 year olds
So, like, by shitting on it?
if youre a girl ill teach you
>fiora exists
for champs like fiora is that tanks should be overbuffed until top lane becomes an eternal maokai vs nautilus
>master yi says "gg faggots" right when lobby closes for loading screen
How fucked am i?
What do you think /ourguy/ has been up to these days?
t. hashinshin
>report for verbal abuse
>riot deletes his account regardless of what happens in-game
So tell me how is darius supposed to be op? He's apparently the best top laner on op gg
He plays like shit and loses to most laners still
dumb fiora picker
im swain poster. i hate her too
Can I play Mordekaiser in the jungle and if so, how?
>implying the 16 year olds here even know who that is
no u
>in 2018
see this see this
post eve
new swain is better fag
>implying anyone around here doesn't recognize Elementz
>wanted to play yasuo
>made the mistake of hovering it
>someone bans it
>picked tahm kench and ran it down while also devouring him to feed with me
>all while saying nothing during the match
>guy gets extremely mad, says that I should go kill myself
>team doesn't open mid
>keep feeding and trying to find ways to drag him with me
>in the end, report him for his potty mouth
>even got an instant feedback report
feels good man
kill yourself
>Lol i'm such a faggot hah right guyzxd?
Bleach is cheaper then internet and maybe it would save us from having to see you post stupid shit expecting to be cool when you act like a cry baby
>wanted to play yasuo
Stopped reading there
t. ragers
>Bleach is cheaper then internet
bleach is a terrible anime and you should not recommend it to people
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
I had this guy in my game. Aatrox must be super busted now, I've even seen people taking him support and popping off.
>feed because your baby first low skill floor champ was banned
>You guys are mad haha
I believe this much stupid should be gassed
>New Jax skin
>Released at the time Jax is a meta top laner
mm hmm very interesting rito
sick of the FORCED FUCKING 50
Sorry my dude but that's really creepy. You have my permission to imagine it though.
>My jungler lee sin invades enemy jungle topside
>I ping him that I cant fucking go there and just go back
>He fucking doubles down and proceeds to go deep trying to kill Xin zhao while he is under turret
>Riven proceed to go there and pick up a free kill and two buffs.
>She proceed to destroy me in lane
>All the while lee doesn't gank top just to make up for his mistake
>Lee wonders why I lost lane
Junglers should be removed from the game. Fuck them.
i played against one darius today and clowned on him really hard, he did nothing of note all game
im more scared of new volibear than new darius
you meant "meta jungler" right?
I don't even regularly play yasuo, I just feel like playing him today.
>low skill
ah yeah, your ebin urgod :DDDDD pick is so high skill
wow so witty and funny maybe you should try reddit so you can get that upvote you wanted
Does Zyra keep a guy around as a bedslave for constant fertilization?
>W and auto the tahm as nami
>ADC thinks it's time to all in
>get a full zyra combo off including ult on the flashless ADC and support
>ADC just stands back autoing melee minions
just delete all marksmen already
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
A man chooses, a slave obeys.
>High skill
Bronze Opinions
You might "choose" but you're probably still tied to a bed 24/7
If Yasuo was lowskill, more LCS players would play it. Instead, only the BEST NA toplaner plays it.
Did that Draven have his testicles surgically removed? What the fuck?
>Clearly everyone should play trash because my bronze opinions on the game never stop
You can stop typing
Your stupid is lowing my IQ
>autos the creep
fucking draven players
How many games do you lose before you decide it's time to stop playing
could we just fucking end already
"noob supp pls report"
82 in a row
>Huni picked it, clearly doesn't think that it is trash
>lolg shitter thinks that it is trash
post your, lets see if you're better than Huni
>go on a win streak to promos
>go on a loss streak out
>i didnt play my best, but i cant stop people from diving instead of hitting the fucking towers either
>tilted, decide to play Crab Support
The ride is fucked
We actually won the match but master yi spent the whole game calling our bot lane dick loving faggots
>Reach Gold promos
>3 games in a row where my team is a squad of elite Navy Seals
>pick draven
>have negative testicles
why though
I want to drink Jinx's pussy juice until she dies of dehydration
Stop typing Bronze
Next you will say some streamer did it and that means he's not low skill
Why is there always a jax and tristana EVERY GAME.
me and you both jinx poster
very specific
>He doesn't ban Trist every game
Occasionally I get lucky and someone else bans her so I can then ban Varus too.
>pro player did it that means its good in my games
>anime image replies
kill yourself any time
tristana should be permaban
>pick a good split pusher top
>play passive cause i know i wont win trades
>enemy top is bitching all game claiming he won the lane cause i couldnt 1v1 him
>first two turret deaths in the game was from me pushing top
>end up winning because their team cant contest dragons or baron because of all the minion clutter in their base
Im glad that Hashinshin has become the role model for top laners i love stomping people who think the game revolves around 1v1
What makes her so strong? Like every game there is one, so boring.
gee maybe it's the resetting 900 range dash