>disable All chat
>winrate goes up by 13%
thinking lux edition
old thread Eyosongive.us
>disable All chat
>winrate goes up by 13%
thinking lux edition
old thread Eyosongive.us
Fastest way to level? Trying to make a one trick account, but don't want to level for a week.
*spams E at you in lane*
is this what passes for war lolg
Buy a level 30 account for $5
Those get banned, though.
Name a more useless champ than Lux.
>lose 2 matches in a row
>say third time is the charm
>have an arab midlaner and another arab botlane
when will they make a server for the middle east so they fuck off from euw
So tell me how is darius supposed to be op?
He plays like shit and loses to most laners still
Silver surfers think it's perfectly fine to get into an extended fight with him and let him proc Noxian Might and then go "WTF HE'S UNBEATABLE"
On op gg he's the best top laner right now apparently. Not just in silver
So I tried a couple of games.
How'd I do?
I want to drink Jinx's pussy juice until she dies of dehydration
>8 game winstreak
>uh oh time for an 8 game loss streak
>starrying SINGED and the shitty ADC
i want to eat out jinx right after munchin on some jalapenos
sick of thit shit
>Vi(me): Don't take my blue please, I actually need that
>Xayah: Vi
>Xayah: Don't tell me what to do
>Vi: lol
>Vi: ok
>Xayah: if you take bot i'm gonna int
>Xayah: that's it
>Vi: do it
who was in the wrong here?
It was a normal
i have bought 6 level 30 accounts, not a single problem, my oldest one is close to a year old
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
how the fuck do people gank bot lv3
i always gank top or mid, but is always a mile away from any possible brush
Does anyone else have a problem with fucking chinese players in this game? Every single fucking game I get ching chong ping pong on my team and they go 0/8 in the first 15 mins of the game then spend the rest of the game flaming everyone in chinese. I cant fucking stand it anymore.
did you win
what the fuck are you complaining about then
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I just wanna know who was in the wrong
Where from?
Is corki good?
you because farm is there to be taken
you want your blue buff? be there and smite it. if not tough beans.
real thread tards
These are expensive as fuck.
then ask for a refund you retard
What champion pisses you off the most
>he thinks they're not from euw
>8 game loss streak
>riot throws in 3 more
>Riot nerfs skills like Vlad Q and Pantheon Q to draw minion aggro
>Sion and Camille spamming their poke with Comet is ok though
The team with bard instantly out shit-picks the enemy team
The secret is to not do anything sketchy after buying the account, for example don't buy $50 RP as soon as you get it and immidietly buy a name change. I usually lie low on the account for a few weeks, play 3-4 bot games a week for 2 weeks and some norms before hopping into ranked. If I change the name I'll only do it at least a month after getting the account
I've bought 3 accounts so far and no ban!
theres turkey but faggots rather play on EUNE really pisses me off
>tfw no qt petite gf
Ive been sick as fuck lying in bed all day and in the last 30 minutes I can't stop thinking about Jinx bringing me some warm soup and throwing an extra blanket on top of my bed. I know it's probably not something she would do but I like the idea of it
>skarner, singed, karthus and volibear are going to be meta
is this the most cancerous season yet?
Jesus Christ how can someone become this pathetic
>Outside of challenger games high elo is quite literally a dice roll of who gets the most d2/d3s on their team.
Solo queue is aids. I guess I'll dick around playing silly shit in flex.
Speaking of flex did they combine old 5v5 mode with flex? I've not been paying attention.
>outside of bronze 5 low elo is a dice role of who gets first time ranked noobs or master yi