
Is this a distinct civilization?

Ive always wondered why Spain,Portugal and the USA are always included in the "western world", but Latin America isn't.

Because of heavy amerindian admixture. Like indochina it's a mix.

Well fuck, it almost sounds completely arbitrary and stupid then.

>iberians considered western.


USA is a part of Latin America

Definitely no. The concept is just Russian Imperialism with a bit of makeup.
Other distinct blocks that divide this can be imagined, and would make more sense.
>Mongolia, Siberia
>Central Asia, Ural, Volga Basin "Turkic world"
>Eastern Europe, including catholic Slavs

Montenegro or Belarus have nothing to do with Iran of Mongolia.

Your thinking of Quebec and Haiti, they speak french, a Latin language.

Most of the US is Mexican.

>Definitely no. The concept is just Russian Imperialism with a bit of makeup.

Except that Russia has a lot of relations with its central Asian neighbors. They kinda do fit together as a civilization.

Argentina at least was actually considered Western too for most of its history, before they got totally boned in the second half of the 20th Century. Parts of Latin America have also been on-and-off considered Western.

Honestly I think Russia has more in common with Kazakhstan than it does with Czech republic.

>Less than a quarter of the US is hispanic, let alone Mexican

When I say Eastern Europe I mean without Russia.
Think of Intermarium.

They have little in common except some Russian colonists, brought by Stalin.


Nope, You can't really group Turks, Greeks, Iranians, Russian and Mongols together.

Although Ruthenia (Rus+Ukr+Bel) is somewhat distinct from the Western civilization.

If you believe in Dugin's memes, sure

This map shows real directions of Russian imperial expansion. But most of these lands hadnt any links with Russia before initial contacts during 18-20 centuries.

Protestantism is Dead in the West, Only Catholicism remain

Because most of Latin America is a barely developed shithole ruled by banana socialist republics.

Japan is considered Western but they are not white, it doesn't work this way.

Latin America is not Western not because they are Mestizo/Indio subhumans but because they are literally a giant shithole.

Latin America isn't western because they generally don't have peaceful transitions of power or rule of law.

Waste of a get.

is this bait?

Iberia is literally the Westernmost part of continental Europe.

In fact, parts of Iberia are even more Westernmost than Ireland.

Only Iceland beats them.

The Ancients used many words for Iberia, one was Hesperia, land of the West.

Iberians have always been at the avant-garde of European development and dominance, they had massive global empires for many centuries and gave the world renown scientists like Miguel Servet or the more recent Ramón y Cajal and Severo Ochoa. Not to mention their massive contribution to the Renaissence Age which together with the Italian states (a lot of which were under their rule) and France they basically monopolized, people like Cervantes is studied even in Chinese schools.

Spain and Portugal, however, suffered a lot this past century, Spain had a brutal Civil War that killed millions, displaced more millions, destroyed everything and they never had any kind of international aid (like a Marshall Plan) to rebuild, instead they had a fascist dictatorship and an international blockage until the 50's.

Portugal had also a dictatorship and lost their colonies pretty recently, they had a very mercantilistic relationship with them so this affected them bigly economically speaking.

Before the international financial crisis and the building bubble burst of 2007, Spain was between Canada and Australia competing for the 8th and 9th places in global GDP, with the same population.

Today, Spain has a GDP that of Australia or South Korea with around the same population 40-45~ million.

Spain has a GDP per capita that of Italy and just barely inferior to that of France. But some northern regions of Spain have one of the highest GDP per capita of Europe some above the average of England, Germany or France.

Northern regions of Spain have an above 100 IQ average being the shitty southern regions (Andalusia and Canary Islands mainly) the ones who drag the national average down to the 98-99 points.

Iberia is Western by right and might.

>They have little in common except some Russian colonists, brought by Stalin.

Maybe not in terms of folk traditions, but in terms of political systems (strongman gradually giving up paying lip service to democracy) and popular outlooks on the world, they are.

Don't let the white skin fool you, Russia has (largely by necessity) been focused East for centuries. It was mostly a one sided-conquest once the Russian empire got going, true, but Russia was concerned with the Amur river and Samarkand rather than the new world and Africa. The elites of course always kept track of what was going on abroad, but Russia was hardly integrated into the western colonial/oceanic economic world system that involved even European countries not directly involved in colonization. This was true from the Age of Exploration in the 1500s through WW1. With some exceptions where Turkey is concerned, the Russians main focus was never on overseas or on European disputes but on expanding east.

Moreover, the average Russian today has far more in common in terms of way of life an deep cultural beliefs about privacy, family, community, gender, education, etc. with his ex-soviet neighbors than with liberal western Europeans.

start looking at western civilization as white civilization and it makes sense

Iberians are a 21st century failure. Along with Greece and Italy.

Irrelevant nations whose only claim to relevancy is history, because the present is filled with economic collapse, debt, and unemployment.

>peaceful transitions of power or rule of law.
Those are extremely modern even on Europe. 60 years old on Western Europe, 30 years old on Eastern Europe, still don't apply to places like Ukraine and Russia

>no mention of napoleon fucking spain's empire
Wew shit

> Japan is considered Western
What? Never heard that before

That's because he's full of shit. Japan is in no way a Western nation.


Depend of what you call western, sometimes it's used as a synonym for first world countries, and so in this case Japan is western.


Race doesn't matter. Their culture was all but erased and replaced by the Western world.

Amina kodumun maocu pici

>tfw too intelligent to argue with a perincek hater

>Bütün istihbarat servislerinin orospusu ol
>Adam nereye giderse orayı bok yuvasına cevirsin, bkz. solun tasfiyesi ve k*rtlere teslimi
>Adamı savun

Yeah, their culture was so erased a million and a half nahuatl speakers are still farting about in the jungle.

Spaniard, you can't claim the Black Legend was bullshit whilst at the same time claiming you wiped out every trace of the natives' culture. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

Wrong, they just were culturally brainwashed Greeks, as we all know.

spaniards at least were civilized enough to preserve some culture despite their fanatism, shame that they still were eurofugees

You are full of shit.

Both Italy and Spain are extremely high in their scientific output given their population.

Not to mention their industries (food, automobile, naval, touristic, etc.) are robust as always.

The biggest problem they had was the fragility of their financial sector and in the case of Spain the building bubble, which created massive unemployement still to this days, however a lot of them are just immigrants inflating the statistics. Spain, for example, was never rescued by the EU, but still gets shit on for "being an economic failure"? The USA has much more debt in relation to their annual GDP than Spain.

Spain right now has a GDP that of Russia, Australia or South Korea with only 45 million people.

While Italy surpassess all of them.

Their per capita GDP is also very high and it's perfect if you adjust by the cost of living (Nordic countries have high GDP per capita but also very high taxes).

How is this a failure?

The "Southern Europe = Failure" is one of the biggest memes of the century, apparently.

>Both Italy and Spain are extremely high in their scientific output given their population.
>can't even outcompete Canada
>which has millions of less people (35.16 vs 46.77 for spain and 59.83 for Italy)





The term western implies a Liberal democracy and a first nation status. Hence why Israel is considered western and those nations are not.

Our culture is western it comes from Iberia but I'm going to create a label for us since you prejudiced people reject us.


>t. no rebuttal


The adjective 'Western' these days is an euphemism for 'civilized' in many ways