Can someone explain to me why won't Bittrex add POSW when they have fucking Bitbean listed?
Can someone explain to me why won't Bittrex add POSW when they have fucking Bitbean listed?
POSW is a scam, whereas Bitbean is the worldwide currency of the future!
Bittrex wants to be the shitcoin exchange they think posw will have a chance of over taking them if they do. Word is Polo on the other hand is planning to list them as the kike wants to take down bittrex for taking so much of their traffic and FUDing them so hard after all the DDOS attacks.
Well see in a week or two though if it's just romurs or a leak.
doubt polo would list because of competition.
i think waves had a similar issue
because bitbean is the future of cryptocurrency
2070: paradigm shift in the blockchain matrix structures
Polo has block though. So it shouldn't be a problem
Polo doesn't deal in shitcoins, what competition? I keep hearing this word thrown around but it doesn't make any sense. I mean fuck they still haven't even listed PIVX. Sounds like they just don't give fuck long as they keep the gravy trains they are already on?
They are listing PIVX again with the coming of master nodes
Welcome to crypoto nucoiner
Can someone tell me where I can sell BTC as opposed to coinbase? I tried selling on coinbase, but the sell tab isn't working. Although the buy one is just fine.
Send it to Gemini and sell it there
Which is the best/safest of these two?
You have source, or just shilling?
Reading comprehension, we're talking about the Polo rumor not POSW itself
Thank for adding quality content to the discussion user
Definitely not shilling. It's from the slack. I talked to a guy on Twitter about it. Straight from the source. The poswallet support guy said it
Yeah I realized that after...woops
Just go buy some ripple faggot, if you like (((banks))) so much
Gemini it is.
You must be new to crypto, if you think Polo doesn't deal in shitcoins. They built their business on shitcoins, and numerous sketcky ICOs. They still have XBC ffs
So if I say polos recent image is that they don't deal in shit coins especially with the mass removal of a lot of under performing tokens they did last month. Would that be inaacurate? Or would you still argue anything below top 10 is a shit coin and still imply polo deals in them more even when it's obvious that bittrex is the one with the monopoly on them?
Ok, now wipe away the drool and explain what you mean with your one word responce.
You have a lot to learn. Things you will have to learn on your own. Might be a rough couple months for you, good luck.
LOL polo has been "about to list pivx" since forever. Not happening
I actually agree with you. It's not a real coin until it's on polo
Well at least now Ive got a better understanding of the types of people who constantly spam saying nothing will get added because competition.
Now I know why I've been making such easy money past few months.
because Bittrex is In washington. In washington an exchange has to be a licensed money exchange and not just registered.
POSW is an exchange without a license in washiongton. it will never be listed on Bittrex.
Actually Polo delisted Block because they fear them as a competitor, Bittrex still has it though
>polo doesn't deal in shit coins
Wow, we're reaching levels of new that shouldn't even be possible
Quit talking out of your ass, it's just silly
Fear my man. They wont list posw because they are afraid as posw improves it will be strong competition
Accumulation phase by whales before the $10 pump is still happening, gitve it some time.
Polo doesn't give a fuck as long as the token they add brings traffic.
Why haven't they listed pivx then, it's been doing around 2mill average in volume.
Cuz polo is shit tier.
For the same reason their trading engine still shits the bed under heavy loads, and for the same reason "ddos" still affect them
Technical incompetency