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Mecha Gnome allied race when?

Oh no no no no

unholy weapon appearences are so good looking but the spec hella trash doe

Elf supremacy



The worst part of it is that it feels like fucking shit. Sounds like you're waving a balloon sword around, and death coil sounds like a silent fart.

Join @ Argent Dawn-EU (Alliance)!
/w anyone online for an invite.

elf bjs

what about i am my scars

>have to build up a resource to aoe


The previous leader, who nobody liked, decided to disband the guild for no reason. So we're scars minus the dummy!

it would be shame if this torch happened to fall of my hands....

hello Tro

who dis?

Fat lips

Making a brand new character to experience the levelling content, sans experience boosters, because I hate myself. I don't think I've done even a single storyline. Is it worth pre-ordering BFA and unlocking an allied race to do this, or should I just make a regular old character?

Don't, pre-orders are cancer.

If youre going to go through the hell that is the current leveling system, you might as well at least get the fucking heritage armor at the end. Also starting at level 20 is very nice.

You're gonna do it sooner or later. Might as well get it now

>still have my draught of souls keybinded

>still have my soul capacitator aura cancel macro

>still have vashj macro keybinded

I haven't actually done ANYTHING before Argus was unlocked, though. I'd have to do the campaign plus rep grind. Are goth space elves worth it? Part of me says yes, but I also very much enjoy my Night Elves.

Mother of worms...

>leaves behind obnoxiously placed blood pool during sanguine week

Don't buy anything until you finish the prerequisites

Blood or Guardian for Mythic+ right now and in BFA? I like the theme of DK but I like how Druid feels with its animations.


Also Vengeance is an option.

Still better than those mook druids before the first boss of Darkheart Thicket.

Cool, time to shunt my main to MG then, since WRA is a shithole, and get to grinding. It take a while?

>pre-odered BfA
>used my boost that day, a week later I unlocked meme races but only got a soyborne to 27 nothing else
>changes, additions and new """"""story"""""""" revealed since I preodered it makes me want to tear my hair out
>asked for a refund
>tfw denied
>cannot argue with the GM message because he was 100% correct and polite

I bought this on myself. Thank you for reading my blog.

Cant' argue with that.

Do you like my void (blood) elf? :3

>using dumbass, ban-risking body mods on an account with allied races enabled
*breathes in*

>no dick

You know that one guy who got banned for modding? Yeah, me neither.

get a load of this nerd lmao


Literally nobody has been banned for clientside modding. Every time someone says it on forums "about a guy they know" they never show proof. Its just idiots trying to trick people into not using it.


Currently at four days with work getting in the way. Nightfallen nearly done. Tauren at honored.

I don't like the Alliance ones

>mfw americucks don't get refunds everytime they ask for it



Listen you can't prove "nobody has ever been banned" just as much as some one else can prove "they knew a guy who got banned"

So don't make such ridiculous statements ok?

Why do bodymodders refuse to post their name or even realm?

Oh sweet. Yeah I'ma hop on that right the hell now. Then decide if Amazonian Night Elf or Sleek Void Elf is my favorite. And also make a new character of that.

Keep telling that yourselves, fucking denegereates.
Just don't be like that guy who got banned for his shitty mods a few months ago and come back here crying after a ban wave catches your shitty "horny 16 y old boy discovering maya" body mods.

They look like shit though. Only the pvp and vanilla appearances actually look somewhat like a sword that can cut something. The mage tower appearance is the worst. Is it an oversized scissor or a sword?

I know I'll get memed for this but companies should have certain rights too. If customers are able to constantly exploit them for refunds, etc they lose profits and just shut down and everyone loses.

hey remember when all those streamers used tmorph and got BANNED haha
yeah me neither

sry brain too big to get banned

>being this much of a corporate dick sucker

>everyone asking for a refund for any reason is le ameri-le-cuck

ok kid

Ah yes, the exact ones blizz favours with alpha invites
Streamers dont get punished for anything

The way proof works in arguments is that you need to prove a claim. Until you can show me a substantial amount of people getting banned for it, its common sense to assume it just doesnt happen.

>leveling through draenor
>go to gorgrond
>all of a sudden unplayable lag
>go anywhere else
>game works fine

Holy fuck WHY? Just let me out of this fucking expac

do you hate fun?

>Holy fuck WHY?
Maybe ask the customer support, not an anonymous imageboard about anime?

because that's the only way you can actually get banned

>bodymods are fine guys trust me look at my bodymodded character
>but I wont post my name because I know people will report me and I'll get banned for bodymodding

We be all dat stands between da Legion and annihilation.

I mean that's a fair concern though. People are spiteful fucks, they'll report anyone for anything, so why put the gun barrel in your mouth and ask them to pull the trigger?

I hate being a worgen should I race change to nelf?

>amazonian night elf

bit of a tautology there lad


OP's pic is everything wrong in WoW. It needs more diversity and progressiveness.

Yeah, realized that as I typed it.

Decide it yourself.
If you play something other than Druid, consider other races too.

no retard, nobody has argued against the fact that they are against the ToU.
the only way blizzard can get valid grounds to ban you on is by having proof from something like a screenshot

True. Wheres all the gnomes?

You've got the Horde for that.

ikr? These people seem fun and might be down for a good erp session but noooo they gotta be secretive and be a bunch of teases.

I've healed since late cata and have no decided to either go dps or tank but I can't decide which role to fill. Help

>still have my /2 "jewelcrafting services spam" macro

The Alliance needs more black humans. Hopefully BFA will introduce more black males instead of them being vendors in obscure places.


memes aside that's a cute fucking gnome.


More to the point, why do you care? Zone level is dynamic, just go anywhere else and spam scenarios

i want draenei girls, night elf girls and void elf girls to brap on my face haha

Can't wait desu. Even the erp faggots on my server get angry about them.

Hey this looks great. Can you make a pic for me?

Sort of wish the arms weren't so obnoxiously long.

Yeah it's the goblins fault. At least their hands aren't gigantic.

sure give me directions and references.

i play druid.

The burden of proof is on you though.

Used mods for years and still not banned, warned or anything

How to make a cool looking male regular draenei Pala, the Prot Weapon with the hammer skin looks great, what about armor?

Post your name and realm and a screenshot of your character




Can't remember my characters name desu, haven't had gametime in ages

Don't come crying here when you get punished

TBC tier armor or the hellfire/blackrock raid sets

Feels good doing high M+ with friends and never having to rely on pubs, especially weeks where mongos can wipe you

Blood dk is better right now on live. It's still hard to tell with the BFA reworks.

femanon please dont do this to me