/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash: capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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dead game


Someone pick my weapon since I can't fucking decide.

What is a good gunlance to invest in?
What is a good starter armor before I find enough gems?


I'm going to ask this again. Is there anything else I can get from the current event quests outside of gold crowns?


not from the HR ones
don't know about the LR quests


Delete this weapon.

>Fight temporary Rathalos
>Bazel litterally crashes in and immediately fucks off
>Rath is mad, screams at me from a distance and shakes its head about 5 times in a row
>Throws fireball at me
>Poor steel-balled jaded Popo ripoff chilling around casually strolls in and catches the bullet for me as I sharpen
I love this game so fucking much

the sand barioth version was in p3rd too. S barioth equipment was 10/10 in general.

hey I bumped into that phony tony guy bullying the Odo webm with GL, thought it was a neat coincidence

Great jagras GL and Girros is pretty good for starters

Have they announced what date our boy Jho is gonna be arriving?

If you were in charge of making a new weapon type, what would it be?

which monster has the biggest cock?



So even though the damage is low, its better to give your palico a blight weapon like Paralysis or sleep, right?

>Cera Cymmetry and Rising Tempest
it fucking hurts bros

>tfw my Jagras GS set is stronger then my Vaal Hazzak GS set.

Forcing yourself to get handicraft +5 really limits your builds.

with my Jagras GS I have WE 3 Crit boost 3 ATK 7 Earplugs 5 non-elemental boost

with the Vaal Hazzak I sacrifice critboost and go to atk 4 only. no earplugs ether.

If the Deviljho GS isn't a big dick RAW GS (locked dragon or whatever the fuck) I will be upset.

Always thought the game misses hand-to-hand weapons, something like the Tonfa.

I already have end game stuff. I farmed enough for my CB build. I want to try another weapon.

A moment of silence for those who couldnt escape from XX into a better game...

neph, your trip

Could have ended up looking worse I suppose. Once I got some great decos I'll have to change it but for now it'll do.

Atk 4, Blast Atk 3, WE 3, Handicraft 2, Agitator 2, Evade Extender 2


>So even though the damage is low
Your palico barely does any damage in the first place. Of course you should give them a status weapon

any temp sessions open?


Make Gunhammer a real thing, using the shells to propel itself around or for big hits. The Big Bang combo for hammer is very similar to a combo I had thought up for it a while back where you would do an overhead slam, then fire the gun several times to jackhammer the monster.

Zorah, of course

>"quick grinding some Vaal Hazak"
>when he already has the best weapon and set up in the game
>"with /mhg/"
>all discordfags
>namedropping /mhg/ at all


Hazak HH.jpg

I'm getting sick and tired of trying to get into Tempered SOSes, so i'm opening a Tempered room.
Come one come all, let me leech off your investigations and show off my lack of GS skills.

>replying to it
You dun goofed retard.

>Make Gunhammer a real thing, using the shells to propel itself around or for big hits.
That would be a Boost Hammer from God Eater. youtube.com/watch?v=YiZxtgN7NeQ

I've been puzzled about this for a while now.
Like you see these people going "woah a 4 drop investigation, let me join!" or something but they already have every single thing they could craft out of that monster, why does it even matter

We need more ranged weapons. Something like a giant boomerang could be fun.

He's a chill dude.
Would gladly hunt again with/10

>WE is bad meme

that's now why people do tempered investigations for, genius
but still, there's really nothing else to play for if all you're using is a maxed out blos CB

Post 'em

Elemental Flamethrower

Thanks breh
Were you the guy who's room I joined and left? I had something to wrap up solo so I had to bail.

handicraft is like the easiest skill to get to 5
one piece of armor and a charm

how do you get vaal hazak charge like that?



Is this the same company that made Code Vein? The art style looks the same, and following up anime knock-off MH with anime knock-off Souls would be like pottery.

Nigger you what

You could say that for any skill pretty much


No artillery?
Why are you using Diablos then?

You guys excited for the now confirmed transmog update on the 9th?

>Anima is bad

shameless self promotion alert

im gona be doing a lot of monster hunter art in the coming weeks, so have a look here if you're interested:
any ideas or relatively standard requests are welcome!

Yes. They also made or at least worked on Freedom Wars, I'm not sure.

evade extender2 or elem boost2 for legs on lbg builds? cannot really find anything better for options

Can’t wait to see how nerfed this is going to get in the spring rebalance update

>decided to take on the double tempered bagel assignment
>heard many horror stories about it
>finished it nice and easy
People are too intimidated just by looking at the quest objectives. What they don't realize is the quest is actually easy BECAUSE there are two Bazelgeuse. You can finish the quest with minimal effort by letting them beat the crap out of each other.

But, where's the having fun part?

>chad blade
>not using chad phial

I kinda want to add a slot to my Diablos CB

>March 9th is 10 whole weeks away

Why do you keep trying, do you really think someone will start to believe it if you repeat it a hundred times?

about to upgrade artillery charm, no worries

Yes, it is.

I still got blue flags for 7/8/9 star.
How do i make those quests appear?

help me out here

>That Elemental Phial Damage
Just use Impact Phials, you're losing DPS because of how shitty Elemental Phials are.

HBG is the only ranged weapon that really benefits from evade extender, LBG's walk speed is more than enough for dodging while shooting.

that's some decent art user, thanks for sharing

>im gona be doing a lot of monster hunter art in the coming weeks
Will it be porn?

I always found it funny that CBabs like to refer to themselves as "chad blades" when minmaxing a diablos tyrannis build is the most virgin shit you could ever possibly do
Chads would use element phials and get 10 second clear times

oh dear
oh dear oh dear


Doesn't look like you need help. Build looks fine.

kirin legs (2/3 ammo up gives another elemental shot right?), otherwise nergi I guess

Zorah GL for charged shelling, or Rathian GL for full burst spam.
I use butterfly helm beta, paolumu chest alpha, kadachi arms beta, anja legs alpha, high metal waist beta, and evade extender charm but if you don't want evade extender/window you can switch out the helm, arms, and charm for some other stuff. That's just what I use for my Zorah set.

naw we did the 5 drop investigation earlier & tried our damnest finding that pukei, I was Zagh btw
>4 red decos
>o fug, has to be polish or atk boost in there
>fire resist

hey thanks!

haha, this is why i said 'relatively standard requests' unfortunately.

I'd love to see your take on a variant of dodogama. Maybe like a dragon/ice dodogama with tiny wings.

kind of newfag here, haven't played since MHFU and Tri and even then I didn't play much but World is casual enough for me to stick to. are the attack and defense drugs worth using? how much do they add and how long do they last?

>barroth club
I can't stand its ugliness. What other fun SnS builds do you recommend? Fuck min-maxing.

Dauntless also has something similar, but like everything else in the game, it looks lackluster.

use the ammo up charm, 2 points is all you need for normal 2.
also, try to get crit boost 3 and your maximum might up to maximum

4 or 5% for the super version I think. they last until you cart

Teostra's emblem?

>skepticfags still at it even when they got utterly BTFO by the list
Can't wait for you fags to get BFTO yet again

Master Bang is within 5% of the barroth club with the same build and looks FAR better.

Chad would be too busy discharging his gunlance in Angie's flame sac to ever bother with this game long enough to get 10-second clear times.

Huntresses are CUTE

baan sns
sleep attack 3
zorah set bonus
bombs and lots of combines for more

How the fuck does CB do so much more dmg than any other weapon in this game and you can block in sword mode? How can you as a developer not see this shit? Fucking retarded and the moveset is piss easy.

no point in using the charm when his legs give him shit all. you don't need evade extender with lbg

>join SOS for same quest
>nip not moving on map
>run to him
>he is watching one of bazelgeuse being ganked by the nigger cats
>he runs over and traps
Easy weekly bounty completion

nice guess all that cultivating wasn't for nothing. what's the differences between the various versions? seed/skin/pill/whatever

>>barroth club
I kind of wish there were blunt variants of bladed weapons, like a giant club GS or a Kanabo LS.

I also kind of wish there was a cutting variant for the hammer, like if the Vaal Hazak hammer that looks like an axe actually could cut tails.