Léague of Legends General - /lolg/


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first for janna is best girl

>tfw no facesitting qt petite gf

Ok, Give me tips for Jax, Sion, or Darius Top.

Trying to find a main for top lane

Have you ever bought a skin because of the splash art /lolg/?

Pic related is on sale tomorrow and I'm very seriously considering it


there is no ass on that bitch dude
also she's blacked goods

Anyways real talk, why is the new summoner's rift music so fucking soothing? been listening to that shit day and night. It's so fucking comfy

i'm ap tahm top and only other ap we have is support shaco lmao kill me

I think this skin is very meh but the splash is just too cute

why did they make honor such a grind? And this rate I wont be level 5 till around june.

And I started from level 2 3 marks since I was 5 last season.

Feels really bad.

that's on sale tomorrow? fuck

it's a great skin

Kill them

Kill them all

no one cares about your pre-level 30 games
stop bitching what your team picks or about team comps anywhere below diamond elo faggot

To the people who obsess over videogame characters and spam their waifus

1. Are you happy, generally?
2. Are you NEET? What are you doing with your life?
3.Have you ever been in a relationship? Are. you in one?
4. Are your parents proud of you?

Reposting my autistic blog because thread died too soon and there wasn't enough salt spilled.
I'm sad, /lolg/.
I want to play Talon badly, but he's never the optimal choice. All meta midlaners right now have a way of denying him in one way or another (like Ryze's cage, or Azir and Corki's escapes). He was a decent counterpick to Zed, but with Zed's ult cooldown lowered, he's not even that good at it anymore.
The only way he's viable right now is Top, and if you get hard counterpicked, you are useless for the entire game (and let's be honest, with current top meta he IS easy to counterpick, as he loses to most bruisers).
He isn't even good in the AD assasin niche, as Zed will always overshadow him on mid thanks to being much safer, and Rengar, Shaco and Kha'Zix are so much better assasins than him, since they can safely farm jg, without interacting much with enemy until their powerspike, while with Talon you have to get harassed on lane (at least they adressed the problem by giving him some mr this patch, but you still aren't good on lane.)
He can't even roam well, due to most midlane picks pushing him to hell - the issue began when they increased his w cooldown by 2 seconds when lethality was op, and didn't bring it back when it became bad again.
Seriously i had the most success playing him botlane, either as carry or support, and I'm high diamond elo. This is absolute bullshit, and riot should adress him as a champion. Most assasins are bad enough as they are with the current meta, and they are still nerfing duskblade.
I'm sad. I play Talon and i get sad when i see how i can't do enough burst dmg with my combo because all the adcs are running with triple shields, and then i can't even get out because i have to run all the way to a wall to escape, and most often I'll just get ccd on the way.
Thanks for reading my autistic blog.

I want to fertilize this plant.

everything is a grind now dude
literally everything.

>Shadow Eve tomorrow
>or SG Ahri today
>only have enough RP left for one or the other
Fuck I really shouldn't buy skins with my dick but I can't resist thigh highs.

even with the buffs darius is still going to be weaker by default outside of silver and gold unless you just dedicate yourself to him exclusivley

sion and jax on the other hand you can pretty much reach rank one on. Sion E poke will pretty much win you any lane, just take comet and spam it at the other laner, the hitbox is spaghetti code wonky as fuck and it’ll register hits on pretty much anyone within 10 feet then slow them for the comet proc. Also hide in bushes at the start of games and cheese people.

Jax just has free hard CC that can be tough to avoid because of how fucking sticky he is, also he can just jump into your team for free and counterstrike for basically invulnerability now that the bug is fixed. Plus he uses trinity force really well because of his Q, but mostly jax is great because of his huge AoE stun.

Compared to today, its pretty bad

>1. Are you happy, generally?
>2. Are you NEET? What are you doing with your life?
College, not a NEET.
>3.Have you ever been in a relationship? Are. you in one?
>4. Are your parents proud of you?

In general I'm happy but sometimes I get lonely

Not a NEET, in uni right now



this guy walks up to your gf at the bar and slaps her on the ass wyd

>good skin
>good splash
>good price
>on sale
I'd go for it.

It's just another thing that keeps people logging in and playing; no sense in making it only take a week or two.

>I was honor 5 last season
You and everybody else, buddy.


>against waifus
>for alex jones



everyone who wasn't abjectly retarded was honor 5 last seaosn


I want a long range mage in my champ pool to climb. Who would be the better choice: Xerath, Vel'Koz, or Ziggs?

Remember when LoL had a GOOD artstyle?

this isnt true

Look at that best couple tho

6 picks who I main up to level 30 as well

How am I supposed to gank as a jungler if retards keep their lanes pushed ??
and because of that enemy jungler makes a few succesful ganks
just how?


Main Soraka

I bought most of them because of the splash. The quality of the model usually doesn't hit my expectations, it's sad.

ziggs is the easiest and the most forgiving of mistakes, vel'koz is the most versatile, xerath is the best but is much harder to play than the other two
take your pick

Probably not.

pray for forgiv


alex is a waifu

1) Yes
2) No, in college and working
3) I've been in a few, not currently in one
4) Don't see why not I keep my degeneracy hidden away pretty well, look entirely normie to the rest of the world

Though to be fair I don't obsess over her too hard or any other ficitonal girl. I just like cute girls in cute outfits.


>tfw 2 years into my professional career
>ive spent probably 8 months unemployed and doing nothing and the rest making like 10k a month
>still isnt clear if I’m going to be wildly successful or a huge disappointment
being my parents must be fucking stressful

I can't enjoy Alex Jones memes because I know there's people out there that take him seriously and that makes me sad

the touchy jhin


1. I'd be happier with a qt plant girl gf
2. I have a full time job, I'm working 53 hours this week (on break atm)
3. Yes, several. Not currently though.
4. Not sure on my mom because nobody knows where she is but I'm pretty sure my dad is, stopping by his place after work for his birthday.

>SG on sale today
>only have the RP for one
>have to choose between the following
>Ahri's chest and thighs
>MF's chest and thighs
>Soraka's chest and thighs
>Janna's chest and thighs
its not fucking fair, this choice is impossible

I have tango but shadow is top tier as well.
Riot really fucked themselves in the ass by selling these skins for 520RP


Do Vel and Xer have different play styles? I've never seen either of them in my games.

>I'll never look like azir
>I'll never sound like azir
>I'll never lead shurima to greatness
Why am I even alive

Wait I thought only the new ones were on sale. Is Janna and the rest of the first gen on sale too?

They're similar but I feel velkoz is more about burst while xerath is more about poke, even though he can still burst you like a mofo

50% off my dude

Particularly sucks because if you have 1350 RP you could get 2 from the first batch but the only one worth it is Janna

Yeah they're 50% off, same time. Except Jinx since Legendaries only get an early sale and nothing else.

>tfw didn't get to have fun with zoe because she was always banned and now she's nerfed into the trash can

What about the midriff queen option?

She'll be back, with a healthy 48% winrate where she belongs

Don't forget you will never have a harem that worships your thighs and imperial shuriman phallus

Spider Porn
Main Elise

Did anyone pick up Battleboss Ziggs, Brand, or Malzahar? Are they worth the price? Skinspotlights look okay.

It looks like you posted the wrong picture, user! Whoops! Luckily the helpful posters here on Veeky Forums are always ready to help their fellow anons learn.

I know but if i didnt include it in my post at least 5 people would be saying "dont be a toxic shitter then nerd kys faggothole" or something

The malz one is pretty cool imo. Not a big fan of the others

Ziggs has better skins but all are nice

Arcade skins in general seem to be higher quality than other skin lines

If you don't mind the splash art they are nice ingame

will gladiator draven ever come back

been playing since season 2 nigger


>Ywn have a threesome with lux and jinx while Ezreal is forced to watch

Not on sale

No. In college
>Are you in one
>Are your parents proud of you
Don't know

Bard Bard
God Fist Lee Sin
Nightbringer Yasuo

>sona buys zzrot so she automatically assumes that she can split push better than the sion top that has teleport

You fucking cunt top lane is fucking shit as it is the least you can fucking do is let me do the one thing im good at instead of fucking the entire team over because you cant handle your autism when i go off to a sidelane to clear minions and force the minion wave back on push

1. More or less, I guess.
2. I'm employed in the biotech field right now.
3. I wish, it's kinda hard to find other gay women in my area.
4. Yeah, I know how to hide my power level.

Feather Bowl

The absolute state of the del/u/ded.

Spank me daddy

>what are some skins that guarantee the person is a shitter

>Project Yasuo
>Arcade Riven
>Any Lee skin that's not Muay Thai or Knockout
>SG Ahri

>still one shotting people as zoe

Erm /lolg/?
I thought you said she was shit now?
Or was that the silvers talking.

LeBlanc every thread until her rework is reverted.

ADCs and supports that try to splitpush are the #1 reason for lost games I'm sure. Particularly the former. I don't give a fuck if you think you need bot farm for another BF sword. The more important thing is to be present for DPS when a fight breaks out. Oh look there goes Baron because we had to automatically hand it over due to our retard ADCuck thinking they need that 100 gold bot lane instead.

fuck ADCs I hate them so goddamned much.

Im still fucking waiting for Battle Boss Malz to go on sale. did I miss it or something? It's supposed to go on sale this month and Feb's almost over

It was obvious she'd still be able to one shot despite half the ap ratio. She was one shotting people with JUST morello before, there was barely any ap to start with

Sure she can one shot you.
If you are behind
and she is fed
I'm assuming you're talking about without getting hit by the bubble first but if you did get hit by the bubble and came here to complain then actually go kill yourself.

Now that i think of it it may not be open, so a variation of this, use some symbols or something

Which League girl
has the cutest laugh?

They'll probably be march now. Don't know why Riot swapped SG and Battle Boss but my assumption is because we probably have a SG event coming up sooner than later.

>Sion has the biggest win rate
>Nobody banning him

Should I jump in the freelo train?


I want to lovingly rub Kled's belly and kiss his nose!


comet sion top is hilarious you can just build straight tank and still dominate lane


is there a special build or something now? why did he just become meta all of a sudden? Q or E max right now?
also why is skarner meta, what the fuck

sion ain't the problem though
comet is
nerf comet already

I'll wait until a sale then. Don't have a Malz skin yet.

nasus just wrecked my shit as sion top what the fuck i tried building counter tank but it did not help