What's your thoughts on non-centrally organized movements like BLM?
What's your thoughts on non-centrally organized movements like BLM?
You wudda thunk people would have learned their lesson with "muh leaderless muh faceless muh bottom up movement" with the failure of OWS.
There's too many to have an opinion on them. Generally they're good but "generally" and "good" is so vague that what I'm saying is borderline useless.
Leaderless movements do fine, just look at the alt right or radical islamists. The fact they're leaderless without a top down organization makes them hard to beat.
BLM sucks just because it's full of niggers, it's that simple.
You're confusing broad umbrella ideologies with directed political movements that are ostensibly supposed to be working toward something concrete.
BLM is organized and funded by George Soros.
It think they're never going to go away, and the old kind of movement is.
Like the US economy is centrally planned by Warren Buffet
>directed political movement
Half of the "members" don't even know what they're aiming for other than fuck whitey.
Okay, I'll bite. How did OWS "fail"? Despite all the media bullshit about "they don't really have any clear goals," several years later, everybody knows what the movement was about -- income inequality. "We are the 99%" is one of the most recognizable slogans in the country. If you say "the 99%" and "the 1%" or "one-percenters," people instantly know what you're talking about. This year a self-described socialist (really, a moderately leftist social democrat, but it's image that counts) ran for president, and came ... a fuck of a lot closer than anybody would've guessed a "socialist" ever could to securing his party's nomination. And he still remains one of the most visible and influential democratic politicians in the country.
What could OWS have done to keep from failing in your eyes? Blow up a bunch of credit card companies, Fight Club style? Inspire every member of "the 1%" to go, oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be hoarding all this money, here's thirty billion dollars to distribute amongst yourselves? The movement was never gonna wrap up neatly.
Not elect a tax cuts for the rich president. By all means, the Shill's tax plan was much more progressive than President Elects, and it's starting to look like he's 10 times the Wall Street insider she was.
OWS sucks just because it's full of lumpen proles, it's that simple.
Half of the "members" don't even know what they're aiming for other than fuck the establishment.
>boynie sandals not even being able to beat hillary fucking Clinton in a dem primary is proof OWS accomplished something five years after the fact
pls go
OWS failed to even introduce the young among American public what real leftism is supposed to be about.
Also progressive stack and #nonviolence. Top zozzle
>What could OWS have done to keep from failing in your eyes? Blow up a bunch of credit card companies, Fight Club style?
Not a OWS cuck, but yeah, exactly that. Standing in front of a building with a sign and hollering nursery rhymes is laughable, only violent revolution ever gets shit done.
>the movement was about income inequality
See, this is the problem. The movement spawned as anger regarding the banks being bailed out but home owners getting fucked. Even this leftist retard who claims he is an authority to in the beginnings if the OWS didn't know that.
>do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago
this is a recent thing due to the internet
Nope. What sparked the movement off (and that's a really reductionist summary, but whatever) is distinct from what the movement very quickly came to be ABOUT: what the vast majority of those protesters were fired up about and what its cultural legacy has been. And that emphatically IS AND WAS "income inequality" (and to a lesser extent, the influence of corporate money on politics), whatever minor noise they may have made about peripheral issues.
You're being absolutely ridiculous. It was a left-wing protest movement in a generally fairly conservative country. If you define "success" as "forces the government to immediately address its grievances" then of course it failed, and so does virtually every national-level political movement, not to mention every single politician -- this is a fucking republic, it takes years and election cycles to get anything done. It brought national (global) attention to an issue that previously wasn't receiving much attention and fundamentally changed the political conversation in the coming years. That's not "failure." It's not "total victory" either, but that's an unrealistic metric to hold it to.
Ditto for BLM (which I dislike, but that's beside the point) -- despite the movement's excesses and perceived lack of focus, they have MADE AN IMPACT, and are continuing to do so. This isn't 1916 Russia or even 1968 America, we're not going to see a violent revolution in our lifetimes -- the ultimate goal of every protest movement is to SHINE A SPOTLIGHT ON AN ISSUE that they feel deserves more attention than it's getting. They have done so. Police bias and brutality against blacks etc was a major issue in this past election, and without them it absolutely would not have been so. For better or for worse.
>made an impact
Yup, they alienated even most of the whites that've been sympathetic to black people up to this point.
>Police bias and brutality against blacks etc was a major issue in this past election
It was? Niggers didn't even show up to vote, they had the worst turnout in years. How exactly was it a major issue?
lmao just don't steal
Fellow Alex Jones watcher? You got them vitality pills yet? My penis has been ROCK HARD for nine years.
Again, not to continually harp on Bernie Sanders -- and let me be quite clear, I'm speaking here as an observer and not a partisan, I didn't vote for Sanders and I haven't offered any political opinions of my own in this thread -- his inability to substantially address their concerns was continually cited as one of the major factors in his failure to win over southern blacks and one of the major things that contributed to the delegate hole he was unable to dig himself out of. Do some searching and you can pull up literally dozens of early-2016 articles on his "economy before everything else" focus and its failure to resonate with black communities, who -- although they certainly don't want to be poor -- have really been more concerned about other things these past few years.
It faded from prominence somewhat in the general, Clinton's focus shifted to Trump's character almost to the exclusion of everything else (stupidly, since that issue clearly didn't resonate with black voters even half so much), although it popped up a few times in the debates.
No, nig nogs didn't vote for Sanders because Hillary had their pastors and community leaders on her payroll.
You are close friend, but still off.
The original Day of Rage/ OWS idea was: "Our governments have sold us out, fuck them: we can govern ourselves." This is why we had general assemblies and such. There was also the idea of creating a "Tahrir moment", or a fully free space.
The 99% bit was a co-opting by the Democratic Party and the unions.
When the direction shifted from "fuck the establishment, we can govern ourselves" to "let's be a force for change within our current goverment system", I got the hell outta there.
>OWS was a left-wing protest movement
No. OWS was an aborted revolution.
It was an abortion alright.
All I can do is direct you back to my first para in that post. I'm sorry that it quickly turned into something different (and less compelling to you) than what got you, personally, involved in the first place, and I myself am not making any judgments about the relative merits of how the movement started vs. what it became. But that's not what it meant to the majority of the people who ended up participating in it, nor the vast majority of people who observed it from the outside.
Again, that's a factual claim, and not an endorsement. I'm not really interested in talking about my personal beliefs; after all, we have /pol/ for that, god help us.
I stopped going to ows protests when zucotti park became a designated shitting park.
Good weed and easy sluts, though.
It was a beautiful anarchistic dream that was sadly co-opted and manipulated by the powers that be.
But God, it was beautiful in the beginning.
The day of the general strike in Oakland was an amazing feeling of unity that I will never forget.
>Blacks voting for an old Jewish man unknown to them
Implying it mattered.
>living in California
>Soros funding liberal movements is now conspiracy tier
This is why you got BTFO in the election
OWS "failed" in that we do not govern ourselves in general assmblies in every town in America.
OWS "failed" in that you think that voting for a Presidential candidate (God help us) is the legacy of the movement.
>tossing a nickel at something means you totally control it
The alt right has achieved nothing other than getting Trump and Malik Obama to retweet memes they didn't understand
I would be happy to Calexit if it was mutually agreeable to the rest of you, and you promise not to invade us and march to the Pacific.
He who controls the money flow dictates the goals.
This should be obvious
>Stephen "Kike Killer" Bannon now has Trump's ear
>achieved nothing
Most of the alt right is pushing hard for calexit. We sure don't want your stinking communist 3rd world shithole around.
>implying I voted for Hillary Clinton
Trump is a retarded conman that doesn't even believe in proven climate change. No one got BTFO considering Clinton did win the popular vote anyway.
Conspiracy theorists should be shot.
But you're suggesting the majority of BLM's funding comes from Soros. There's no reason to believe that to be true.
Breitbart existed before the alt right
Soros funds such shady bullshit in Eastern Europe I'm shocked the guy hasn't stood trial yet. He's the ultimate cancer.
>No one got BTFO
>Republicans now control all three branches of gov and a majority of the governors
>believing the MSM narrative about Bannon being anti-Semitic
He's just a civic nationalist who is better than all the other niggers before him.
So every time I put a penny in a charity pot that means I control that charity.
The efforts of the alt right played no role in Bannon getting that role. The role the alt right played in Trump's election overall was trivial. A huge portion of them did not, or could not, vote.
>moving the goalposts this hard
They got a man who espouses their views as adviser to Trump
Bannon is not alt right.
But they didn't, you dumb shit.
>mfw 8th generation in California
Yes please!
Again, I don't want a war, so let's do it right.
It's a liberal hyper captalist hellscape senpai
It has the highest taxes in the union and some of the most absurdly restrictive laws. Not exactly communist, but "hyper capitalist" it is not.
But yes they did.
The guy acts like an autistic /pol/ack incarnate, and has been quoted as having no problems with disenfranchising black voters
You mind proving that he controls their finances?
The highest income taxes. Some of the lowest real estate taxes which affect wealthy land owners the most. The state is owned by big ag, big data, big pharma, and defense contractors.
Maybe not hyper capitalist but hyper corporatist.
It's capitalist as fuck, and run by real estate agents.
But his appointment was completely independent of the alt right
Bannon has been saying his bullshit for longer than Veeky Forums has existed
It's run by real estate agents because it has bolshevik tier zoning laws which allows real estate prices to shoot up to the stratosphere.
The guy you're replying to is an idiot. Media pushed the narrative about how he's alt right just because his wife mentioned he said something about Jews like two decades ago. He isn't alt right.
t. alt right
25 year rule.
Soros basically funds everything that will cause chaos. I think he's not as powerful as /pol/ and my mom/grandpa would have us believe, but he's certainly dangerous and worth keeping an eye on.
I think he'd make a great villain for a book.
I just can't pinpoint his motivations.
Is it to become the richest man in the world?
He's already incredibly rich.
>no true Scotsman
>The alt-right (short for "alternative right") is a loose group of people with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States.
>Banon not being that
I don't speak nigger, care to translate please?
>he has to look up the term in bolshewikipedia
Good job proving you know fuck all about the movement.
>no true Scotsman
Do you even know what that means? Bannon is way too tame to be one of us.
Soros is likely working with neocons and neoliberals to help continue US global dominance. People think he's in control but I think he's just the money man, good for keeping things on the books for shady shit. He's totally in step with the Clinton Foundation and is just another arm of the beast.
Are we in 1954?
This is the current alt-right game. They play dumb about it like hipsters. When they get accused of being alt-right, they say no, we're not followers of Spencer guy or neo-nazis.
South Africa - 1970.
>Come on it's current year
Compare real estate costs in Phoenix to the ones in San Francisco or LA, it has everything to do with zoning laws.
Ok, but call it what it is: greedy corporate bullshit. It's not communism, dad.
It's low IQ - ism.
Possibly. He's defiantly helping the US global dominance, but his internal US actions make me unsure. Also, there might be someone else behind him. The grey eminence is not a grey eminence if he's well known.
Also, the Trump victory also brings up questions, because he was clearly helping Hillary. Tho he surely has connections in both parties.
Maybe it's a combination of zoning laws (old hippies don't want high density housing lowering their property value) and high demand because of all the high paying work in Silicon Valley.
Nah fuck that it's commies
Better red than dead
Or high-IQ-ism.
A certain amount of people are getting very fucking rich off of this shit.
Yeah, too bad 90% of Cali is Mexico tier retarded.
It's not zoning laws.
It's Sodosopa bullshit.
>tacitly admit that the other guy is right
Or maybe Californians are shit at running a government and you're a faggot.
Whenever anybody says "alt right" they mean millennial conservatives who dislike the Republican party and believe race should be more important to politics
If you are a rich American you had nothing to lose in the election.
>Also, there might be someone else behind him
No. He's afraid of a peasant uprising because that's the only thing that can frighten these people. The regime change stuff and protests are done on behalf of his buddies but it's all a show.
Waaaa! This guy called me a faggot! Waaaa! Hatespeech! Wa- nah, I don't really give a fuck.
Spencer invented the term alt right and Spencer is explicitly not a conservative since he considers conservatism to be useless and idealistic.
If nobody wants to live in your shitty city because there's no work it doesn't matter how relaxed your zoning laws are you stupid cocksucker.
The city of SF is definitely one of the worst managed in the USA but many people are still moving there because that's where the jobs are.
>race should be important to politics
That sounds really fucking dumb.
He doesn't want chaos. He's just a bloodthirsty capitalist who soothes his conscience by supporting causes he believes to be just.
Texas has far more people moving there than California though.
Something to do with cheaper real estate, more jobs, and lower taxes.
Texas has a higher real estate tax rate. One of the highest in the nation.
>bloodthirsty Jew
He's incredibly conservative, but he doesn't think Republicans are right-wing enough
"We're not conservatives." - Richard Spencer
Yes, but they also have much cheaper housing because they don't have nearly as strict zoning laws.
Hence why people are flooding out of California, and people are flooding into Texas.
A literally who of which no one had ever heard of before the media started trotting him out like a good dog
The alt-right is just Tumblr in reverse. They want identity politics pandering to whites as a group.
with the unprecedented focus on social media, it's actually hard to say whether or not the meme machine made a difference in the election. it's very possible we would be looking at madame president if all of the amusing or informative images created by the alt-right didn't get circulated around twitter and facebook.
They don't have zoning laws, so they have shitty strip mall culture.
Fight me.
Higher real estate tax =/= more expensive real estate
Tax is only one of the things that contribute to costs.
And SF is frankly good only if you're working in tech but if you're anything else you're basically a complete retard for living there.
Huh, just like the alt-right.
Yeah that sounds about right. No wonder I hate them.
I miss old Tumblr and old Veeky Forums
conservatives by definition don't want change. alt-right wants change.
Actual chaos magic at work.
You probably shouldn't, because I live in a state that allows guns and from the sound of things, you don't.