necro reveal and abyss league ends in like an hour
Leo Stewart
necro tears will sustain my stamina throughout the week!
Jose Gonzalez
Why does this game have no social aspects?
Kevin Baker
how unlikely is it RF is getting nerfed? the skill is now good with all Templar ascendancies, Occultist, and Trickster - getting kinda ridiculous if you ask me
Asher Clark
should i go on nofap for the league start
Camden Jones
kind reminder that Wheel of Death Shockwave Totems Hierophant is the official /poeg/ build
Joshua Bennett
>nofap did this meme spread outside of Veeky Forums?
Zachary Gonzalez
stop shilling this shit game please, it deserves to fail and GGG deserves to go bankrupt
Liam Cook
you know the answer son
Christopher King
GGG knows how poorly optimized party play is so they have no incentive to encourage players to group up. Me? I play ssfhc
Brody Sullivan
This game is like real life you're born alone and you die alone.
Levi Jenkins
nobody unironically enjoys playing with an another human when you can solo everything alone
Jacob Edwards
t. degenerate that jerks it to interracial porn 6 times a day
Chase Wilson
Alexander Moore
I'm actually pretty excited to see the necromancer ascendancy rework. I've exclusively played summoners since the game's beginning and I've only ever run skeletons or dominating blow, never liked the pidgeonholing into specters. I'm hoping for some nice skelly or zombie nodes to encourage some diversity.
Probably not though.
Isaac Miller
imagine still going to vee in two thousand and eighteen
Nathan Sanders
that's a lot of projection
Joshua Smith
Nicholas Ortiz
i visit almost every board and shitpost relentlessly on all of them
Wyatt Sanders
5 hours from now
Jackson Collins
quads of truth wording this post
Grayson Lewis
Jayden Scott
>I've exclusively played summoners since the game's beginning
Jace Gomez
Grayson Price
Add juggercuck lab farmers into reddit tier.
Aaron Kelly
Is POE still dead?
Adrian Wright
pls respond
Easton Clark
t. degenerate jerking of 6 times a day and being in denial about it
Angel Ortiz
read the wiki it explains every you need to know
Nathaniel Lopez
Grayson Gomez
Here we go lads.
Joshua Adams
Read the wiki or search youtube there are videos there. That's as much spoonfeeding i'll give you
Anthony Davis
I'm a summoner and I want necro to be nerfed.
But now we see how OP some other ascendancies are, I just don't know anymore.
Brandon Lee
t. obsessed with other men's dicks
Evan Lee
Nathan Cruz
necro out dudes
William Perry
oof that mistress nerf
Jordan King
Necromancer BTFO >offering 50% reduced effect on you
GG see ya later
Ethan Nelson
I think summoner does need some kind of nerf because it's fairly strong for so little investment you put into it, but i'd prefer if it didn't get dumpstered
Carter Lee
So, I wanna do a hipster build and feel like touching ES again for the first time since the VP rework Melee Occultist or Melee Trickster? What weapons/Skills?
Hudson Cooper
Buff to Zombies and Skeletons, Nerf to Specters, mega nerf to Mistress of Sacrifice. I am ok with this.
Mason Nelson
Cap'n 'Murrica tier Shield Toss Gladiator with a Lodestone wand
Jacob Butler
How should I feel?
Jackson Jones
spectres still op
Nathaniel Torres
time to play a real class, summonfags
Caleb Gutierrez
necro still good I wonder if they nerf solar guards and those totems guys
Grayson Russell
Anthony Turner
>100% skeleton movespeed >summoned skeletons hits can't be evaded
Isaiah Ward
Incoming Reddit tears. Cuck Wilson, true to his name, will revert the changes. Screencap this.
Luke Turner
Jaxon Gray
mistress of sacrificed effectiveness AHAHAAHAAHAHAH
Dylan Perez
so necro just got slower/less block
wow it's fucking nothing
Elijah Davis
But do lab traps still kill specters in 1 hit? I never got my 4th ascendency to get mistress of sacrafice anyway because every time I went in the fucking axe traps gibbed my shit.
Lincoln Reyes
This is legit sensible nerf to mistress of sacrifice and now for once minions aren't just go spectres or you're an absolute retard. how did spectres get nerfed?
Grayson Lee
Brandon Gray
>Wanted zombie and skeleton buffs >Get both
Mason Wright
yes you got it right
Easton Cooper
Yes they still do but i've farmed Uber izaro with necro and honestly level 75 vg shit on him so it's not that bad.
Gavin Gomez
doot doot
Thomas Morgan
now you can get real beefy zombois with your spectres.
or zoom zoom skellies
huge hit to survivability though
solar guards nerfed in patch notes for nail in coffin?
Jonathan Fisher
thoughts? red meme can be changed with something else the tree maybe needs some optimization, I would also like to get flask nodes
David Perry
necro still looking good. skele mages are pretty neat i might try it this league
Brayden Moore
>120% skeleton movespeed from ascendancy >another 100% from queen's escape sanic skellingtons let's gooooooooo
Christian Fisher
>Nerf to specters
Jackson King
Mistress of sacrfice 50% was exactly as expected, Zombies getting a buff and having their threshold jewel integrated into the ascendancy is nice, Skeletons maybe becoming actually viable and spectres staying the same from what I can see I am fine with this Greets, Witchfu
Gavin Cruz
It just means now necros have to run advancing fortress + helm enchant for block if they want 75/75 which is fair.
Level 20 Bone Offering: 35% Chance to Block Attacks 34% Chance to Block Spells 594 life on block
Level 20 Spirit Offering 2% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield for each corpse consumed Minions gain 29% of their Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage Minions gain +30% to all Elemental Resistances
Divide every value by half to see how much Necro has lost. RIP max block/spell block spellomancers.
Leo Garcia
Holy shit, I just beat the prison...
I'm a noob. First timer. New Exile. Let me just say, the prison was intense as hell. It wasn't extremely hard or anything, but the scenery mixed with THE MUSIC. Omfg that music. I can't even do it justice. I was on the edge of my seat walking into the boss. I was irrationally nervous!
I love this game. I'm not even talking about the content per se. What I love is how you can feel the love and detail the developers put into this game. From the music to the little frogs running around and birds. The extra details. I know, I know, I'm gushing like a loser, and I've barely played.
Gamers made this game. You can tell. Hands down though, the music is soul inspiring. I'm hooked.
I'm probably just telling you all what you already know, but I want to share anyway. This game should be the gold standard and model for all developers to show what really changes a game from very good to great.
Jaxson Gonzalez
BASADO reddit poster
Ryan Morris
>brainlets in here think maxblock necro is ded
Hang yourself
Leo Mitchell
Nathaniel Edwards
>Flesh Offering is only 15 cast speed now aaaaaaaaaaaand into the trash it goes. that node is not even worth picking anymore for spectres builds
Owen Garcia
Jayden Hernandez
Leave them be, a lot of guys were desperate for muh necro tears and others are probably shitters that just did Summoner first time this league.
John Hall
>Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)11:16:57 No.20662054 no it's wrong
Cooper Kelly
>i-i-i-i-it's f-f-f-fine g-g-g-g-g-guys..
Lucas Fisher
Aaron Williams
free totems free golems
Jaxson Cooper
> needing cast speed on a spectre build
the absolute state of poeg
Easton Taylor
>Auraslut riding carry dick to 100 skill still unchanged why is this allowed?
Alexander Sanchez
gladiators next up on the chopping block get it? chopping block? haha
Tyler Myers
why would it not be
Angel Rodriguez
stop pretending you are retarded, its not that hard of a nerf and even has a few nice buffs
must suck to wait 2 weeks for muh necro tears and then get this lol
Jackson Jones
wild strike elemenetalist
you'll tell me to go fuck myself later
Jayden Taylor
well at least necro got buffs for the other minion types, slayer just got fucked and got nothing to compensate >impact nah
Jacob Adams
It's not worth it for spectr sbecause you don't get enough value out of bone offering either