DS3 PvP is so trash lmao >whip out Vordt's hammer >PvP kiddies think the can "true combo" me after i swing my big icy stick a few times >activate preserverence >swing big icy stick until they're dead >PvP nerd has straight sword but he's too scared of my big icy stick to come close it me so it ends up in a draw I'm fucking trash and i can beat the "gold" players at this retard shit. /dsg/ told me gold players were good, was i lied to?
Nathan Green
Best waifu, best covenant
Ryan Watson
Duelfaggotry ranks mean literally nothing, all it means is that they aren't complete dogshit at PvP.
Adam Johnson
How are arenas these days? I used to love the all out brawls but last I tried it was waiting and waiting for players to join. Dueling gets old pretty quick.
Wyatt Johnson
Why the fuck does every spear in the game bounce off of the smallest of shields? I am 2-handing that shit too.
But for whatever reason, if I use a halberd-class weapon that shit will always go through. Reduced damage, but goes through without bouncing. Even 1-hand. Specifically the Red-hilt Halberd and Lucerne. Both do thrust, just like spears.
What the fuck, FROM?
Christian Peterson
>make a fresh start >get bored >stop FUCKING MAKE DAS4 ALREADY
Gavin Jackson
i think all the good people left. only slightly above avergae players, shitters, and gimmick builds are left
Jace Flores
wow the kiddie with a 3shot weapon beat a kiddie who was using an r1 spam weapon, good thing you didn't get matched up with a kiddie using a running r1 spam weapon, or a kiddie off handing a crossbow ehh???
Owen Price
How does the spellbuff on hybrid catalysts like the crystal chime work?
Isaiah Gutierrez
When are the DeS servers going offline again in Europe? Will there be a last get together? I'm really sad about this.
Zachary Flores
Do Dark/Deep spells become too gimped if I used a 60 INT Cleric's Candlestick? I'm looking to use Dark Edge and Affinity mostly, the rest would be normal sorceries.
(I'll probably also have a proper catalyst in the off-hand, but I'm still curious about Dark/Deep spells).
Ethan Nguyen
I played Dark Souls again two days ago. Nothing but 250+ ping on every connection. I wish my net wasn't so shit /dsg/.
Joseph Johnson
Murky longstaff, 45 int. Most efficient dark build.
Ian Bennett
Souls PvP is for people who suck at other online games because they can't win on an even playing field.
Cameron Perry
>pyromancers finally get a meme catalyst >its shit
>candle sword used by priests >sorcery catalyst
>crescent axe >doesn't use moveset similar to ds2, just a regular halberd
>no more twinblades
Jonathan Murphy
anons i was thinking a dark build but not exactly caster only i mean like a greatsword dark user would it gud? which armor and weapon you recommend?
Alexander Johnson
>tfw oneshotting people at sl50 with great soul dregs
Eli Phillips
What's the big deal with Demons Souls servers going offline? You can still play the game.
David Sanchez
you cant pvp neither coop
Mason Perry
Why did suddenly npcs start giving me back estus? At low levels, so I can't be having any specific items at that point
Jason Barnes
>tfw making a twinblade build >forgot and consumed vordt soul fuck where do i get my left eye
Nathaniel Gutierrez
30/30 Dark builds are the meta cancer that will persist until the game finally dies. You're late in joining the party and are bringing nothing new to it.
Justin Bailey
I feel kind of stupid. After I beat the Capra Demon and got the key, I looked all around the Undead Burg to find a door to unlock. It wasn’t until I looked it up that I found out that there are stairs right before where you fought the Capra Demon. I didn’t even know there was anything there.
Grayson Campbell
They didn't want people poise-casting pyromancies.
Ask someone to drop it for you.
Jaxson Campbell
>finally kill one of the hosts 4 phantoms >except it doesn't even give me a shackle because the dumbfuck phantom ran off and died when i got him to like 40 hp and dying to a mob doesn't count
fucking reeeee
Grayson Lewis
onyx blade is literally what you are thinking of. It's one of the best twink weapons since dark is broken and the sword has incredible reach. Nobody will like playing against you tho
John Barnes
>pyromancers finally get a meme catalyst >its shit opinion discarded
Ryder Cox
>pyromancers finally get a meme catalyst White Hair Talisman?
Aiden Bell
Poor choice of words I guess. I was happy to see a hybrid catalyst for pyromancy but was annoyed at how useless it turned out to be
Carter Hill
Why's everyone so cold towards me? I just want friends.
Daniel Morgan
if you were summoned into the world when he had 3 phantoms you'd have to kill all 3 yourself to get a shackle my dude. 1 wouldn't cut it
Christopher White
>roll dex class starting as thief >Vordt wrecks me due to my low damage >summon a sunbro outside looking like a daughter of chaos >he throws fireballs that leave lava pools removing chunks of 500 hp to the boss >solos the fight for me thank you bro
Jace Anderson
Blake Murphy
If I lay down a purple summon can I kill the host during a boss fight?
Eli Evans
ah but they dont have to like i mean isnt the póint of invasions literally pissing the host off?
Chase Hernandez
what was the lore(TM) conclusion on tree people?
Jeremiah Diaz
They just like sticks up their asses, man.
Matthew Turner
I try to show them my sweet side but to no avail.
Adam Bell
they are something like evolutions some fail some do not the wyvern in high wall of lothric have an rootlike aspect i believe pilgrim butterflies are a intermediate stage of evolution.
Elijah Wood
so people are turning into dragons?
Carson Bennett
i was thinking for early game picking the deep axe in high wall? as a mage will it be too hard to kill the mimic?
Chase Turner
Michael Johnson
it was originally host and just his phantom standing on a high ground that would've taken me a long ass time to get to (and by then they could've just moved somewhere else), and them just waiting there for 2 dorkmoons to show up
I dunno if the phantoms you need to kill like change once more phantoms are summoned after you invaded but either way it was shitty
Jack King
>Crestfallen warrior (ds3) has been gone ever since I went to Lothric Wall, right at the start of the game What happened? This is my second character and in that one, he never left (i only went until Farron Keep in my first char, though)
Grayson Parker
i believe i mean the dragon and the butterflies the hollows with tree monsters erupting from their insides and the hollows which have trees in their asses also pontiff has rootlike wings
James Hernandez
nah it doesn't change. If you invade and it tells you "kill the host or 1 phantom" and he then summons 2 more, killing 1 boot you out
Carson Moore
>about to sit down at the bonfire to refill vagina juice >oh fuck, someone put their summon sign right there and I wasn't paying attention >head out to fight Vordt >watch this guy stay right in front of Vordt's face and get slapped around the arena At least he let me whale at Vordt's bp with no response
Matthew Lee
tell me good spots to great arrow an host out to a ledge to die
tell me the story of this image isnt this that actor? i like him very much why is he crying?
John Moore
Ariandel, catacombs and Pontiff's backyard
Charles Gomez
Not anymore
Juan Lee
Anyone want to help a filthy cleric with DSA on PC? dsg, NG
Joshua Hughes
I'll come, I hope you don't mind me trying out some shenanigans though.
Lincoln Jenkins
I'm at the fog.
Asher Roberts
Sign's coming down in a few seconds.
Zachary Morales
>facial aesthetic WOW i will make a homoerotic fuccboy whith a feminine face if only someone would mod for you to be raped everytime you die
Henry Bennett
well that was a flop, normally i'm not so shit vs DSA.
Charles Gonzalez
scales equally with both stats, for crystal chime that is. other catalysts scale differently
Landon Thomas
Okay, fuck, that time it was entirely my fault. Sign's down again, don't think we need Eygon for this though.
Charles Richardson
You're right, i just have conniptions over doing 90 damage at max right now and think we need Eyegon
Lincoln Gonzalez
aaand of course I get wombo'd by the laser and DSA. goddamn.
Caleb Thomas
>used all my humanity fighting OaS
Well I'm fucked.
Noah Morgan
are daggers still the holy shit off ripostes?
Isaiah Campbell
Chaos Dagger is the hotness right now
Lucas Anderson
>chaos >hot heh
Hudson Rivera
Welp I have a newfound respect for clerics who beat DSA on their own, that is insanely hard when you only deal 90 damage with melee. Thanks once again Countess.
Logan King
I was trying to do meme tumblebuffing and putting Frozen Weapon on a Ringed K***ht Straight Sword, but I forgot for a second that I didn't have Heysel Pick equipped.
Though this time I learned that when DSA powers up for the second phase, his resistances go up too. During the first phase I was hitting him three times to proc Frostbite and then tapping him with my Chaos Dagger to reset it, but three swings wasn't cutting it during the second phase.
Jacob Baker
They're pilgrims who didn't put the turtle shell on their back, and began to evolve into the root butterflies that fly around and attack you during the Dragonslayer Armor bossfight. The final form is the angel.
Brody Williams
I have +10 zweihander, is it worth it to add lighting or crystal? Or are the scaling bonuses better? This is a tanky str I have.
Wyatt Anderson
Speed run using souls only on fashion and consumables. Get it on ng+ and have some fuckin fun
Oliver Cox
>Each angel has a corresponding tree-like pilgrim, killing the pilgrim that is linked to it will defeat the angels permanently. Tree-like pilgrims does not respawn. maybe the angels are like the butterflies souls? when you kill a butterfly you are only killing the body?
Gavin Sanders
Tumblebuffs are still a thing?
Isaiah Thomas
Mason Sullivan
wew boys i literally killed iudex in 2 parrys and 3 heavy arrows HA and they say dark souls is hard
Adam Evans
Best spear/pole-arm is Dark Souls? In terms of damage output and decent moveset.
Isaac Murphy
Yup. The macro I wrote only works specifically for my weapon and stamina combination, I'm aiming to eventually put Blessed Weapon on a Black K***ht Greatsword
Jackson Wright
Tyler Hill
Which route is better to do first: Consumed Kings Garden or Lothric Castle?
Bentley Johnson
Who are the most cuntish, most insufferable, most obnoxious players in DS3 and why is it everyone who wears the Thrall Hood
Liam Myers
Austin Cruz
Tyler Mitchell
no, spare us the shota rape
Christian Turner
Lucerne + leo ring
Asher Nelson
Consumed King's Garden is shorter and has loads of goodies.
Justin Long
A lot of reasons >they think they're hot shit because they're wearing the epic meme hat of DS3 >they are the most likely to tryhard >they seemingly have fragile egos and get pissy if you start thrashing them >they probably watch Fighter.Piss and think he's the best >they only know how to point down and nothing else because they've been broken inside by the countless ganksquads they've probably faced >they have an unhealthy addiction to Force and the MWGB because of ledge cheesing >they are highly likely to join gank squads due to them probably being broken inside by countless ganks >they're bitter about everything >they unironically wear the least fashionable helm in the game >they have a shit sense of humor Just to name a few.
Ryan Cooper
>every boss is weak to lightning
Anthony Bailey
I felt uneasy when I had to fight the big rats in the Depths. Something about their appearance creeps me out, especially how when they die, you can see their sharp teeth and white eyes. I even jumped a little when a gang of rats burst out from a wall.
I assume this was the intended effect.
Cameron James
probably false, but what game?
Aiden Adams
>killing someone when they're in the no estus animation after getting slapped with a Lloyd's No better feel
Dylan Gray
Is 40 END really that necessary?
Mason Russell
If you're wielding an ultra weapon, yes. And if you PvP regularly, yes. Duelfaggotry need not apply, it isn't real PvP.
Matthew Walker
In Dark Souls? I'd say so but not so necessary in the later games.
Jason Lopez
PSA to bring avelyn while fighting friede
Blake Adams
Fighter_PL wannabes
Caleb Allen
Are non-sword things fun? I keep using varieties of swords but never touch polearms or axes or hammers
Andrew Flores
What if you tried it?
Jacob Smith
I feel like if I have the carrying capacity to swing it, there's pretty much no downside to offhanding a crossbow. Aside maybe from having to constantly switch between that and a parrying tool.
Someone talk me out of being a crossbow-offhanding sweaty tryhard.
Julian Cooper
Halberds and scythes are pretty fun in my opinion, and they're a good counter to greatswords.