>fluked literally two battles against unarmoured sandfarmers with Daddy's army
Why is he famous again?
>fluked literally two battles against unarmoured sandfarmers with Daddy's army
Why is he famous again?
Cause he knew that OP was a fagot.
he was gay so
He also won a lot of daddy's battles for him. When the Thebans were pushing the Macedonians back, Alexander led the decisive cavalry charge into the Theban's flank. As he won so many countless battles, he was at the decisive moment, the center of the action. It's actually not different from his subsequent battles in that he rarely commanded the entire army and the infantry would be lead by a subordinate; personally leading the main cavalry thrust is all he ever does.
Some of you Persians are alright
Don't go to Gaugamela tomorrow
He had good press and just HAD to leave his mark everywhere from Egypt to India. Plus he used a united Greece to conquer the eternal foe the Persians so he had some kind of good legacy in the eyes of the Mediterranean World.
u wanted to say sandn*****s didnt you
yeha but the tactics were usually partly premeditated. considering his right flank did the same thing in almost every battle, i'd say the him winning it from that point of view is a little overzealous.
More like Alexander the Not-So-Great
You'd be surprised how many people can't even do that. Perseus certainly could have used it at Pydna.
>alexander the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""great"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
When they had the Greece, Persia was easy. Persian inf was on fairly the same level as it was in the age of Xenophon and his recorded adventures. Greek mercenaries and disorganised empire troups. Even Macedons infantry was some three tech generations ahead. Then you put next to it a highly organised mounted force, and you have vast technological advantage. Superior armour, superior organization, and superior leadership, but they still nearly lost it in the first battle when Alexander nearly fell.
Shit talk him if you like, but you can't argue with results. He crushed the Persians and went on to march until his army mutinied and then died only when illness struck him down.
Phillip II built a great army, true, but Alexander took it to the ends of the world. Only nature could fell him.
Right, because they were drastically outnumbered.
The remarkable thing, as you hinted at, is that their advantage in tactics and organization allowed them to prevail against a far superior force. Numerically.
Sorry, but I gotta bring it up: Hydaspes. That may not have been the prettiest battle, and permanently damaged the Macedonian war effort, but one cannot deny the cleverness he employed against Porus. He's also famous for his toughness: he survived an axe blow to the head at Granicus and a barbed arrow straight to the lung at Multan.
Every poo in loo is told by their parents that Kang porus the great drove little Alexander out of India and eventually his bitch body couldn't handle the weather and would die of malaria
I was going to, but then I thought that I might want to apply for a UK government job in the future and for some reason the thought of trying to explain the use of that particular word struck my mind
>Every poo in loo is told by their parents that Kang porus the great drove little Alexander out of India and eventually his bitch body couldn't handle the weather and would die of malaria
Yeah that's kinda insane.
I was reading up on the hydaspes and like 90%, maybe even fucking 99% of the comments had indian names and said that obviously Alexander lost and everything else was propaganda.
At least one of the hundreds of indian people in their long comments pointed out how silly his brethrens patriotism was about this point.
he was a bit of a bitter gay bitch for leading his army through the desert
>It's a butthurt Persiboo thread
my favorite
more like Alexander the Product of Social, Cultural and Geographical Culture in the Time Leading up to his Birth am I right
it's funny but there are people who actually believe this horseshit
Top kek
I'm not huge into great man theory personally but it's certainly better than that bullshit