/acg/ - Animal Crossing General

#1321 - Spring Now Edition
Previous: >How to play New Leaf/Pocket Camp online with /acg/
People need to add each other's Friend Codes in order to visit.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>The Basics
ACNL basics guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com or nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/today
Pocket Camp FAQ - pastebin.com/5WErjXrV
Pocket Camp Tulip Breeding Guide - i.imgur.com/gNbbmJS.png

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Museum checklist - mediafire.com/file/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl
All furniture customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com imgur.com/a/mfGqi
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android app - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
QR paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html

>Upcoming Birthdays
26th - Sheldon
27th - Rosie
28th - Naomi
1st - Coco
2nd - Barold
3rd - Bonbon
4th - Anchovy

>Upcoming Holidays & Events
16th - Fishing Tourney
17th - Shamrock Day

Neighbor move in/camper reset trick - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
Preventing moveouts - pastebin.com/avaKnPPc
Welcome Amiibo FAQ - pastebin.com/aAbMZwmM
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/
Dream codes - pastebin.com/PCmJZ5WA

Thanks man

posting for cute jap poster kudos

Secret marketboxes are a true success

Me too! (Because you're on it!)

You are pure perfection.


I'd be happier if my attempt to "fix" my dead phone actually worked, or if I found a way to play on an emulator.




Who wants to be my garden buddy?

i wish i was popular enough to get namedropped every day

I get annoyed every time I’m namedropped.

I'm sorry. I know it's not of much consolation, but I'll do a bit of digging around. Hope to see you online again so we can hold hands

wanna trade

Its here! And its cute!

Drop your name and I’ll make you my husbando and namedrop you constantly.

>tfw just planted a bunch of normal flowers literally before the event started



>another flower event
>have to rip up my rare flower garden again
I'm so sick of this
When is the fishing/gathering event, or the shaking trees event, or the talking to Isabelle and finding lost items event? I'm tired of gardening gardening gardening over and over


Wow it's almost as cute as you almost

I like the gardening event because they give you a crap ton of essences and building materials I need all the paper and hipster/rustics that I can get

I missed the other events, well I kinda made the gothic rose one but just barely. So this actually looks like fun to me.


ACPC killed /acg/



put on some fucking shoes you hick



>fursona out of nowhere
Way to ruin a good picture.

>another gardening event

No, Nintendo! That wasn't part of the deal!

>try to keep fish and bugs in stock to help out my /acg/ friends
>get bought out by moonrunes

Cherries and pears it is, then.

Wow, Callie. Way to be racist.
I guess it's time to unfriend you.

you sound like an even bigger faggot than the attention whore



I fixed it.

But Marshal...

In other news...

Happy Birthday, Rosie!

I fixed it.

10,000 hours in mspaint

Reminder to hug your Rosie today

Who else /autism/ here?

Happy Birthday, Rosie! Already gifted her some things today, I hope she likes them.

Thank you Callie

Will do.

Now it kind of looks like he died...

I just look at my visitor tab and give them back one by one.

RIP he was a good squirrubando


He will always be in our hearts

I write them down on paper. What you’re missing is when their field blooms. Since watering does nothing and some people love to give without having open spots, it’s easy enough to track.

I still have all my garden lists. It’s nice to have a record of all your reliable friends, makes it easy to know who to dump on.

Clown Cream Cake

>have to pay back so many random friends who give me ladybugs that I have none left to give to my crush
Please, stop

Name of crush? I’ll give it to him for you. ;)

That just sounds like cuckoldry with extra steps.
How did you know it's a guy

did they improve the stats on rare creatures? it seems easier to reach goals than in the rover hell event

they did the last event too, but this time it seems even easier

>about to give buggies to my favorite user
>all their flowers are ungrown or full already
no... ):

Anyone still bother with trees? I kinda with the reward was more useful.


>jap poster replanted her entire garden
>no open spots when her field blooms
why do people do this

Zen garden rug when?

... Step on it.

still do, but I tend to forget if I've already gotten my tree money that day or not

but you're the cute one there

If you try to step on it I will step on your current trajectory and tell you not to step on it.

Now you're just tempting me.

Is this the new /acg/ romance?

who dis

only if they meet up irl like the others did

>favorite Nip friend that I’ve been friends since release is my biggest ladybug partner right now

I love the half open eyes of this face. So smug.

I want to be part of /acg/'s next gay romance

I wish the new flower crows didn't look like they're about to slip off my head.

every time i try to make /acg/ friends irl they chicken out. i just want to do cute things.


which /acg/ poster is cutest irl and why is it gay weeb

Shut up gay weeb.


I like the way he writes but the cutest is Idon'twannasay


Pathetic losers

shut up, nobody's buying it

i wish i was a flower crow

which villagers would be in a gang together, and which villager would be their ringleader? hardmode: include /acg/ posters

Tex feels like he would definitely lead something

Are these rates even higher than Lottie’s? You can basically trade them back and forth if you have a coordinated friend


After a garden event lmao

t. Nintendo

why the fuck are you guys so gay

will this be the last garden event?


Yes but only because they will keep recycling older ones

I thought the fishing event was next what the hell is this?

shUT UP and grow a flowe U shit

Do these flowers need more watering or something?

This. I don't want every day but occasional namedrops wouldn't be bad. I think it's been a month since my last one, and whoever posted wasn't happy with me.

Fuck you... Fred?