Fighting Games General /fgg/
Year of the dog!
I want to play as my favorite character, Edmond Honda.
*jives gracefully*
can't wait for the anniversary collection
I'm pretty sure I'm retarded and have no future
what jive rank should I try to achieve before I end it
Put this dog on a leash.
Just drop Jive and things will start to look brighter.
I get no satisfaction from playing dishonest 50/50 grapplers, but I lack the ability or mental commitment to learn any actual character with real execution requirements.
play ed.
I dropped jive for tekken for a while and things got worse
fuck that ed is the worst of both worlds, plus I play on gamepad. nightmarish.
Why does gimmicky shit work better in sfv than in dbz?
>When Cross Tag does well.
...So, never?
Is it worth picking up Blanka?
Hes not as bad as people make him out to be but no probably not.
>start round
>play neutral for a couple seconds
>someone lands a hit
>other guy gets to sit there and do nothing while opponent plays a minute-long Guitar Hero minigame
How the fuck is this fun? It's like the entire mental flow of the game grinds to a screeching halt multiple times a round. You might as well show the other guy ads while he waits.
For all SFV's faults, at least it's just
>get hit
>5-10 hit combo
>30% damage
>match continues
he looks like that skinny guy from third strike
As a main = No
As a character to have warm up matches or for fun = yes.
I was going to do it for Blanka-chan alone until I remembered he's a charge character.
Reminder to preorder, buy, and support BBCTB so that we have a better chance of getting P5A!
Who would you main in P5A? Outside of the main cast, who do you wanna see in the potential P5A?
Kinda I guess but he's 100% cuter also pic related since this is Trunks best transformation and just like his best hair style it never gets used enough in the games.
Not him but I'd main Makoto. Heavy hitting, mid speed kick boxers are cool. I actually want to see an SMT guest character like DemiFiend, that would be super sick.
these posts make my tail wag bros...
>Who would you main in P5A?
Makoto and Anne. Hadn't really thought about any other characters, really.
Loved Anne's design since I first saw it, and whip/zoner characters like Amane and Sion are really fun for me.
Makoto is objectively best girl in the main cast, and would probably have a neat brawler/martial arts fighting style like, ironically enough, Makoto in BB.
friendly reminder to attend this years EVO and join in on the most anticipated fgg event of the century!!
This character design is so fucking bad. I can't put up with 308 more days of this.
*puts paw down on your tail to stop it from wagging*
I fixt it :3
100% Yusuke. Outside of that as a guest character I'd want Raidou Kuzunoha, not fussed if he was an original version of the character since the name is just a title but I'd like to see it referenced.
I want to dig my claws into the Akiha poster, I want her to take the whole knot!
why is it bad user
Play GG and not kusoges like BB or DBFZ.
Don't touch my friend.
>is also a ninja
>is also a dog girl
>is also wearing a school gym uniform
>is also wearing fishnet stockings
it's like the middle result of those trifusion images
just imagine someone sitting down and typing stuff like this. what do you see when you visualize this shit in your head?
>loli ninja schoolgirl in fishnets with cute dog ears
literally perfect desu
bros...Why is there no bump on her crotch?
Remy should've been a girl, he would've been remembered then
This art is fucking atrocious, why would you even save this
Is this a good game?
You will have to end my life to get me to stop!
>overwatch is more complex than chess
this is really joggin my noggin
Is that a promise?
because I like it
broos im so hyped for sfv, so tired of waking up to these 50-50s in sf4 baka
Paid gems
I legitimately forgot that this "game" even existed. I really do wonder how horriblely this is gonna sell
why is it so easy to bait /v/
why do they get so mad about fighting games when they're all bad at them
This isn't surprising at all Overwatch is a bad shooter and the shooter genre is bad why are you surprised by him being retarded.
>hating fun
>promoting alex player
who is that?
>blairs death cry
what the fuck
But is it more complex than Chess 2?!
No my soul will rise again and haunt you saving excessive amounts of Konoha art on your harddrive ordering expensive Konoha wallscrolls I will fill your life with EVERYTHING KONOHA!
stop being a jerk and post your face, cutie
its over bros... blizoobers won, we can't recover from this
hey I recognize you fuckers. why are people from sc2 general in these threads
Don't be silly
IT's fun though
Overwatch is actually not that fun
I was pretty hooked for like 6 months and then just got bored hard
Different user but CSGO I've always felt is a pretty good example of a hard to master FPS since it requires good execution for various different(smoke, molotov, hand, flash) grenade setups which are different for both sides.
Learning spray patterns is hard as well.
Requires patience since while rushing can work it's more of a catch them off guard strategy than anything else and map knowledge is crazy intense in CSGO and heavily relies on reading your oppositions moves for the next round for it to be effective.
Thats why you don't play it so often.
I'm considering getting it.
I was hooked playing with friends for like the first 2 months of release, and then got bored hard.
I don't know how anyone has stuck with that game for as long as they have.
I guess dumbing down the most brainless genre of competitive video games was enough to make idiots feel comfortable.
6v6 and 5v5 games are popular competitively because people like to have others to blame when they lose. Basically they can't take responsibility for their own shittiness.
Quake is the only good shooter to ever exist competition wise.
What do you guys watch while in the lab? I find it really helps to have something playing I can watch on the side to take like a mini 15 second break or something while training.
Quake is the anime of the FGC, mindless airdashing while pretending your whiff punishes were intentional.
It could be 1v1 and people would still blame tiers.
Basically they can't take responsibility for their own shittiness.
my next door neighbor
Come over user im wet for you.
I main elphelt
This statement has been posted time and time again and also has btfo time and time again user lol.
Normally just music, I don't like distractions while labbing since I feel it goes against the point.
explain fighting game popularity then.
Its also more fun to play coop with friends than against them.
post merk
anyone else never really felt a strong compulsion to main a character? it feels like every game I just flip flop around and pick the least lame/annoying character. I wish I could be actually drawn to a character
wow me 2
>explain fighting game popularity then.
Nigger what?
dont post my wifes friend like that please shes uncomfortable with you doing that
bring me brazilian women
im not cute unless you like brown boys
It's cheesy but I love tunes like this for labbing:
it takes me forever to find a main because I lose with everyone and don't really feel like I'm playing the character.
Also I use tunes like this for working out, studying as well. I think it's just a mindset thing at this point.