Haha yeah. Its optional, but that 10USD purchase is for real. Basically, you get a 2nd base in which you can also pimp out, using resources from your main save. The things to note are Base Digger and Deployment Teams. Say you bought the Deployment Team #2 on Main Save. It carries over here, so essentially you have 4 teams to deploy on Gunpowder/Copper Runs. Then there's Base Digger. You get another shot at it while waiting for your main digger to get recipes. Recipes are shared here. Buying a second base would mean you're probably around 9,000~ Iron, Steel, and base building things. Very endgame, and actually pretty good. Too good infact.
Ayden Myers
So it's the exact same thing as buying a second FOB in MGSV (which also had only one save slot btw) except nobody made a big deal out of that.
Zachary Green
>exploration teams carry over so you can get 16x those for $60
Jonathan Gomez
I heard a rumor that there was a way to get a free character slot. Is that true? I just want to have 1 dude and 1 girl, damnit.
Connor Brown
So I guess the SV coins they give for free would be better to keep them and use them for a second save Pretty sure they will keep pumping them out in the next event
Jacob Campbell
I've been getting daily SV coins so im pretty sure eventually you get one for free
Zachary Jones
yeah collectors edition
Camden Russell
So how do character slots work? Do they play in the same base or do they have separate ones?
Wyatt Davis
yes but you need to pay me 10$
Ryan Bennett
>(which also had only one save slot btw) except nobody made a big deal out of that First of all nobody liked the mtx in V but they weren't as pervasive as they are Survive so nobody raised a big stink about it. Second of all shit tons of SP games have one save slot so nobody cared about V having only one save slot. The thing is that when it costs the developer LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY 0 DOLLARS to give you another save slot and then dangles more saves in front of you for TEN WHOPPING DOLLARS A POP WHICH IS 1/4th THE PRICE I PAID FOR THE DAMN GAME, people tend to get fucking mad.
Henry Baker
steam family share with a dummy account, make a second ps4 account or make a second xbox account
Bentley Murphy
Do I have to do the "a container has washed up" missions to get distress calls
Because i've literally gotten NOTHING but container side missions and no one is giving me distress calls
im in postgame btw so "story is stopping you" doesn't apply
Nathan Evans
But this is more than just a save slot. It's more like an expansion to your original save.
Liam Thompson
just keep sleeping, I got 8 or 9 distress signals while trying to find a goddamn bear in 60 days
Colton Wright
Extra character gets a new base - but they share the same resources and recipes and storage. So yes, you can have a level 1 character in a noobie base have end-game items. And yes, this means you can "grind" as well - do a circuit route of scavenging on one character, go to title and do it on the other, and keep switching. They share resources, so you effectively double your production.
Justin Jones
what happens if I exceed the 22 beds limit? will my qt females share their bed with the niggers? pls no not my qts
Jaxon Torres
so is co-op salvage missions the only way to get tungsten alloy
Carson Adams
What about storyline? That doesnt share does it?
Adrian Cruz
How does making a 2nd ps4 account work if each character is one a different account?
Julian Young
It's scattered around Africa too.
Grayson Hall
you want free and connected? oy vey
Noah Morris
A Second base you can base dig from, doubles your food/water production (Need more potatoes?) I'd probably purchase order with free SV Coins for Deployment Team > Boost (Event) > Inventory Slots > Save Slot. its actually 20 Deployment Teams user. there's 4 slots to unlock, but you have 1 free.
Camden Hall
Can someone please share a picture of their Africa map with all the teleporter locations?I am having trouble finding all of mine.
Ian Bailey
>tfw I'm most likey going to wake up to my base demolished
Asher Bell
Don't you get a second deployement team with a second save anyway? I'd say thats a better deal
Evan Sullivan
any chance for a map expansion or will that be dlc
Ian Nelson
Leo Wood
Yeah sure just let me logi--
Jace Davis
>three hour downtime right in prime time AEST
Chase Collins
>tfw remembered there is maintenance >set up my next defense for an hour after its finished
Juan Garcia
Africa is basically a straight line...
Ayden Bennett
>tfw dont want to finish the game because of how terrifying the post game seems
I'm a wage cuck, I can't afford to miss any defences!
Alexander Ramirez
Yes, and whatever you unlocked from your main save, actually also carries over. 2 deployment teams avialable on the first save, a 2nd save gives you another 2. Then there's Base Digging. Most definitely, there are some areas you can walk to, but it says "UNEXPLORED AREA" which will autokill you. Sitll probably working on it. Hopefully its more story/boss fights
Ryder Gray
Do people actually manually do base defenses? Seems easier to just stack the sides that are going to be attacks and then log out.
Hudson Cruz
Has ANYONE verified that your base doesn't get raped if you aren't around?
Jose Wilson
Jason Brown
I'm on plan 3 and the only one I manually did was the first trial one.
Aiden Wright
what do you guys think of a cqc/traps only build? might be fun and you save a lot on resources. just push them to spinning blades and shieet
Jordan Price
sure, let me just forcibly lose 5% of my shit like deployment teams
Hunter Robinson
How the fuck were we supposed to know?I don't use twitter so it's not like I could have just read their tweet or something
Thomas Young
base took care of the entirety of plan 4 for me with no issues
Ryder Ward
What happens? Does your base take some damage and did you get S rank?
Oliver Allen
>trackers get countered by a simple fence these retards keep jumping head first into it till they die. what the fuck?
Daniel Flores
I've gotten S rank on every one so far and the only serious damage I took was my exploration team thing getting destroyed.
Jordan Jackson
But did you get S rank? I'm not wasting 24 hours waiting between waves just to get a shitty A or lower
Connor Mitchell
>a big fat warning every single time you lanuch the game >a big fat red and live countdown if you were playing just before maintenance
Gee, I dunno user!
Ian Rogers
the power.... of nanomachine AI...
Ryan Morris
Depends on the map. Airport and Jungle they will fucking ignore defenses and just hop on top of structures straight to your drill
Ian Lopez
medical nanomachines, you act like a medic would somehow be the best soldier in a pmc
Jayden Parker
They can damage your fence though. Still a shotgun blast to the face is enough. Then heavy melee it.
James Miller
>still haven't unlocked the first teleporter Why can't I just stab them all with the metal spear through a fence this fucking trash. I just want a full stomach of food and to chill in the rain. Does this game even fucking have weather.
Jayden Baker
Jack Cook
Camden Stewart
>he actually reads those when he boots up the game Alright I guess I deserve this but they should at least prevent bases from being destroyed when people literally can't be there to defend it
Jordan Campbell
Africa only has 8 teleporters?
Oliver Bailey
Isaac King
yeah it has rain
just put like two layers of fences, and use molotovs when they bunch up.
William Barnes
>implying everyone has ADD like you do
Nathan Powell
Okay so I just got back from work and now I learn the game is down for maintenance. I was on plan 3 and have 13 auto turrets split defending both sides that the zombies were going to attack from and my whole base is surrounded by a fence with spiked barricades protecting the auto turrets. I should be fine, r-right?
Jonathan Murphy
Can i ride horses in Survive?
Ian Foster
>base development team stuck at D even though I'm stacking it with people This game better start shitting out manuals soon.
Dominic King
It's over, friend. Wanderers have raided your base and killed all your waifus. Your save is now deleted.
Connor Taylor
Jayden Phillips
nicholas is a bad cook
Mason Jackson
How long dos it take for teleporter loot to respwan?
Pic says 8
John Ward
>Mortar Sure bro, your team will kick those grenades from your turrets ;)
Grayson James
Teleporters don't spawn enemies, they just attract them if they're nearby. Stealth kill some of them beforehand to make it easier. Though considering you're bad enough at the game to fail the first teleporter you might not be able to do that.
Jonathan Brooks
>still no MGO3 crop top for femcaptain
Dylan Torres
What is your base like? Do I have to worry about composition or do I just stack what gives the best defense values?
James Gomez
5 is mislabeled as 8
Eli Nguyen
we long for underboob konami please
Daniel Martin
Pic related. I just stack turrets and mortars on whatever sides the wanderers are coming from and move the fences around.
Robert Cox
William Allen
This is 100% horse shit untrue, completely false, why are you intentionally spreading lies, Fake News. I've cleared the surrounding area, all of it. Numerous times. They still show up in droves.
Benjamin Martin
I'm sorry user. All your female soldiers probably have putrid zombie semen (made out of pure nanomachines) pouring inside their wombs RIGHT NOW.
Jose Torres
dumb question, how to tell what sides are being attacked?
Anthony Watson
what the fuck is this, 2008
Liam Wright
you say that like its a bad thing
Justin Kelly
u rike it? :^)
Julian Gutierrez
At the digger when you're picking which Plan you want to do, press T and it'll show which sides.
Jackson Cook
I'm so sick of Ray
I want a fucking Metal Gear REX cameo
Colton Ortiz
not him but clearing an areas first always helped me, one tele had no zombies at all so i just kinda laid down and waited the timer out, wasting fences on nothing
Easton Campbell
>water tanks >blue crafting stations >upgraded food/meds dispensing stations are you retarded?
Christian Kelly
>those baggy fucking pants
Adrian Miller
>capacity 99.3% Looks like I have some work to do.
Gavin Perry
teleporters do spawn wanderers, but i'm pretty sure ones that are nearby beforehand will join in as well
Parker Rogers
switch information button when in build menu for later waves, switch information when choosing a plan for the first wave
Julian Cruz
Well, I think I have a bunch of useless dumb shit like said.
Daniel Wright
Got enough water, you thirsty faggot?
Justin James
Thomas Moore
Survive blows.
Hudson Brown
No, I'm literally running out as you can see.
Isaiah Lewis
I actually had some zombies destroy a cage during my trial base defense. Funnily enough it let me collect one last batch of resources pending before it magically vanished as soon as I turned around.
Cooper White
the one in the little clear zone base? i thought that was a bug when it happened to me
Colton Cruz
UMAs when?
Adrian Collins
>get shitloads of milk >dump it in the food pile >it makes everyone sick
Are those idiots literally lapping up off the ground? What the fuck is wrong with milk?
Cooper Rivera
whats dumb about blue crafting stations?
nah, all unactivated teles have more zombies around them, take any of them out, and it massively helps the waves, take all of them out, and a smalll tele probably won't have any spawn at all
Chase Thompson
When they add cages. I want to have a tsuchinoko farm
Sebastian Campbell
>patch adds more metal gears and random cameo appearances to tactical assist >psycho mantis comes through a wormhole and burns everything >snake pops out and says "kept you waiting huh? :^)" then gives everyone "super mate" that gives you infinite stam and 200% more melee speed and infinite ammo for the rest of the wave >quiet pops out of the wormhole humming then burns to death because of the dust please make it happen konami