/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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original recipe

I like Tharja.

kill all tripfaggots

Gib full casualty list, faggot

>best written female character still doesn't have a Prf
What will it be, /bro/'s?

Eirika is for anal creampies

Peri's prf has a built in Galeforce effect

gimme more free orbs isis

>140~ Orbs on VG Banner for Zelgius merges
>get 1 Zelgius along with 2 Marths, 1 Seth, 1 Ogma, 1 Celica, and 1 Elincia.
>20~ Orbs per 5*

Nigga I just want Zelgius and now I got 1 Orb. Showering me with shit will not make me feel better.

uh oh now youve done it

Sakura will get Bifrost.

MVP of this run

Dark Seal.
Blade tome that works with combat buffs as well.

Still waiting for Helswath

>status: Raped


>plentiful number
Boey is such a lucky bastard

Flat is better

What female has Helswath?

Why is Hinoka being taken by Camilla so sexy? Do you prefer it being forceful rape from conquest in war, honest seduction, or a political marriage post-war?

Oh, all I had to do was reset until I got a 730+ battle
Also changed brazen def/res to warding breath, that probably helped

All you need is a flying Witch Camilla with a devils spear to replace Hinoka.

Actually post dfc next time

Cherche has it in her battle art I believe. I wouldn't call her best written anything, though.




>she actually does
Wada pls

Cherche. For some reason they got lazy in awakening and just ported over the jugdral holy weapons

>almost 400 orbs
>got everything I wanted from LA and FH banners already
>LEphraim is shit
>already have most of the other good units on the lego banner
>nothing to roll for
So when's brave heroes finally going to come out?

Which means Lucina is just waiting with bated breath for you to take her again but can't out herself as "Marth" so she has to try and seduce you without letting you know it's her.
I wonder how lewd that dork would get, and if she'd team up with Bunny Luci and CYLuci.


Post best canon couples.

>Huge tits
OwO what's thi-
>That fucking giant pooch
More to love?? Its a litle mu-
>No thighs
Fucking GROSS

The close to the end of the year

I figured that after SoV postgame that Grima is supposed to be the 'perfect being', so he has command over all of the fell dragon powers including Loptyr's

Forceful conquest capture, yet when they are on their own she can't keep a straight face in front of Camilla despite saying how much she hates her and Nohr.


Didn't fates/heroes confirm certain ships due to haircolor and stuff


Who's Sharena?

Minerva's Axe


The awakening three pointed out that their hair changed the second they came to fatesworld so not with them at least

I dunno



Gunnthrâ no, that's your sister.

Kiran's friend and the nanny of his many children.

No, ISIS doesn't want backlash from neets that feel really possessive for their chink toons


Cute autists

>Kiran's friend and the nanny of his many children.
I can see this happening, and then she becomes bitter eough to try to ruin Kiran's kids lives

Who do you think he shot at her?

Good vibes.

If Geoffrey ever gets in I'm pairing him up with Cav Eirika.

Eirika and all of her wives



/gbfg/chads are in our general laughing at us AGAIN

>lower everyones scores
>isis says this will be easier
>more likely to see cavniggers and danceniggers now instead of armour


Imagine how sweaty and hot Lucina gets under that full bodysuit wool sweater.
All of that hot, humid air trapped beneath her pits, between her legs... I just want to lie her down and the bed while she's fully dressed and make out with her for hours while teasing her cunny with my fingers.
She'd get so flustered and wet. Then, I'd slowly undress her and lick her whole body clean with my tongue while she begs me to just fuck her already. But I wouldn't. I'd continue to tease her smelly cunny with my finger and tongue until she finally breaks and leg-locks me and forces me to eat her out to orgasm.
Once she's finally relaxed, I would turn her over and fuck her sweaty ass.

No one hates pikachu alts

>Galeforce and Glacies combo
As broken and unlikely it is - sign me up.


Reposting. I have 381 orbs. Should I:
Roll for V!Lyn for better armor team
Roll for S!Corn/Honkers since I have no good fliers even on 3*/4*
Roll green on b8% for better IV B!Ike as well as Gunnthra and Dorcas
Keep saving for laguz units


"I'm sorry sister, but this is where we part ways"

Is this the map where I hear dorias's fantastic advice?
What units should I field?

Brave Veronica

Miccy has a prf though

Units that won't die in one hit from the ballista. Also have fun with them.

>1778 battles
What the actual fuck?

put it all on green on the b8 banner, great units with great fodder







/vp/ does.

That is Ike's greatest enemy?
Wow, what a lord... of nothing!!!

W-what is she doing bros?

Only voted 10 because I can save orbs

knowing my luck probably taking a fat shit

What the fuck is a "fell" dragon. I thought Loptyr was an earth dragon from archeanea like medeus

Reminder that this image is offensive to one of Star Wars best characters.

Spend a 100 or on b8, then save. Laguz will probably take awhile to implement, given that it appears that CYL has no effect on how characters are added into the story.

NTRing Ephriam with me.

I'm getting Gulp Quest flashbacks.

Last day of TT bros/

Who else is on that top 1k struggle? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think this will be the first time that the top 1k requirement is actually lower than a previous one.

>How will your Mia outspeed other Mias without the water blessing?
With a buff. Or you quite simply just use another unit to take out Mia that is more suited for the job than even a speed blessed Mia.

The blessing isn't even enough to double someone of previously equal speed. So you still need buffs to do it.

More Hectors and Lyn couldn't be a bad thing.

Keyword here. But nothing implies he has command of all fel dragon power. Grima is just a strong being.

The Chad Carrion
The Virgin 3 knights with no speaking lines


What was the top 1k requirement for the last one?

taking a piss you autist

Kinda mad desu
He shares color with def tactics and flying tome
Fucking cunt

that's my daughter

Oh hi Nyx.
When are you coming to Heroes?

Be careful or he'll cap his build.

Using me, a lowly peasant, as her personal toilet slave.
I am lucky to dispose of my goddess Eirika's piss and shit, as well as her brothers, I mean, Master Ephraim's cum directly from her cunt. We wouldn't want her to get pregnant, so someone has to do it!

Who do I promote for arena bonus unit fuckery? Michalis or Crazy Pineapple? I have a fully build Minerva already so Michalis is kinda redundant I would think.

I completely forgot she isn't in the game yet.