Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Don't bully Wraith.

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)


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Like with most hex perks, it's good if the totem is in a good spot. So not often.

New patch notes for DBD

>Content - Added a new customization for Feng Min (torso) for completing the Lunar New Year community challenge

>The Hag's Terror Radius has been reduced from 28 meters to 24 meters. A smaller Terror Radius will help the hag approach survivors with more time before being detected, in addition to a larger range in which she can hide her presence in range of her maximum teleport range.

No, but that one faggot Hag main will be happy now.

Maybe with M&A. But still not enough.

Shit yeah I am

>Screenshot contest voting supposed to be open today
>Its not open

Feng cosmetic sucks. Still love the David one, though

Now pair it with M&A

Patch just went live in the last few minutes

Good QoL improvement, but otherwise she's still bad at the important thing, which is a chase. I would have preffered for her default teleport range to be larger.

>In addition, the perk We'll Make It will now give a notification to the player who has been unhooked. Maybe they won't run away this time!

>Content - Extending the Lunar New Year personal challenge until Monday March 5th 7:00 pm UTC

>Implicitly admitting that they fucked up
>Still no double BP

So what things did they break this time

>>Implicitly admitting that they fucked up
They didn't though?
Most people got the items in time, they're just extending it for the lazy fucks.

>>Implicitly admitting that they fucked up

How so? Most people finished it in first few days.

>they didnt though?
Were you not here for the bugs & shitty “intentional” changes plaguing the first 4-5 days of the event

I'm fucking tired of your bullshit, I gave you a feng minG cosmetic and hag balance changes and you STILL complain?

Yes, I got both items within the first 24 hours.
There's no real excuse for you not having it done by now.
They're being nice, they didn't need to be.

Fix the fucking Hag Daily Ceto

Not everyone is a neet like you, sweetie. & i’ve got all the coins from playing like a normal human being, so that’s not relevant.

Who here /CAN'THIDE/

trying out wraith. life is suffering

what i can i do when they all divebomb the hook? when i hit one, it gives em enough time to get another off..

also, why do survivors always wait at the exit to get hit? does it give em more points or jus trollin



March 5th...really? God damn it. I wanted to ruin survivors getting coins until deadline.

> trapper
just placing points for survivors to disarm
need to stay too close to traps to grab trapped ones
> wraith
fucking useless
> huntress
p good, hard to aim
hitboxes on cover is bs
> billy
actually a good killer
> nurse
annoying stun sound/animation
stupidly difficult to play

so only billy/huntress are viable? or am i wrong.. desu i would like to git gud as nurse and shes fun, but the stun animation is really offputting

do any of these get fixed with perks?

You don’t need to stay close, you just have to hide them better. Whispers is a QoL perk on him because if it shows no one is around, that means you can put the trap safely without them knowing you put it there.
Windstorm & any addon that quickens reappearance time. NOED is extremely needed
Practice, plus Pocket Watch/Spoon
You’re good. Barbecue & Chili is godtier.

I'd lick her butthole

>also, why do survivors always wait at the exit to get hit?

The same reason a killer smacks someone on a hook when the game is over.

Traps spawn armed, take less time to set, and sabo just makes them take significantly longer to re-arm, not break them
Make him true invis, not shimmery. He already moves environmental details just make him full stealth
Perfectly fine, just fix the environment itself jesus christ who the fuck designed the picnic tables?
If anything just widen the hitbox when you end a charge a little, but leave it how it is if you keep the charge. He visible swipes the chainsaw a little when you stop it so it should hit like when you swing while holding someone.
I think she's fine
Eh. He's pretty good at what he does but what he does isn't very special
Fine. Low-skill cap and medium skill-ceiling.
Make it so while you're nodding off interactions are interrupted every other second. Now he can defend totems, and you can still try and power through the generator if you want.
Don't have Jigsaw box true-sight until your trap is triggered, or only grant true-sight if you're within a certain radius of them. It's just stupid that this even has to be a change.

>just placing points for survivors to disarm
>need to stay too close to traps to grab trapped ones

Watch the Left Hand of the Entity play and talk shit about trapper. Fag.

Patch 1.9.4

Content - Added a new customization for Feng Min (torso) for completing the Lunar New Year community challenge
Content - Extending the Lunar New Year personal challenge until Monday March 5th 7:00 pm UTC
Content - Removed the Lunar New Year fireworks from the lobbies. It has been decided that we are keeping the lobby lighting from the Lunar Event.
Content - Removed the possibility to spawn the Red Envelope Offering in the Bloodweb when the event ends. Please note, if you have one generated in the Bloodweb prior to it being disabled, it will still be there. Also note, the Offering will still be available in the inventory, but disabled until a future event.
Feature - Players now receive a notification the first time they are affected by the perk Overwhelming Presence. In addition, the perk We'll Make It will now give a notification to the player who has been unhooked. Maybe they won't run away this time!

The Hag's Terror Radius has been reduced from 28 meters to 24 meters. A smaller Terror Radius will help the hag approach survivors with more time before being detected, in addition to a larger range in which she can hide her presence in range of her maximum teleport range.

Trapper at high ranks requires you to put traps in weird places, the obvious spots won't work, even then its a crap shoot, that's if they don't get destroyed the moment someone tells his SWF buddies its a trapper.

A real shame cause I enjoy playing him a lot but the further up you go, the worst his gimmick gets. Buff trapper is what I'm trying to say.

Fixed an issue that caused Lunar New Year Event coin totals to duplicate in the save data when quitting a Kill Your Friends, which could cause the game to crash or infinite load
Fixed an issue that caused The Hag's phantasms to appear normally when using a Prestiged Hag
Fixed an issue that caused all players to hear The Hillbilly hit an object with his chainsaw map wide
Fixed an issue that caused corrupted characters to appear in the Daily Rituals screen in Thai, Japanese and Traditional Chinese
Fixed an issue that caused no impact sound when hitting a Survivor, or failing a self heal skill check
Fixed an issue that caused some Memento Mori audio elements to be missing or inconsistent between clients and host
Fixed an issue that caused the loud noise indicators not to appear when Survivors rushed an action above the basement while the Killer was in it
Fixed an issue that caused the perks, items, add-ons and offerings from players in the scoreboard to appear through the other pages on the tally screen
Fixed an issue that caused totems revealed from the perk Detective's Hunch not to be added to the map
Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to briefly teleport to the sides when vaulting
Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to get stuck inside a pallet when vaulting
Fixed an issue that could cause The Hag's triggered traps not to have a terror radius
Fixed an issue that could cause a crash on the Title Screen if the save data of the player would become too large
Fixed an issue that could cause the tally screen and scoreboard to be empty if a Daily Ritual was completed but not dismissed before the host left
Fixed an issue that could make it impossible to pick up an item after swapping it from a chest
Fixed an issue that made it almost impossible to pick up a medkit from a chest after searching it
Fixed the Hex: Devour Hope description formatting in Simplified Chinese
Minor localization improvements

>Just watch this one streamer with thousands of hours played shit on people who picked up the game last month.

The back. It's shit for hiding, but the gold reacts with lighting, so that's neat.

I think he’s going to suffer these problems no matter what you do to buff him. The real thing that would help him in high ranks is his addons actually working properly. The coils that make sabo take for-fucking-ever would be worth running if it wasnt so glitched to put them down
>purple coil “slightly” slows down trap set time
>yet the green speed up addon doesn’t make it any faster when combined with it

Who has the most Chad-tier walking animation and why is it Post-Game lobby Myers?

> this 1 autistic streamer with shitloads of gameplay does well with him therefore its not broken for average players
ok mcote

>Not in-game Bubba

Bubba who kills you all while holding in a massive shit is more "Chad stride" than that creepy fucker will ever be.

That awful sound when you hit survivors is back.

I think the "THUNK" is okay for Billy/Bubba/Doc, but it just sounds so wrong with bladed weapons.

lol this is lazy as hell
she looks like a waiter at a city wok

Where the fuck can I see the screenshot from the contest
Its the fucking 27th (almost 28th) and still not announced

insult my husband one more time and I promise you you'll get hooked and facecamped within the first minute or 0 sac teabagged all game the next match you play

>try to get evil incarnate achievement
>spawn on lery's
>ruin goes down within 20 seconds

Gets a husbando who doesn't need to poop all the time then.

>Loops your husband

hey ya'll my uncle's nephew delivers pizza to the dev studios sometimes. who do you guys want to be the next licensed killer? I'll tell my uncle to put in a good suggestion the next time he goes there

triangle face

The Rake or Slenderman


Patrick Bateman

>Uncle's Nephew
Wait what? You?

Feng shirt makes you a bigger beacon than Rainbow Meg.


what? no. he doesn't like me calling him cousin since he's both my uncle and my older cousin, so I just call him my uncle's nephew since that's what his sister calls him.

The Alien

>Oedipus complex

Not sure if you were talking to me, but here's a screen from a juicy game with scratched mirror

why is bubba so spooky?
even that dumb jog animation looks spooky.

I'll do that one user a favor and say the Strangers

My head hurts.

Now do that on a map that isn't Lery's.

In case anyone is wondering, the Hag change has basically no effect. Her problem was never "terror radius is too big". The only people you're going to sneak up on are noobs.

Why didn't they just buff her movement speed.

>why didn't they fix a problem with a killer
I mean...come on, you know why.

No one on the Dev team is above rank 15

are there only retards who dont update i have to search 5min+ everytime just to find some 300+ ping shitter

What is the second best stalling perk behind Ruin? I know Ruin is far above the other stalling perks, but running Ruin makes my games significantly more stressful, as it can go out within seconds of the game starting, I have to rush to it, be careful not to chase people into it, then having to defend it but not too much as survivors can still do generators.

If you’re low ranks, thanatophobia. They take it seriously. High ranks, none.

>Everyone dies in Bubba’s basement bum rushing the hook
>He finds me and gives me the hatch
>”They didn’t even let me leave the hook.”
Bubba is good boy.

Dying Light with an Ivory Mori maybe?

Not him, but do you think Thanatophobia would be better on Freddy just because he's so shit at defending totems?

>didn't let him leave
I did though, he doubled back because bubba's can't not camp

You don't defend Ruin. Check out the start sure, but don't defend the totem all game.

TotH & dream world is incredibly difficult for survivors to trudge through.

>watching streamers
I thought you were better than that.

I'm running Remember Me/Dying Light so I don't have much room to play around with, and I found that running ToTH didn't add all that much time due to how often they'd spawn on the other side of the map but adjacent to survivors, with no way to tell which one was more important.

How dare this killer do what hes best at

I love when a killer runs TotH. It's arguably the worst perk in the game for a killer. I just tap the Hex totem all game to tilt the killer into oblivion by spamming their game with intrusive and obnoxious notifications. Without fail, if I do it while the killer is in a chase, the killer loses the person they're chasing. And if they come to me and down me, without fail, they'll facecamp me, giving my team ample time to complete gens.

You’re also guaranteed low rank.

It was the right play.
He was just a liar for saying he wasn't given the chance to leave.

Rank 1 killer, usually stop playing survivor around 7 every season because it's boring as shit but have hit 1 many times. I have a feeling most high rank survivors will totem tap if TotH is in play, actually.

Sure m8
>facecamping me because of notifications
This literally doesn’t happen in high rank. Stay low rank.

What's the worst and most miserable loadout a Billy can possibly have?

>I’m a high rank killer and I don’t do this, therefore no high rank killers do this
You can always sniff out killer only players because they aren’t aware of what other killers are like.

I don't even care if it's bad looking, finally one piece of Feng cosmetic.

Oh, yeah it does. Trust me. Spamming M1 with TotH in play is a guaranteed way to tilt the killer into oblivion and a guaranteed way for them to lose any survivor they're currently chasing. Anyone who recommends this perk with any form of sincerity has no idea what they're talking about.

NOED, Dying Light, Ruin, BBQC.
Hook someone. Find the obsession. Tunnel. Sacrifice. Get 4Ks. Reap the salt.
You can replace the progression ones with anything really, NOED on hillbilly usually does the trick.

just use NOED, survivors get 200% triggered if the killer using it is nurse or billy-kun

>meme limiter
Goddamn I love using these things after rank reset. Death Engravings over chains would probably be even worse, too

I never said i was anything, you’re making assumptions off my lack of information. I don’t need to tell you anything.
You’ve already told me enough information that I need to know that you’re a low rank survivor baiting & also samefagging

Soap no you must stealth. Please.

Also, you're on the right track with Insidious and Territorial Imperative. I'd throw on BItter Murmur and Distressing. Bitter Murmur is a garbage perk and only somewhat viable with NOED, and Distressing just makes it even more difficult to cross-map chainsaw.

I hope one day I face you as killer, so I can down you, pick you up, drop you, have a giggle, then resume normal play.

>samefag happened 28 seconds apart
Ok. Sorry, no one takes TotH seriously.

>it's a m1 billy pretending to be an m2 killer episode