/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>2.0 Patchnotes:
>2.0 tech tree
>Pastebin(mostly outdated):
>The Development of Stellaris en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell

>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


Other urls found in this thread:


>Wiz let go from stellaris
>Put on Vicky 3

>Only resources are gold and liquor


Reposting here, I'm planning on making a religious nut faction that spends most of the game dividing and antagonizing other empires until the end of cycles pops up. How long does it take for them to wipe everyone else out? After I've had my fun am I going to wait indefinitely incapable for the rest of the universe to end?

>and bureaucrats

Okay. How to remove niggers
Its one minute notepad job. no mods are needed


>entity = "portrait_human_female_05_entity"
>hair_selector = "human_female_hair_05"

>entity = "portrait_human_male_05_entity"
>hair_selector = "human_male_hair_05

change all those 5 to 4

Congratulations! All niggers are dead and you can play humans without hating yourself

Doesn't change the fact that all the planets are called "Feng Ting Wong" and your rulers name is Ignazio Babulez

You are going to be outpaced by every other empire in the game at a very early stage. There is no way to match them in fleet size.

I'll give them war. I'll give them the most spectacular war they've ever SEEN!

And when I'm Stagnant and I've had my fun? I'll SELL my research so everyone can have Titans! EVERYONE can be Overwhelming!

And when everyone's Overwhelming..

No-one will be.

>it's another buyers remorse fueled session of civ 6

I'm gonna have fun this time, I swear, it'll be worth it

What determines the amount of titans you can have?

How close Wiz is to his period

What side of the bed Wiz got up on the day they pushed the latest patch.


>Somehow he's the bad guy.

are there times when he's not on the rag


Or just fucking use
seperates humans by phenotypes, also with appropriate names.

>it's another episode of Stockholm syndrome Wiz edition

Only because the world couldn't handle such BS.

Hey guys whats the quickest way of getting rid of planet killers in Distant Worlds?

>Best wait to win a war is not to fight at all

>marauders are coming
>no problem, they are coming from the most reinforced side of my empire
>move fleets to greet them
>lol nope, lets take this UNSTABLE wormhole on the other side of your empire and fuck your shit up while it takes you years to arrive

Fuck this shit

You like just have to git gud and adapt man.

Is there any way to play Imposible / high AI agresion on stellaris ? I either get killed or made a vassal

out producing the AI is impossible , do I play charismatic fan xenophiles or what ?

Reminder that if they followed CK2 playing as a vassal wouldn't be an exercise in how to do nothing. You'd have an entire game where you can be a good boy or try to murder/usurp your liege.

AI pays 50% maintenance on ships.

You will always lose to them.

I saw your post there

AI also doesn't care about silly things like not having minerals/energy to build and maintain their ships.

As a vassal I was able to put out posts on planets and then colonize them , at then end I just got bored and insulted a xenophobe FE to declare war on me and my lord , then left

Breaking free would mean 70+ years of turtle and I was fan pacifist anyway so it was fucked

lets see how the charismatic fan xenophiles do

I am not sure I understand how Rogue Servitors work. How do I get more biotrophies? They don't seem to grow naturally.

Is inward perfection any fun? Will it get grating after a while?

How's stellaris patch?

Play it now or wait a bit?

Already have 200 hours pre 2.0

It's fun until everything around you is colonised.
Then the fun abrubtly stops as there's literally nothing more for you to do.

Check on species , their reproductive rights are set to restricted by default

It's great with Agrarian Idyll for a "Builds speed for 12 hours" type build where you go for lightning fast unity and tech progression. Plus you can always turn it off by swapping it for something else by reforming your government later on in the game once its usefulness diminishes.

Consider also looking at the Corporate Dominion civic as it gives you a F R E E tech along with buying colony ships.

They don't grow naturally because they start with population controls enabled under species rights.
Turn it off and they grow as normal.
Alternatively, you could always war dec organics to acquire pops in planet occupation.
> tfw Earth will never be conquered by alien rogue servitors whose only intention is to provide cake and blowjobs to all the species of the galaxy

>Plus you can always turn it off by swapping it for something else by reforming your government later on in the game once its usefulness diminishes.

Sounds like an awakened empire

>Earth will never be invaded by waifubots

It's absolutely unplayable in its current state.

>anno domini XX0IVIII
>not using roman names

>Check the thread about the AI cheating
Paradrones are as bad as young earth creationists and flat earthers.

>don't know how to code AI to build the correct buildings on tiles
>therefore the AI doesn't know how to make an economy that works
>"hey here's an idea, let's just remove the need for an AI to build stuff"
Stellaris is less fucking enjoyable than the cyst I have growing on my thigh

>reforming your government later on
I always forget you can do that.

Why unplayable?

Bugs or balance?

Fuck man at least you can get joy from draining that cyst.
When I get a fucking huge pimple, pop it, and that skin plug and pus shoots out, there's nothing better.

I really don't understand how the fuck they can't build this right. There's a fucking autobuild mod that builds shit for you on every planet you own, and it manages to do relatively well. I think it's just coded by some Russian, but the grandmaster of Stellaris AI does not know how to replicate something similar? Give me a break.

I'm going to make an empire of xenophobic waifu/husbando-bots who hate all xenos but absolutely adore their creator species.


I don't understand how it is so hard.
>does the empire have a shortfall of one of the resources
>if yes, does the empire have any open slots containing that resource
>if yes, build resource building on that tile
>if no, build resource building on empty tile
>if no empty tiles, either delete a building which has a surplus or reduce fleet size
It's so easy.

Fuck man I was eating a cheese -pork - ketchup sandwich heated on the microwave

your description matches the inside of it way too much for my liking

a russian sperg living exclusively on vodka and potatoes and working on a soviet-era IBM-clone can mod literally anything tbf

If Fanatic Purifiers wasn't a "locked in" civic that's exactly what it would be.
>Fanatic Pacifist / Xenophobe Empire embraces Militarist faction because they had the Strong trait and other things to encourage Militarism
>suddenly Militarist / Fanatic Xenophobe because game mechanics and can now adopt Fanatic Purifiers
>galaxy's face when the chill farmers that just wanted you off their lawn starts to unleash fucking Ragnarok

>cheese -pork - ketchup sandwich
>heated on the microwave

user no

blink twice if we should call someone

Sounds like Robot-Overlord.

the reader's digest version
>Insane tech inflation on outposts means you hurt yourself by expanding beyond a certain point
>War exhaustion based on fleet capacity means you can win a battle, but outright lose a war right then and there despite having the position and resources to destroy the enemy with minimal rebuilding.
>AI still cheats and doesn't care about actually having the resources to build and maintain ships
>Most events are broken as fuck because they weren't updated to account for the new movement and exploration system.
>Game is even slower and more boring now because of travel time.
>ship upkeep costs disallow having multiple fleets because you'll drive yourself into bankruptcy unless you control half the galaxy.
Among other things.

Slave management with the Decadent trait is an exercise for accountants. You gotta make sure to make each planet half Aryan half slave.

I suddenly want to play this, what'd be the best way to go about this in the current build?
Obviously can't do that exactly, but I wanna go from farmer to war machine.

It shouldn't be difficult to have an AI build buildings on matching tiles, and initiate a check on incoming resources to prioritize pop and building locations.

i'm just saying, russian spergs even managed to get the x-ray engine to not crash (as much)

How would you go about dropping the pacifist ethic for militarist?

try looking into starting off with inward perfection and then swapping it out when you feel far enough ahead in tech to steamroll everything

You NEED the strong trait or militarist attraction will never go up despite time spent on wars

don't pick the ethic attraction ascension perk
the rest is just normal inward meme gameplay

I guess I'll just make a race of peaceful miners and farmers to start with.

meant for

Fucking Russian spacemagic

It says Fanatical Purifiers can't be added or removed after game start, but in my last game the Purifiers bordering me were Fanatic Xenophobe/Spiritualists and became Xenophobe/Spiritualist/Authoritarian later in the game and became Slaving Despots instead.
What's the deal with that?

>set mineral maintenance to zero
>set outpost penalties to zero
>increase sublight and FTL spinup speed
wow the game is fun now

>Pop Modifier: Resource Production 10%
It doesn't affect just pops! It affects MINING AND RESEARCH STATIONS TOO.
When I was trying to create an ultra-miner Empire for 2.0, I found that the ONLY thing that affected Mining Station output was the Pacifist ethic. Mining Guilds only affected pops and the "base" income of 10 minerals.
What this means is that if your Empire is heavily System-based and relies on Mining and Research stations, then Fanatic Pacifist will get you a whopping 10% extra on everything you rake in.

>discover living metal 16 years into the game

What should I propose?

Want to know how I knew something was wonky with the A.I. resources the day 2.0 came out? In 1.9 I could get 1000~ minerals in a trade deal on average. Some of the bigger ones I could get more of but 1000 was what I could expect in one trade. In 2.0 I can get 75000 in one trade. Since they rebalanced minerals and energy I've been struggling with my mineral income and always end up with a fuck ton of energy. I always just ask for the maximum amount of minerals I can get out of an A.I. and in 2.0 its fucking ridiculous. Its obvious they are not spending it on shit.

could you post a screen of that area without the UN dialogue over it?

trade embargo on yourself

>at the stem of a spiral
>next to the center

holy shit this is a great a starting spot.

Can you build a dyson sphere in a system with an inhabitable planet?
Why can't you build multiple dyson spheres?


I can do that?

Our people have lost a hopeless war against the Jewish elite on Earth and escaped into space. More than three centuries has passed since the great ark ship Chrysanthemum carried a quarter million of our Aryan ancestors from our distant homeland to the garden world we have come to call Hyperborea. Since then, we have prospered and claimed the stars around us. In due time, we shall recover our ancestral world whence we came.

Notice how (((United Nations of Earth))) fared compared to our glorious Reich.


man v executes its style so much better than vi

>When I was trying to create an ultra-miner Empire for 2.0, I found that the ONLY thing that affected Mining Station output was the Pacifist ethic. Mining Guilds only affected pops and the "base" income of 10 minerals.

fucking WIZ

Wont let me do it, but I can fuck over the arabs

The fuck did they remove liberation wars for?

don't be like that; i'm sure he'll fix pacifist bonus asap



good enough

Tell me your ways, the sublight and FTL spinup are killing me.

>switch from pacifism to militarism for fire rate bonus
>suddenly can't afford fleet anymore
>tfw flower-eating hippies can upkeep a massive fleet better than a starship troopers-tier military state

with that many enemies the arabs look pretty fucked already

think of the peacocks. they deserve fancy foreign threats

>a more effective military costs more money to maintain

UNE is bugged, they don't expand at all in my games

>looks like brandenburg-prussia before it became contiguous


[MLG airhorns in the background]

Yeah, it's been this way since 1.0. UNE is always an OPM when AI controlled, with a possible exception if the player is CoM - I think the events give AI Terra a kick up the backside.

same upkeep as all other ethics, pacifist just makes more minerals, energy, and research


I want to fuck wiz

>colonize a desert planet with my tropical birdmen
>eventually they gene mod themselves into desert birdmen with no input from me
>way to go birdmen
>then they genetically engineer themselves into Avian supermen who kill anyone who isn't a desert birdman
I can't even purge these fuckers because it will piss off every faction I have, so I have to put them all on the dole so they won't burn down my planet.

poor little UN guy