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>drawfriend booru

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>mods: instead of deleting the thread made later we'll just delete both xD

Drawfag put weebshit in OP.
It HAD to be burned down

>>drawfriend booru

>redditor decided the booru shouldn't be in the general
piss off blitzfag

you're on weeb site you newfag redditor

This is not a weeb site, You're from America, on an American imageboard.
You'll never be Asian, You watched them cartoons because your family neglected you. Grow up man baby

Japari operator when?

which blackbeard gun should i be using?

Both are good. I prefer the DMR.

deagle brand deagle, if you ue rifleshield you are no better than a shieldcuck

SR-25 on long distances, Mk14 in CQB (put a holo and angled on it, you'll thank me later)


use it on yourself for playing blackbeard

like holy shit how are there people who can play blackbeard and not feel like a complete fucking scumbag?

It's yellow, so you put yellow sight on it, otherwise it's ugly.

>comeback victory
>not a single kill
>die all five times
>gg ez

>im being rerarded on the interwebz again XD

>missing the point

>>drawfriend booru

I like the look of the holographic sight though


ohahahahaha wow
fucking pathetic newfag redditor doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about

>tfw Tachanka x Finka is canon
Is Ubi gonna add more ships to the game?

Doc is my husband and Thermite is Doc's husband!

>tfw stuck going against plats and diamonds all night while teamed up with silvers and bronzes
guess casual is going to suck for a while for me

...So you're Thermite?

Castle x Valkyrie

>dude two attractive males together lmao
Away to tumblr with you!

Castle x Frost you mean
IQ x Valk is pretty much confirmed at this point

>wanting to fuck hot dudes is automatically tumblr

>stopped playing Siege for awhile
>it's cause Ubisoft is out of touch and lost focus on the game
>adding zombies and shit is the last straw


>still gonna come back and play zombies tho

whats wrong with me?

>Castle x Frost you mean
I thought Frost and Kapkan were hitting it off

Its fun

No, but it's still gay. Gaylord.

why would you think that? they have absolutely no interaction with each other.

Your mind is subconsciously telling you to stop being a faggot and not let a temporary game mode you don't need to play ruin your opinion on a game

>playing some Left 4 Dead
>play some matches, get bored, pick something else to play
>play some Seige
>think about how I can't wait to play Left 4 Dead in Seige

Slightly disappointed by how easy Pandemic is. Beat all of the maps with Recruits for a half decent challenge.

Kapkan x Frost
Ash x Thermite
Mute x Dokkaibi
Buck x Twitch


Thanks bud

>Mute x Dokkaibi

Look in the drawfriends booru. You'll see Dokk taking the Pajeet dick.

>Ela will never sit on your face
it hurts bros

What charm do you use?

>months of work devoted to the gamemode
>only get 3 maps good for 10~15min each, 5 uninspired enemy types, and worst of all, it is easy no matter the difficulty

Honestly we just got a shittier version of left 4 dead.

my blood orchid silver charm

Wanting them to fuck you is one thing, shipping slash is ultimate tumblrfaggotry.

military gear

not big enough to be distracting, kinda fits with the lore, and actually looks decent

>'The good thing with Siege, is that it's not a jealous game,' smiled Leroy. 'You can play other games, but when you come back, Siege will always be there for you. That is part of the secret to its success. It is a game you can rely on. You can leave, come back in three months and it will be even better. So, it's okay, you can play other games. At some point you will come back, we will be super-happy to have you back.'



Thermite's elite Chibi. Though I might swap it out with the White Mask one when I get enough renown.

Ela x Castle

none because I'm not a faggot


which one is that?

The golden 6 charm on everything

You sound like a fun person to be around

I'm the kind of person that doesn't hang faggy fucking charms off my gun

it's the compass tied to a paracord and carabiner

how much renown?


Like I said, really fun. I wish I could be friends with you. You're so cool and above it all

I need the oldest webm you have

You're god damn right. Now kill yourself

using the old thermite icon atm, gonna switch to spoopy when its out


>expecting a limited event to be as big as a full sized retail game

Goddess if that's you you're a cunt and nobody likes you

I saw two people with the name Kaban.Japari and Kitsune.Japari with accompanying avatars in casual a couple weeks back. There's definitely more than one of you wanting a crossover.

>months of work

It's actually a year of work.


If you're going to post without an image, please get one from the booru so we can make this thread the best one yet!

I'm in the webm but I didn't make it

Kill yourself MBP

post non-lewd mira


Aw, don't get all worked up, sweaty ;) you'll always be my really cool guy

>expecting me to post low energy drawfag edited trash

From January 6th, 2016. About two weeks after I got the game.
>I actually used the suppressed 417 for months
What was wrong with me?

Invitational one

I watched that webm like 5 times trying to figure out what happened, I saw you shoot the guys but there was no famas icon in the killfeed so I thought someone stole your kills. Then I realized you have the DMR.

not that user, but you seem like a swell person who is probably fun to play siege with

I use the operation health plat charm. I swear they subtly change the color of the plat charms each season.

This one, I think. I wish I still had some recordings from the alpha/beta. It was really fun.

Is there a reason for that 6 next to our profile pics?

it shows you have the season pass

I use the flag charms to get the matching country and ctu. They haven't released in flag charms since I think the Spanish CTU so it is hard to complete my "set". But for certain operators, I put their special gadget on them. Like castle, thachanka, hibana, sledge, etc.

>not using chibis to signify OTPs

Italian operator predictions? The attacker will definitely use the ARX-160 right?

ADS'sing with the 590 looks so unnatural, holy shit.

And yes I know it's better, I'm stuck in the hipfire habit.

i want to sniff IQ's smelly feet!

This one is old as well.

Are webms loading at like 10 fps for anyone else? I check my webms and they run well but when I upload them to Veeky Forums the framerate is shit, and same for webms others post.

They're all fine for me. :)

Oh look it's silver webm spam of the same webms we've all seen hour.

Did someone say dump webms?




>that spazzy aim