>french "people" will defend this
French "people" will defend this
This is going to be a shit thread.
For the record, Italy won it.
I hope so, since I sure can't read it
i dont speak faggot
what does this say
It says America is glorified over time.
You don't have to understand French to deduce the meaning of the image, fucking retards. Literal kindergarten students could do it
>americans in charge of decryption
"In your opinion which country contributed the most to Germany's defeat in 1945?"
The question was asked 3 times from 1945 to 2004
Reeee, how dare you insult me, etc etc
American propaganda is a wonderful thing
kek anglofags
Did you unironically not realise what it was? How retarded can you be?
"La nation contribué à la défaite de l'Allemagne en 1945"
How can you not understand this? It's practically in fucking English. Couple this with the flags and it becomes obvious as fuck.
I want to drop you in the middle of France and film you trying to get back to burgerstan.
>Did you unironically not realise what it was?
No, I didn't. Cry me a river.
You are proof natural selection doesn't work.
Why are you so upset?
Because you are fucking dumb
you got it wrong, people iit are just making fun of you
Kek, that's the power of Hollywood and the American media.
Shivering, to be honest.
After the end of the war france was full of lefties and commies.
>this from the same nigger who thinks jewish media indoctrination is tinfoil
Still true today comrade
which was a good thing
Where do you take this kind of implications from, nigger?
>(((American))) media
Jewish media, user.
fuck off fascist
>contribute to charity, be a productive member of society, eat and exercise well (rare for Amerifat), and partake in all elections
>persecuted by my countrymen for my ideological beliefs
>persecuted by religious for my irreligious beliefs
Such is my suffering.
>no borders
>no nations
They work the fields and the factories, we will handle the rest.
Well, American mediatic domination is a hell of a drug
Of course after having watched 152752 movies about the D-day and played 296565 vidyas about Americans in WW2, younger generations will believe they did the most in WW2
>british "people" will defend this
It lists 2004, and the the soviet flag.
>into garbage
It isn't possible to be this stupid
good point, also did you notice how the first two months are may, but then the last month suddenly changes?
And according to his retarded logic, 1994 should have been shocking too but nope
Dude is 100% American, I bet his name is Ronald McDonald
Good bait
>Kek, that's the power of Hollywood and the American media.
OP's graphic has nothing to do with that. France was extremely left-leaning prior to the war, with the socialists winning majority in the 1936 elections. After the war and the obvious rebuke of all things right-wing, the communist party won majorities in 1945 and continued so until Charles de Gaulle's nationalist party eventually took over and, along with the post-war economic boom in the late 50's and end of the fourth republic, shifted the French opinion of the war.
Veeky Forums is really fucking dumb sometimes.
He's right tho. Pull your avg chum off the street and theyll all say the US
>Britain 16%
this is the funniest part
shit communist/10 report to gulag for political re-education.
But for real have you really been persecuted for it?
I'm a leftist as well and I think perhaps even worse than being persecuted there is simply an impenetrable wall of disinterest in political and religious discussion, stronger than any specifically anti-leftist agenda.
The left is safely disarmed and disintegrated without a single word ever said against it.
I don't speak French. And there's only one word that isn't the same as in English, and by the context it's easy to assume that's the French name for Germany.
The nation that contributed to the defeat of (Germany) in 1945.
>britbongs are this delusional
>yfw propaganda works
>what is lend lease
>what is battle of the bulge
>video game about the african front
>you play as an american
ah yes
Yeah but the USSR and USA switching places is a bit too much.
>tfw you will never be a mass propaganda spinster and revise history
It´s nothing compared to the eastern front.
>sad because they will never get a high budget hollywood film made about us in WWII because the American market is so much bigger
>wait they are making one!
>Is it battle of britain? d-day? el alamein?
>no it is about the embarrassing retreat at dunkirk ahah only americans get to be heroes in high budget films
we should've nuked paris back during the Falklands desu.
Cheer up. You had that film about the poof who had sex with Arabs.
It would still be at least 70/30 in favour of the reds. That's being incredibly generous to lend/lease.
Sex with Turks actually
>Americans pretty much singlehandily liberate your country from the Nazis
>basement dwellers on the a Rangoon Radioplay discussion board flip their shit because you appreciate the contribution of your saviors
If anything the French from 1945 are in the wrong for being so tsundere.
what movie?