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Recommend me some tier 7 tanks.
I have WZ-131 and T-34/100.
Just end your lyfe lads
It's over
Dead bread is dead.
Tiger and IS
E-25 and SU-122-44
Non prem T7 is the most fucked tier ig.
I found tier 7 better than 6 and 8.
Good for you.
T29, Blyat Prince, SU-122-44.
t71 (best tier 7), is/is2, tiger, leo, t20, t34-1, o-ni. t29
what's the Leo like to play? planning on free XPenising down the Swede line to T5 then grinding from there.
Leo is good, as long as you play it with the 75. It's kind of like a less-armored but faster Comet.
Gun handling is worse than t6, but speed and armor is better.
thenks, it's the first tank in the line I'm actually interested in playing. shooting HE with the 10,5 is totally out of the question then?
>yuros in charge of keeping threads alive
I'm narrow down to IS-2 and Leo, which one is more fun?
why would you want to shot HE?
155/200mm pen is more than enough to pen everything you see in a mobile tank with 10° of gun depression
also the 105mm gun way more suitted for t7+ MM than the small one
both are good and fun
Tonight I played like a complete donkey but still better than my overall stats. This potato future is looking brighter.
Do a kickflip!
The Valkryia Chronicles 4 demo is on the Japanese PSN store if anybody is interested.
is high tier WT an unending heatfest?
>105mm cannon
It's literally nothing.
Guys which gun is better for my KV-3? 122mm D-2-5T or 100MM D10T?
The IS.
why would you grind KV-3 in the first place?
I used the 122mm, but it's up to you. make sure you get the D-25T after you research the D-2-5T though, otherwise you are even worse off grinding the stock KV-4
>grinding the stock KV-4
May god have mercy on your soul.
I grinded long 107mm with short 107mm
>tfw you have a barrack full of Russian privates because of all the free tanks WG hands out
the big one ofc
what kind of question is this?
And the stock ST-I is even worse.
Big is not always better.
t. uses 122mm on the KV-85
BIG tank with strong armor that peeks around corners and trades shots
>pick smol gun for le dpm
sure, like 5 years ago when it still was called kv1s
>having played kv85 EVER
KV-85 is great
>the absolute state of yellows
Vents or Optics for WZ-120? I know it's not a scouting vehicle but I absolutely detest being outspotted in my mediums.
bait & sage
So I should ignore the whatever scrub wrote the article on Wiki? I'm well aware it's not a scouting vehicle I just need to know what the preferred loadout is.
Use your brain and equip it like the fucking fat-ass T-54 it is.
finally got past the stock IS gun, that was going to give me PTSD if I had to put up with it much longer
Full IS is not any better tbqfh senpai
So rammer/vents/vstabs?
It won't matter because I literally will not play it for months until I have a good crew for it and spend the 50$ on free XP.
with the 100mil I can at least get through a few things and not feel 100% impotent every match
The IS is great at tier 7 and 8 fully upgraded. The 100mm is just the tip.
Yes, just like 75% of all tanks in the game.
Not everyone exclusively plays heavy tanks.
if it's anything like my old 1S from before it got shoahed and I quit playing last time I'll be happy
>What is medium?
Also, you have to agree that these 2 classes are the most populated by a long shot.
Maybe but I have 53 tanks in my garage and the Rmr/Vnts/VS combo isn't even on 1/3 of my tanks. I wouldn't even say it's on most of my heavies. If you use that combo on 75% of your tanks you aren't minmaxing very well.
t. red
Your garage is not mine.
get a tier 8 with pref mm
or E25 (tier 6)
I never said it was. I'm just saying that if you're using the same loadout on every tank you aren't using most vehicles to their full potential. Optics, GLD, and Spall Liner are a must on many vehicles, not to mention binos and camo nets for TDs.
You can't even use a vstab on many TDs. But you'll have to agree that most medium and heavies (especially those with already better than average aimtime and decent mobility) are better off having this setup.
Oh and btw
I don't agree with that statement at all. I use Optics in place of vents most of the time these days because spotting is important for mobile mediums and even some heavies like the Patriot and E5. I really only use vents on CQC tanks or closed top TDs. Also don't start with the TD versus tank autism.
Also check this captcha
I already have both perks improving viewrange on most of my tanks, so the optics seem like a waste of a slot when compared to a vent that improves the overall behavior or a tank. But I guess it also comes back to which type you're playing: I'm more into brawling medium/heavies, where viewrange is not as important as reload time, maneuverability and gun handling.
The only closed TD I have (at T10) is the 103B, and I don't have one on it, but aside from that I would use it on tanks such as the E4 or E3.
Imho max view range is far more important than gun handling because accuracy has proven time and time again to be a completely meaningless stat. The DPM boost is also fairly marginal and can be compensated with food.
And why wouldn't you phonepost? You don't sit at your computer all day right?
Depends really...for a long-range fighting vehicle, sure, but for medium/close range, not really.
I agree when it comes to DPM tho, but I do feel a significant difference with and without a vent, and it bugs me every time.
And what if, and get this, I happen to own a computer that I can carry around, like those weird things that fold up and down? Crazy, I know.
what if phoneposters also have those devices but they are broken or in the shop for repairs
Yea that's true. I guess I prefer lights, fast mediums and long range heavies so I go with view range.
The most JUST tank in the game right now.
>failing the shitter test
2bad, wehraboo
In case you didn't notice, I didn't talk about its performance.
You a funny one bruv
What about KV-4
Should I do it?
>play AW
>get new tank destroyer
>play glops
>nobody spots for me
>get stuck with such unbelievable shitters for full 15 minutes
>get around 0,25 damage dealt/received ratio
>still be 4th
no, you are over 2 month late to the party
Some fun/broken arta suggestions to play outside tier 10? I myself found AMX 105 AM and G.W tiger P to be both broken for their tier and fun to play and Bishop from a streamer...
So any other artillery vehicles?
>The most JUST tank in the game right now.
Thats not the T-80 or AMX 40
G,W, Panther
AMX 40 is not really bad in my opinion, got 2k block damage and some more games like that when I used to play it a half year ago.
loved it when I got 1 of those 10 games where almost nothing could penetrate me even when I was in a tier 5 game
>No link to previous thread
shitter OP
Stop living in the past. It's unhealthy.
been away for sometime, what is the near end? 1.0 potato update?
forgot to mention preferably something from tier 4-8
Pudel 4th skill, what do you suggest?
Commander has bia/sixth sense/repairs
Gunner has bia/snap shot/repairs
Driver has bia/off-road driving/clutch breaking
Radio operator has bia/situational awareness/repairs
Loader has bia/safe stowage/repairs
I'm thinking of going recon - concealment - repairs - concealment - concealment
I don't feel I catch fire a lot, don't even remember the last time it happened.
wotinfo calculator says it would outspot an 5x concealment Pudel.
>offroad driving over repair
what the fuck are you doing
that tonk is sluggish
>still training safe stowage
Otto Carius talk about the Tiger.
what is the opposite of luck called?
in my last 100 ranked games i had 8 wins and 92 loses.
Who else antidepressants and high alc& beer here?
430U or T-54? Im thinking 430 because easier grind.
Be happy they don’t count against your wr
>thinks clutch breaking/offroad driving is more important than recon
doesn't matter anyway. i am now officially bankrupt. i run out of credits. and since i dont want to farm with a shitty premium for 500 games i think i will lay down the game for some months
>teams keep neglecting one flank and leaving a clear straight path towards our base and artillery
>always have to push it so that they'll realize most of their tanks went this way and artillery will have time to move while they gang up on me
I should just drive straight and pretend I'm brain dead in order to get exp shouldn't I?
Follow the lemming train.
dolan is is it true? is your clan dead? ;_:
says who?
I'm not a rat brah
plenty of people still play tanks, just nobody wants to play CW