no peeing in the pool please edition
previous episode: without shitty links this time
no peeing in the pool please edition
previous episode: without shitty links this time
Other urls found in this thread:
Since OP is a dumbass,
>Very useful links - For all things /lolg/, though we're pretty sure Watsu is dead at this point. - For any and all PBE updates. - If you like looking at raw data for each champion's win and playrates and at other players' data,this is for you. - More tidied up and has the same functions than lolalytics, with emphasis on player profiles (and stalking). Also good for quick runepage building.
>Patch Notes [updated two to two weeks]
>Compare Your Connection With Lag Report
>March Sales Schedule [updated on a monthly basis]
>Champion and Skin Sales [updated on a weekly basis]
>Free Champion Rotation [updated on a weekly basis]
Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream (Cylol) for any esports matches, find the link on Eyoson
OP pastebin (taking suggestions!):
First for having fun with frens :3
>picking Sion top over jungle
>not wanting to have 3k hp 15min in
for what purpose?
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
yes even if it were Lux support! Nothing wrong with Lux support!
Someone remind again why Riot felt the need to make Galio a fucking mountain giant in the lore? Also does the answer justify how stupidly large he is (he was made to be a movable bulwark, how in the hell a nation that doesn't use magic or tech do this) ?
It felt to me they only made him gargoyle enough to pass as Galio. And what I hate about the new lore is that they introduce some new ideas that have just simply put, logical problems and almost never address it, never answer questions or if they do they respond with memes and shitty jokes. Back to galio as an example, he was built to be a mobile anti magic shield (all in his lore) , and this dude comes back with a statue of liberty? How do they move this? Demacia doesn't use magic and from what we can tell they aren't technologically advanced so how did they expect to move him? Why was doran not put to death for creating a living magic statue? How can Sion and Galio be rivals when Galio is hundreds ot times bigger, how could Sion possibly fight him? And on another note about galio, in his stories with Lux, how does he move and leave the damn city, without anyone noticing or being concerned? How is this not an issue and go unnoticed or without consequences? Especially in a notably magic-phobic state? I think Galio was just made too huge, his stories and lore would make a lot more sense if he was even just 20 feet. Something that big moving in a war doesn't just disappear into folk tales, that makes no sense.
The Demacian lore update is shit in general, it only works if the average Demacian citizen is blind and stupid.
>>Very useful links
oh wow so useful
fuckoff autist nobody wantsthese
>Lost Chapter in the era of League of Waveclear
There are no heavens.
There are no hells.
There can be no skill.
There is only early safe long range waveclear.
>picking Sion jungle over Sion support
>not wanting a fed adc by min 10
For what purpose?
Sorry if i want an actual OP.
The decree is made
we have an OP
its an opening post
thats all it is retard
nobody is going to go like wow let me check the lolg op real quick to find the champion rotation
people have other sites for that, its useless, dumb, and autistic, fuck off
Thanks for your input.
I'll be sure to have it in mind.
>Smart enough to build archangel's first item
You are now a master Sona player
>The op doesn't matter i don't care about it
>Okay fine I'll add these links for newfags and or people that might find them useful for them
Now go pound your butt. You earned it slut.
*new item: Bloodstone*
cost: 3.000
+250 health, +30 Attack Damage or 60 Ability Power (adaptive)
UNIQUE Passive - Blood Siphon
Whenever a nearby champion dies (allied or enemy) you obtain 1 Blood stack.
Active - Blood Feast
Consumes all your Blood stacks to replenish 5% of your missing health per Blood stack over the following 4 seconds. Any form of damage taken during these seconds interrupts the effect.
>people are still building pure tank j4 jung
>literally making him as useless as possible
what happened to people building him as a bruiser? BC, Titty Hydra, and rest tank?
i could say the same about you
there is no reason to include them, and weve been doing great without them, so why change it?
This is what you are, stop repressing.
Why not?
Will it personally hurt you, your family or your loved ones if i did it?
What to do while your lane is being taken??
cute feet
Youre avoiding the question.
No idea who that user is, but I also thought about it.
I guess using the word I'll made it seem like I was adding the links, my bad lmao
just because you are not using them doesn't mean other wont
>weve been doing great without them
And you can improve on things user, I know you Americans don't like changing things for the better (see your guns laws and the endless murdering of your children) but changes is something that should happen.
Simply ease of access.
Literally easy mode to get honors and in Aram too
>no qt necromancer champion or gf
nice game leaguebabs
read the lore
>people have other sites for that, its useless, dumb, and autistic, fuck off
why hello there newfag
>still not a single argument for links other then "others do it too!!"
inner circle memeshit the discord isnt even related anymore
There isn't an argument for the OP to stay without links other than "i don't want to do it" either.
lads I lost my promos, am I allowed to fap to nami before bed?
Vladimir's Soulstealer skin
Yorick might also have been cute a few hundreds of years before he became bara shit
What are you waiting for? At least play with your girl pickle you hopeless cumdump.
Reminder that old Swain was a piece of shit garbage champion.
nuSwain has very clear counterplay, and a healthy kit.
Fuck off dipshit
I wish I had frens
>ever sticking to their words
am I allowed to fap to anyone before bed???
If 9 you can fap to Nami
You can masturbate to Faker if you want, maybe some of his talent will rub off on you
well then
>b-b-but muh beatrice
>th-that bird was swains entire character ;-;
an ugly spic at that as well
Someone was talking about Sion's E hitbox being way too big, is there a video showing it?
>implying I play LoL
xth for uninstall.exe
Competing threads causes them to be posted early, and multiple generals is against the rules. There's no reason your links have to be in the OP. You're just another 'xth for' poster.
Guess my rank, /lolg/
Also does this site actually MEAN anything? Or is this shit just a load of bullshit?
Are you nice?
But user red is pretty
also fyi SS Vlad was initially called Necromancer Vlad
Not him but I think the links are helpful, they should all be in a pastebin though because the list is pretty long
What is Swain's best skin?
Yeah. Are you?
It's helpful to understand which things you should improve but it's very vague
Here's one of it just being generally wide
gfycat com/gifs/detail/sickwilddesertpupfish
Here's one of it doing weird shit
gfycat com/gifs/detail/agilesophisticatedcat
Can't upload the webm's because they're too big
>I'm done with this community
>I'll go do something else
You're complaining about ease of access for the sake of complaining.
It's not even that long.
It's VERY tame compared to other OPs.
It's a fucking scam lol, you think high rank players check any of this shit
I think so... but I also try to be friends with too many people and I end up neglecting them sometimes and I feel bad.
I'm not, I'm complaining about thread wars. There's threadwars whenever you link fucks come, there's barely any when you leave (and you always do). You're the problem.
I'm all about lewd necro now though I just don't have anywhere to shitpost about it
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!
>It's a fucking scam lol,
>i want a nice OP so people can post their shitty gay shit and erp in here better
?????????????????????? Why bother decorating a shit dumpster with flowers?
wait you have to sign up for this shit
no useful information is conveyed in a radar chart
go away beaner trash
No thread wars so far.
We've been doing just fine, get over it.
That's not the point and you know it.
But Vlad is a boy. I need a cute girl necro.
whats wrong with udyr
>get a yorick main on the team
>fuck yeah i hope he doess well!
>rushes a titanic against gangplank
>ends 2/15
>is rank 7
>this is fucking gold
It would appear that way.
There's plenty of useful stuff there.
The blue bit is the "average diamond player"
The red bit is my average
Oh me too. It's kinda easy to make frens but really hard to keep them. But I know how you feel sort of, some frens are just more fun than others
>shitty gameplay
>constantly ignored
>still no VU
>no lore
>opps I meant 35 dollar vu xDDD
Just pay 20 dollar for his VU
None of that information is useful
>play jhin
>get a morg support
>she lands W, I land W good times
>enemy support is Zyra
>builds full damage and does a better job of supporting because lmao, Zyra
>midlane akali dies to le reddit tier hero, Galio
i mean, i'm shit picking but holy moly zyra is pretty terrifying.
Fuck off faget
>quinn buffs on PBE
Time to spread your asscheeks melee cucks
>Yorick losing to GP
how fucking trash does he have to be Yorick crushes that matchup
>some animal people
>vs literally one of the biggest tropes in fiction ever, the living expression of human sexuality
idk I feel the latter ought to be getting more
>Just pay 20 dollar
>Just pay 20 dollar
>Just pay 20 dollar
>Just pay 20 dollar
>Skystrike now applies her Harrier mark to all enemy champions hit
oh man
Harrier (Passive) "Auto-attacks that are already in-flight will now trigger and consume the Harrier mark"
iss my favourite champion quinn finally fucking playable?
is the only champion with 4 different autoattacks and plenty of builds, theres no champion like udyr, why would you need a rework
The last thread hasn't hit the bump limit yet, this thread shouldn't even exist. Someone will bump the old thread an hour later and 50% of the time the mod will delete the newest thread, even if the 2nd newest is at 745 posts.
>sion gets his bugs fixed
>winrate sky rockets
>quinn getting some of her bugs fixed
Now, lets see if her winrate skyrockets.
This just goes to show they need to work on fixing bugs more than anything.
Fuck u gaijin you pay 30 dorra for geemu skin and 300 dorra for raw fish