Why are Christcucks (as well as Muslims) so insistent that others should take up their religion?
The pagans certainly weren't like that.
Why are Christcucks (as well as Muslims) so insistent that others should take up their religion?
The pagans certainly weren't like that.
We want you to survive.
Abrahamic religions are cancer of this world
My question is: why do you care? Why aren't you content with "saving" yourself, and whoever will come willingly? Because Abrahamics have often used force to convert or to retain, either soft or hard force, but force nonetheless.
>Why aren't you content with "saving" yourself, and whoever will come willingly?
Because love for others is integral to every single one of the Abrahamic traditions. Paternalism is not always cruel.
Because I love you.
Because you are special user
Only you are you
When I get to heaven, I want someone just like you to be there!
>"I love you! This is why I'll torture you or kill you or make life difficult to you by alienating you and ostracizing and insulting you and lowering your self-esteem while criticizing your own deeply-held beliefs and convictions."
I can only speak for myself.
Fair enough. But how can you love something or someone you have never met individually?
didn't the pagans literally feed the christians to their loins?
We've met before.
>believing Christcuck propaganda
Because they're like Pepsi and Coke.
Enormous cultural brands that aggressively market themselves and constantly fight each other for market share. It's not even about individual salvation anymore; it's now all cultural branding and hegemony.
You must understand religion as a historical phenomenon. Christianity and Islam were political declarations basically - by taking up the faith, you declared that you belong to these and these guys, will pay your taxes to them etc. Note that religious schisms always happened over already existing lines of political opposition - f.e. Shia and Sunni Islam were literally just political factions before they cemented them in a veil of sacrality.
It was international etiquette back then. You had some political aspiration, you wrapped it in religious mumbo jumbo while everyone knew what it was really about.
Just like nowadays: if you want to do something in international politics you publish some manifestos and declarations that are written in complicated academic language and revolve around buzzwords like "vital national interests", "protection of the sovereignity of x people" etc. while everyone is perfectly aware that what you want is to take someone's shit for yourself in a manner you can get away with in the current political situation.
Yea.. Pepsi is shit. I totally agree user!
Pretty much this. Same goes for ideology and politics.
Religions or ideologies are just some name tags those with power use to draw their supporters. If there were no religions, ideologies, nation, or whatever, then people would have divided themselves along something like favorite kind of meat or sex position
It's a part of practising the religion itself.
On an institutional level, to collect more followers, strengthening the group's power and influence.
On an individual level, consciously, because they are told it is their duty to spread the word and save us poor ignorant profligates from eternal damnation, in cuck congregations. Or because their God is the one true and anyone worshiping another is a wretch and must be converted or destroyed, in noncuck congregations.
On an individual level, subconsciously, it is because they fear they may be following the "wrong" faith.
They believe they are following the true faith, but they know their opponents believe the same in respect to their faith.
The child of Abraham begins to wonder "Why do I believe what I believe?". "How do I know I am in fact right and my opponents wrong? What if it's the other way round?"
If they're equipped, they may decided to educate themselves and end up being a more well rounded, and tolerable person.
If not, the mental anguish becomes too much for them, so they must proceed with to aid in the goal of stamping out opposing systems, so that they may forget that those systems every existed, and remain content in the choice that has been made for them by their birth, circumstances and/or their unwillingness to critically assess their existence.
Pagans also evangelized and tried to stamp out such religions they deemed unworthy to live, good examples of this being The Seleucid and The Romans, both pushing leader cults.
Because there is only one God and you're a heretic.
trying to save your immortal soul from disaster.
it's actually kind of exciting.
Yes slaves were used as boipucci by quite a lot of people, so very much so feeding their loins
They're just jealous of all that fantastic manliness.
On a real note though, the Abrahamic faiths make it an imperative to convert others, even if they just end up infringing on other people's space and making themselves into annoying twats.
>The pagans certainly weren't like that.
exclusive religions have an advantage, in that when people hear they have to join or suffer they will join just out of the chance to avoid suffering.
Pagan religion did not have this convenient control mechanism so they died out in Europe
I think the idea was that forcing someone to convert on earth is much better than suffering eternally in hell