/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2830

Coffee edition

>Recent news
What makes the sky blue Part 2 is ongoing
SSR Tiamat, SR Birdman and SSR Yuri Angels summon released
Orchid's dagger FLB released with small
Trium and DATA+echoes on ougi
Lecia's dagger FLB released
Aphrodite FLB released, Arulumaya FLB released
Final Chapter of Pandemonium released
Crits now work on all null element enemies.
Class Champion Weapons FLB released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for February-March:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac)
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/21 - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I
2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12-18: Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18-24: Xeno Corow Clash
3/24-30: Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31-4/8: New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
pastebin.com/8xELSDu4 (embed)

>Guild Pastebin
pastebin.com/HgkULL3k (embed)

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Does Demi Zephyrus have dispel on call? Because I'm tempted to get him just for that

first for host ubaha

>Sandal is getting free blowjobs from Lucifers decapitated head.

wtf is KMR doing lads.

Yes, he does.

Huh? why did this happen?? i thought granblue was more popular than this

How do you like your coffee, /gbfg/?


he does but he has like 200hp and 800atk less than gacha zephy

no one cares

How did they manage to make male Vira somewhat likable?

Another major event where the MC doesn't do shit.
I'm outta here.

You know you can check that ingame, right? And yes, he does

Like I like my men, as far away from me as possible.

Fujo events are always the most unpopular events

nothing new here

I played Touken and I don't know why all those girls play it
it's so.boring

Later lads.

Djeeta is finally with her C A N O N husband Sandy okay?
Please understand

Is Ferry worth using over Juliet? got some Light characters so i want to make a light team now

Just like my men, pitch black

Women don't care about gameplay. It's why granblue pandering to them confuses me so much.

>MC only skills

usually black. sometimes, latte or cap.

So Lucifer died? What the fuck?


I only like iced coffee, I drink tea mostly.

>altair not FLB'd

It's like touken ranbu all over again lol, i bet their revenue will also have a sharp decline just like last time

>62 SSRs
>not a single GW 5*

By making him not Vira.
I still don't get who even likes Vira.

No, if he's dead then how can Lyria still summon him genius?

>*Lyria is with her C A N O N husband
Danchou had no active influence on Sandal, as per usual of being a bland self insert that rides Lyria and Vee's coattails

That seems high for grabble usually it is barely in the top 10

I only drink water

Does anyone know if they call (You) a "singularity" in the nip version as well or if it's a gaijin translation thing?

>not having Gran "die" and replacing the MC with a lost scrubby naked shota who's recused by some half-elf chick
Just play FGO bro


Well I can solo it with my shit grid and team but fuck it takes a long time.

>Old wizard man
>Dirt la fille
Wat do, my grid is shit because Yggyraid is selfish

It's literally the same thing as KanColle, but we can't marry the swords. At least for now. It's the type of game that you play every now and then, I only touch it during events.

90 million health will do that.

its more efficient to solo it lad.

Vira is the most popular character by far, everyone loves her, she's not only the fans favorite, but also the character that granblue staff loves the most

>tfw cutie playing for a month and see this
How long did it take you to get at least a good amount of SSRs on one element?

I don't play water much because i don't have any decent character except Altar
Making GW 5* is too tiring for me, still need to finish grids for all 5 elements first

Help, my Lucio disappear after I finish the story event!

>notSatan and Metatron won't be dark and light's seraph or shiva raids

Some chink is streaming consecutive sparks
he's on his 7th spark right now
105 SSR so far

Not him but I've been playing for almost exactly a year and barring free event SSRs, I have 41. Two of those were suptix.

>consecutive sparks

7 months, i got pretty lucky with summon ticket, f2p btw

Do the special episode "Sodomizer of the Skies" to get your Lucio back. Belial captures him and sodomizes him and you need to rescue him.

he is making a zephy grid

twitch tv/gbfjk

spark stream in 8min if I manage to make everything work

its finished now
he sparked 7 times just for 1 grimnir

KMR being murdered on live stream when?

whaling for reunion

Heles, dlf, sandal, lucha team with six's fist as MH and maybe artemis bow/s
How maymay is this?


>7th spark
>I've not sparked once and I'm 145

>already in my bookmarks
when did you last spark
oh wait its mizako isnt it

>two sparks where he got 10 SSR
I can't imagine how bad that would feel unless you got a good primal/shiva



I know that primal earth is really strong, but how solid is magna earth?
The swords look pretty good as I see it, also not talking about super end game stuff like ultimate bahamut 200 here.

>tfw I've been playing for 7 months as well and only have 42 SSRs (suptix included) while working on my 3rd GW 5*
Does this game reward people that don't actually play?

because he's making a zep grid, retard
why would he be sparking on reunion rate up otherwise?
we didn't get anything new this legfest that is limited, except for the power creep light angels summons

what would belial want from the actor??

stop fantasizing about buttsex and help me homos
I'm only lvl 62 and I get jack shit from yggy meanwhile levi drops so many daggers

Juliet > Amira >Ferry

Post your SSR count and years you've played
>3 years

Complete newfag here

This is the time to roll, right? I don't have enough to spark anything yet but I also haven't rolled since starting the game :

designing him an outfit
belial is a fashion designer after all

Magna is fine because they keep making insane attackers for earth

Cooldowns too long to be of any use.

like my waifus, as white as possible

>except for the power creep light angels summons
10k damage cap increase is trash

>what does he want
His precious boyhole of course. It's why Lucifer's VA is leaving, he couldn't take the shame of having to moan and squeal for an event.

forgot my image

Ferry used to be 10/10

>2 years
47 SSRs, including 3 GW characters and 4 welfare characters from events. I'm holding on to 302 rolls.

28 SSR 8months (3 are free, another 3 are GW)

She's still pretty good, these bunch of fags don'gt know how to use her

>permanent unremovable def down is bad

1 year + 1 month
Rank 146
56 SSRs, 2 of them being GW characters

Why do people waste pots to "finish" an event on the very first day?

>2 years
>1.5 page of SSR
>two of them are ju10shoes
>four of them are event SSR
All the lack of luck I have in GBF translated into me being able to lucksack in any other mobile game. Just not GBF.

15 months
45 ssr chara (2 gw)


Because people love her?, ever since she's first introduced in granblue, she always won every single popularity poll

she was, is and always will be the most popular character in granblue
Q: Among the users, which characters are popular?
Haruta Koichi: Definitely Vira (TL note: ????Vira, or Buira. We originally used the translation Bluer), voiced by Imai Asami.

Because magfest starts the next day and like hell you want to waste magfest time doing the event.

Probably because they have thousands of pots

It's literally Armageddon Satan, dunno what's up with the avatar shit.

5 weeks
4 SSRs and one GW char

Reminder GBF is a F2P game

WHY is she popular?

I'm gonna take Sandal-kun's virgin boypussy

Someone please save this Impossible I fucked up

You tell me bro

Man I hope we get Metatron because he is rad as fuck

>Uses 100% of all allies' charge bar for 4 turns of TA
>charge bar is frozen
>cooldown 12 turns
>Light damage to all enemies (Damage cap: 340,000)
>5% increased critical hit rate for all allies
>Slight chance to dodge all attacks from foes
>mediocre EMP