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Post active server IPs lads
*sniffs Saphie*
ahh yes, the nascent brap of one pumped full of T-blockers, delicious.
Just tested and can confirm doesn't work
this is just me, but it feels like it's at three or four o'clock more times than it isn't
Post quality OC
is old OC ok?
>6 or 7 Ninetails sitting in the elevator on the way down
>Commander giving a speech
>alright bois, command stuck me with the D-bois of Ninentail's squad
>This is gonna be a rough ride for you first timers, but-
>door opens and three Chaos soldiers gun everyone down
>tfw can't use voice chat
Fucking bug, fix when?
I was the chaos in the middle firing and it was fucking hilarious. Such a good fucking moment of you all shitting yourselves
the commander wasn't giving the speech and the real commander and a guard lived to have ptsd
>CI get no memes
they do, like the hotboxing elevator thing
>enters your intercom room
Im still gonna make /v/ threads till the end. Fuck this place and fuck the people who enjoy it
You need to vape more my man.
>tfw pc doesn't recognize my headset
Guess im doomed to be a mute potato
>be D-Boy
>escape light containment
>dodge NTF squads and Larry in heavy several times
>grab red card and enter entrance zone
>run into doc and make a deal to escape
>go up lift A
>NTF threw a grenade at the door and I die as soon as it opens
I just want to escape without getting FURRIED for once
>Making friends with the SCPs
No greater camaraderie than the one that comes from the betrayal of your humanity
People who use the fucking spectator cam for anything other than to hunt down people prolonging the game are fucking faggots.
*sacrifices you to satan*
This, alway's fun.
We need a game-ender after it's just MTF and Chaos duking it out. SCP-682 could be released and fuck everyone up.
yeah some random user said "it's always 4 o'clock"
tried it and it's worked for me almost every time, I think pic related describes the way out
plug it in
Press Q and talk. If others can hear you they tell you.
Well yeah but it still doesn't work
Yeah, that's exactly what I mean.
do you have mono installed?
if you have and it still doesn't work it could be this error: api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll caused missing windows updates
Larry 3 seconds from killing the last 4 health ninetail
>Mobile Task Force Desig-
I think there is some randomness. I always go first to the right and make it out about half the time.
servers bois
why not just have a time limit and set off a nuke?
or one of the other weird instakill scp like that TV show guy or something equally silly like 1003
Check if you have the correct microphone in the sounds options on windows, a friend of mine had a similar problem
I just need to install the x64 right?
If the server you're on has over 20 people, you're fucked sonny jim
Metagaming is pretty cancer.
it varies from person to person
some people only need that one, while others need both
This should be ok, K tested it on some site and it picked up the sound.
Nah I'm on sub-20 servers
/v/irgin here, always been somewhat interested in creepypasta shit. How easy is it to pick up this game? I've seen a few gameplay videos on jewtube and it seems like you need to know where shit is to get anywhere and the players just seem to know what to do no matter what class.
you could play it even if you didn't know what a video game was
Why are you guys such fucking beta cucks.
Just play the fucking game, holy shit.
The thing is... nobody knows where the doors and elevators are.
After an hour or two you will get the hang of it.
everything is procedurally generated so knowing where things is doesn't matter
>Look at recording time for the last match
>Round went on for 23 minutes
>Enough time passed for enough people respawned to take down Larry
>it's a spawning as MTF at the start of the round with a pistol episode
The game is 99% running around after things are FUBAR'd within the first 10 seconds. The only thing NOT to do is drag a round out for an hour hiding in a corner like a cuck
I don't play anything before learning how first
especially anything multiplayer
>tab out to check thread
>camping d bois open door and shoot me
>be gunlet
>can't even kill myself
Nobody will care nignog just follow the group
The SCP take literal seconds to learn
>zombies camping nuke room
>chaos camping detonation room
>ntf keep spawning in
What an awful round
Yu-gi-oh card backs are a pain in the ass to draw
It's usually fairly easy to scavenge a better weapon and card. Mallcop is definitely worst starting role though.
I care
I don't have fun unless I know what I'm doing
why couldn't they just be white?
what serb people play
You learn by playing.
096 when
u suck. don't play.
>that smirk
Makes me giggle.
Crash course:
where are the fucking SERVERS
Post IPS my dudes, all the ones posted in threads are dead or full.
Requesting MTF over A dud?! You can change the dialogue to "A d-boy?!" if you want.
Npc 096 when
Would giving Larry the speed boost that Peanut gets from losing health make him too strong? Obviously not quite as fast but there's already a million different ways of shutting him down
Ok I installed both but it did nothing.
What's the other error? I think my windows is up to date.
The SEAL Team 10 marines from MGS2.
Would be weird given that his click ability requires you to stick to your target.
Where the EU servers at
>be Larry
>get femure broken in the first 2 minutes
HUbert please
Servers please
(You) for EU
i was enjoying the d bois' conversation in 012 and then ntf came in and ruined that
EU boys are working
>my mic is too quiet
I just want to bant ;_;
just need 19 more
(Youser was promoted for this post)
Killed 4 MTFs in elevator as Peanut. Continued to keep the wild ride on for additional spawn before they gunned me down.
>tfw you will never fuck a kangaroo pouch
>Listening to the Commander talk about kangaroo pouch pussy, having a great time
>Game crashes
>Full server when I try to rejoin
favourite scp bois?
>join random server
>children literally screeching through the mic everywhere
Thank fuck you can turn down the voice chat globally.
Shouldn't NTF set off the nuke? Why does Chaos want to destroy it don't they want to release SCPs?
Tell me about your day user! Don't be shy, I want to know about the specifics too!
Ok, did someone managed to make voicechat works by changing micros?
This is driving me crazy.