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>that name
Roll Olivia!
Damage Reports!!!
How many orbs did you spend?
What 5*s did you get?
Are you happy with what you got?
>this general will lose the thread war to waifuposting
Why is IS fucking over mages compared to melee units so hard lately
They're not getting anything fun
OP's face when she picked that name.
I didn't ask for Ike fuck off
While they would have their own fair share of troubles what with being behind by a very notable degree. I can only imagine being almost completely new to the game, and having none of the 5*s on the legendary banner.
Doing full rolls every time and just raking in those 5*s.
15. Rolled free summer Corrin, decided to full roll. Got 4* Palla, which is always nice fodder to have
Because they can't balance their game for shit
I hate that Ike is so boring they couldn't do anything with his chapter. LIke, I remember Farfetched Heroes was great because all the characters interacted together so well. The LIke chapter had Roy and Lute right there, but nothing. BIke and Mia just were like "WE WANT FIGHT". Terrible.
Magic is already everything
No thanks.
9 orbs spend.
Neutral offenses L'arachel, which should be good later down the line. Works well enough, even if -Res. So... yeah, sure.
>That Advent Children quote
Quite Edgy
Felicia is the cutest! She is perfect in every single way to me! I could never want anything more! She is the reason i can keep on going! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is the best thing to ever happen to me! I love Felicia!
Shiro and Brave Ike
>are you happy?
>no Ephraim
Fuck no.
>No Athos
>No Altina
>No Baldr
>No Roland
>No Hatmud
When are we getting ACTUAL legendary heroes?
I should
The only mages IS still cares about are armored mages.
All others are now for shitters.
>wake up
>read through threads
>I missed the Serra thread
Hey guys, let's switch topics, shall we?
Free roll was Gunnthra
Yes, because first gunnthra for the new mode
>Burned out from the game
>Hate almost all the units I have
>Have an urge to just start all over again on a fresh account
Anyone have a feeling like this?
You seem to forget user, Ike is a literal Hero.
That said ALM WHEN?!?!
200 orbs
2 shiros
Platinum fucking mad.
At least one can allow me to get both aether and steady breath off of a Bike soon I guess.
I just wanted Ephraim
>That said ALM WHEN?!?!
>Legendary Hero King
>Not a legendary unit yet
What the fuck!?
After today, its official.
I'm up to 6 SCorrins now.
Is Ephraim even on this banner?
>tfw we won't get any real legends at all (Not even Anri) but we'll get all the promoted lords instead
Even then, can Roy be saved?
>The Soylord could steal Marth's title
Jesus Christ I forgot how fucking hot her P.A art looks.
>b8% banner has nothing I want
>roll on fallen heroes instead
>get neutral Grima
How do I build this guy.? I don't have bold fighter fodder for him.
2 full pulls including the free pull
Some ok fodder
You also forget
>Hero so legendary that the continent was renamed after him
What the fuck ISIS?
Shiro is the true villain. Ruining what could have been a good color to roll on in this banner.
Shiro is fucking dead to me.
>soy meme
Hi /v/eddit
I want to bed Hinoka and Cordelia!
>all these mad Shiro posters
>meanwhile sitting with 3 Summer Corrins (two are +spd/-def) while I want Ephraim
I don't even have Shiro either, I'd take at least one over feet slut
Is using wew lad 3 on a +res/-spd crazy Celica good? It would leave her with uninspired but respectable 25 defenses across the board and put her at 56/37 before buffs. With a spd+3 seal that's 56/40 and 60/44 against enemies at full HP. Summoner Support could give a little extra push if needed but don't know that it will be. What do you guys think?
What is your opinion on bread?
>can't understand sarcasm
why couldn't Micaiah look like this?
isn't it by the same artist? he must not like Miccy as much as Olivia.
Honest opinions on Spring Camilla? I just don't know that she'll be good with investment, because she's fucking awful with her base kit. I've got +Spd for 29 base speed but even with a hone that's never enough to double anything relevant. Maybe I'm supposed to have a Goad too and that magically patches her up but it seems like a fucking lot to expect two combat buffs just to be baseline usable. But the real meat of it is that she just doesn't do enough damage. She's almost always only going to get one hit, but that one hit is never enough to kill anything and I'm seriously doubtful as to whether Gronnraven+ and WTA3 will actually be enough to OHKO anything. As is it feels like she's in the same bin as Valentine Roy where she'll never kill ANYTHING in one hit, but at least VRoy has access to a Brave weapon to fix his shortcoming.
>Mad about getting a top notch flier mage
>Wanted a shit Cav unit or a marginally better Lukas
Crispbread is the best bread ever made.
Wait until you get a non -spd/-atk one.
She needs to have not gimped offense to be good. It took me 5 Serikas to get one that wasn't gimped until I found a +def/-res one.
>wanting worthless lance infantry without any good skill fodder
>instead of the best flying mage
>Better than Lukas
They really never learn...
29 orbs
+atk -hp L!Ephraim
+spd -def P!Olivia
They have like 8 less BST than infantry units which is why their stats generally aren't as good. Also IS has been introducing way more mixed tanks into the game with the dumb seasonal armours and dragons getting their stupid breath refine doesn't help either. Finally non seasonal mages will be infantry like 90% of the time which already hinders them
I honestly wouldn't be angry with a Shiro. I already had one and could use def tactic or a merge
>eating carbs
Enjoy your no gains.
marginally worse actually
I don't want to regret it Bros
I am gonna fodder my free Ike to this +atk -hp Nowi
I have fae and hag tiki as well with perfect iv's but unbuilt yet
What do you guys think ?
I already have +spd -res like btw
The body needs a little bit of carbs.
Go back to Veeky Forums homo.
I really want to try sourdough. I like italian bread a lot too
Wanna train user?
>hag tiki
You take that back you uncultured troglodyte
But I have no orbs left and I doubt they'll be giving us an appreciable amount that'll net me a five star on that banner again. Even if I do get another I bet the IVs will suck or i'll be cucked out of her by some shit unit like Cain.
I got Brave Ike, Jaffar, and Mia. With a mere 98 orbs. And I had none of those before.
Which is quite frankly amazing.
And a wise man might have stopped at point. But I really wanted another legendary and rolled for another go going solely for green and blue. And rode that pity ratio out until I finally hit another hero an additional 151 orbs later.
I really happy though because that hero did indeed end up being Ephraim.
All things considered though, for 249 orbs that's still quite splendid if I was to say so myself.
That said. I have been rolling greens every legendary banner since Gunnthra. Last time I got duplicates of both green heroes except Gunnthra. I am quite overjoyed at how getitng Ephraim was a relatively painless experience this time. But I am starting to wonder if I'll ever get Gunnthra. And I still spent hundreds of Orbs on green her initial banner.
On that topic. There was no Fjorm this time around. We would know by now if Gunnthra would be excluded next right? Is Fjorm sitting out one more time? I really hope I'll be able to acquire a Gunnthra before she takes a rest from the banners.
Mia and Ephraim so far. I want to keep going but I also want Hector this is a struggle.
Wait until the banner ends and see if you get steady breath first.
Don't be a braintlet, she's great. I run a +atk TA Raven build which has served me well on mixed teams and as a bow killer for my flier teams. My friend runs a +spd Darting Blow blade build and rips shit up that way too. Yes, +spd and Darting sounds like a meme, but with flier buffs it actually works.
Her base kit is complete garbage, yes, but obviously don't judge her off that.
just a Dorcas
Fuck no
March = Fjorm, Gunnthra, Ike
April = Ephraim
Book II is leading up to Gunnthra's recruitment, so who knows? All that matters is if you get Ephraim or not.
>Book II is leading up to Gunnthra's recruitment
I hope that's true.
>How many orbs did you spend?
I don't want to talk about it.
>What 5*s did you get?
I don't want to talk about it.
>Are you happy with what you got?
I don't want to talk about it.
Decided to shell out for a Bladetome, mine is -Def so I decided that Raven TA just doesn't make sense since a -4 Def Bane severely limits her ability to actually deal with bows.
Will probably put Death Blow on her instead of Darting, might as well try to kill things in that single hit rather than open her up to retaliation for a double.
Mine is +res -atk. -atk so I went gronnblade. She was my first 5 star. Even with +res and fortify fliers buffs, she still costs me some AA runs because she dies to Reinhardts. Don't bother with her.
Same. If it means I can turn my -Attack +Hp Gunnthra into a neutral one I'm game
I don't even know what I'm going to do with my two. Both are +def with one being -res and the other -spd. It just doesn't seem like he is as good as Lukas
>Free roll + 8 orbs
>Fuck no.
I run greenblade, WTA3, and green tome breaker, with the iote's shield seal. Kills pretty much everything blue in a single hit, deals with green tomes, and archers that aren't named Innes pretty well
I'm honestly repulsed every time I see a 3* come from my orbs, the fact that these useless pieces of shit still exist disgusts me.
>Threaten ATK
I'll give you points for going RED though.
What do I do with this bad dragon?
75 orbs
dupe scorn
fuck this game
>inherit Blade tome to my Camilla
>go to skills
>I have an unlearned Gronnraven+ and TA3 sitting on her that I never farmed enough SP to unlock
motherfucker I should have checked
>Shitty cav unit
Keep crying faggot, horses always win
28, Summer Leo and the Summer Corrin I wanted. She's -spd/+atk but I still prefer her stats and color in my flier team to the Spring Camilla I have.
I just wanted eph. I didnt even get pitybroken. Time to die
Deathblow heavy blade luna Cav Ephraim? With his ring/seal
>I've saved up 325 orbs, that should be enough to score just one LEphraim. I don't even care about IVs
>6 SCorrins, 1 Shiro, 1 Gunnthra, 1 Dorcas
>0 LEphraims
>tfw can't roll any a lukas with a good IV
>all of them are either -atk or -def
>rolled 2 shiros tonight
>they are STILL worse than the shitty IV Lukases I have
No it was fucking Tomato boy
You misunderstand my brainlet friend. I have no problems with cav units as a whole. Just Ephraim. Fuck Ephraim.
ghb alt when?