Is there any hope in rebuild the old german cities to its former glory?
Is there any hope in rebuild the old german cities to its former glory?
First you would have to rebuild Germany's soul. Without that all the wealth in the world will amount to nothing. It would amount to building more (post-)modernist garbage and refugee shelters. Worry about the soul first, then worry about the body.
But it is possible?
Yes its possible and its happening to some extent right now
Only a Christian revival could save Germany, and that won't happen.
Germany is already gone. The architecture should be the last of your worries.
No, and 1871 killed it.
The same as in Italy, the wealth and prosperity of these cities was a byproduct of the fact that germany was policentric. Every prince wished to have a great city in its realm.
Sure, with foreign funding :^)
mosques are so pretty.
If I was a billionaire, I would rebuild medieval Germany, every single City.
i think OP is more referring to the fact that germany's architectural heritage being bombed to oblivion in wwii...
This so much, and it wouldn't be as expansive as one might guess.
In WW1 ancient Germanic buildings that were still standing were all blown up
>Be European shithole with "muh Old cities."
>"Lel modern Geman architecture suxx XDD"
>Meanwhile your shithole is bankrolled by German-funded EU.
t. ignorant American
I'm trying to say though that 1871 didn't kill it but 1939-45 did
I know it's cool and hip now on the modern Veeky Forums to hate /pol/ and irk them by hating Germany, but all those German towns, especially the ones in eastern Europe being destroyed really breaks my heart. They basically kicked over the Teutonic Order/Prussia's tombstone.
Pic very related.
>Again, these old cities ·of Europe· that have gradually grown from mere villages into large towns are usually less well laid out than the orderly towns that planners lay out as they wish on level ground; so much less that from •the way the buildings are arranged in the old cities—a tall one here, a small one there—and •the way they make the streets crooked and irregular, you would think they had been placed where they are by chance rather than by the will of thinking men.
Descartes on a German town.
Liking /pol/ is a neo-Veeky Forums thing. It used to be considered /b/'s retarded racist little brother.
More like that describes a pretentious mindset
>will of thinking men.
This part right here I mean
Start shit get hit