/arena/ - Arena FPS General

At Least You Tried edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite old-school and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

QC Update has moved from February to March 15 (at least devs aim for it), chances for same base speeds/diffrent acceleration values/no hard cap speed across all champions, certainly there will be 2v2 and instagib gamemodes. High chances for crashes to be eliminated from the game. Devs ask to "be patient".
Current patch notes here: bethesda.net/community/topic/186034/patch-notes-early-access-update-25-01-18

The DUSKWorld 1v1 actually happened it but it seems like there was no stream and it was all about discord lurkers (statement for this is: "Spectator wasn't ready yet", "this is sort of a prototype tourny" etc.) Episode 3 "soon™", DUSKWorld is "still in beta"


>QC custom weapon skin showcase, complete with dual wield:

>List of /arena/ fags willing to play Q:C


Other urls found in this thread:


ded thred ded gams

oh ok

can I make friends playing q3a?

>Ded again.
Bloody hell.

How can this guy have positive win/lose ratio but still have negative mmr?
How the fuck did nu-id code this shit?

>50 minutes to find a match
QC is dead i guess
i only want to do shit daily and be over with it

where do you live user? try connecting to a few more servers. ive had issues with this game but finding a match has never been one, even at odd hours.

I've made a tonne of friends playing Q3 CPMA

>post in evening before sleep, thread is quite lively
>come back after getting back home next day
>thread died but someone restarted it
Arena shooting is too demanding for burgers, it seems.

it was working fine till a few days ago . yesterday and today took 30 or 50 minutes to find a match
spain , if ican play with people from the other side of the world i would . fuck my own country