The quest for key fragments
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But I play manly men champions, like jax
What if they added a jungle item build from tiamat?
>Lee Sin looks to have taken at least a small hit. He was on the weaker side anyway, so some argument for giving him a bit of power.
Xth for tfw no cute boy to support me.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!
Next week
hecarim buffs when
i used to build the runic echoes jungle item on him and sheen for huge fast burst initiates now he feels week and not tanky enough
xth for cute feminine girls like kai'sa
>tfw no qt petite gf
>ywn fall asleep cuddlefugging Jinx
she looks shit though
So I queued mid for 8 games and only got it twice, autofilled once and top 5 times. what the fuck
>claims to be a manly man
>wants handouts
user... Just buy the stuff you want.
>They're looking to go through with this keystone
Which LoL girl does the "tied up" look the best?
>yfw they make his ult work like a vector skillshot where he can choose the direction the person is kicked, doing a small dash to reposition if necessary
>tfw Lee Sin players will fuck this up even more
It's a real tough choice but the answer is Riven
>honor 3-1
>1 keyfrag since the update
where's my free shit riot, I've been a good boy
How often do you play? On the topic of Nami, last season I had this weird feeling about her being this magic charm to dropping a key fragment whenever it'd been too long. Ah, delusions.
Don't fall for this meme. Acting like some cutesy character might get your honors, but you don't need the act especially as support. Just play well, have awareness and robotically state what needs to be done and then even when you lose due to team no listening, you'll get honored for people realizing you were right in retrospect.
Cute boys play toplane. Support is for neckbeard losers.
they will
only retards think that Yasuo attracts the biggest retards and feeders in the game
it is Lee
>rage constantly and shittalk everyone every game
>still 27% more ggs than everyone else
maybe, but I own almost everyone else.
literally made for it
>play jarvan jungle
>do stupid dives
>low damage
>win anyway
>play mid
>three times the damage of everyone else
All they need to do is just change W into a dash so he can use it without wards
mid and supp is the cute boy's role
Adc and Jungle for chads
top for loners and losers
is it possible to climb with Fiora?
Why is it always bot lane that feeds? I swear to god 90% of the time someone feeds in my game it's bot.
>buying key fragments
Say it with me: dumb anime poster.
In all seriousness, I don't know if it's the same way for him, but there are no skins I want right now for the champs that I actually play, but getting skin shards and having your interest perked in trying a champ due to them is nice, as is rewarding yourself with the skin shard if you like the champ enough after trying them thoroughly.
Me too. I've never been placed in my secondary role top. And rarely get auto filled. But this week it's been a over the place. Only got my primary mid 3 times.
Pretty much every day
Sniff sniff.
You know it's the exact opposite janny.
desu I miss League of BoRK. Was a really fun time to adc.
>team is so fucking shit that you have no assists by end game
I never give GG to anyone.
>Crit does run on a pseudo random system. Your chance to crit initially is equal to the displayed value. The more the amount you crit diverges from the expected value though the more your future crit chance will get adjusted until it gets back close to expected values. If you've got a Zeal, and have got a string of crits in a row for example your chance of critting will be somewhat below 20% as a result. Or if you've got an IE and a PD and had a whole run of non crits your crit chance will be higher than 50% and continue to rise if you keep not critting.
>Having said that, it's not a dramatic change over a small number of attacks. Two non crits when at 50% chance to crit won't give you a massively increased chance on your third shot. It's more a system intended to counteract more extreme streaks over a larger number of hits.
Y'all didnt believe me when I said this.
Give ign qt
Because its a duo lane. It's not just dying because of misplay like mid but lack of coordination as well
>"My best friend is gay please stop that word is rude.
Stop giving that word over to homosexuals.
Is Vi dominant or a secret sub?
I had 3 azirs feed yesterday. Bot actually did okay. Free champ week throws things askew
>not being the cute solo carry
Most supports are autofilled mongrels that die doing retarded shit.
ADC's are prime targets too so it draw attention from jungle and mid roams.
It's not just simple feeding, there's a little more to it and it will help your mentality to think so harshly on the matter.
Fake news. Nobody who is actually cute would play the role that people associate with cute supports. Support players are all just compensating for their lack of cuteness, especially the ones that tryhard act cute by posting emoticons and anime faces.
Opinions regarding ADC players?
No they will just lose lane it's not hard to not feed. Go down 40 cs, but don't lose 2 v 2 4 times and make me vs a 6 kill enemy adc.
The correct answer.
I miss League of Thunderlords.
When your team is Vayne/Soraka/Master Yi/Fiora/Brand and everyone is using Thunderlords - Yes, even the Soraka - you know youre gonna have a fun game.
can we agree to stop doing this
Hunh, well, that helps. Do you communicate with them team, or at least communicate *to* them? While it should be commonplace, people seem to appreciate the constant MIA pings, ___ is MIA in chat and as said earlier, making the right calls even if it's just "less chase, catch waves" and other basic things like that.
what a time.
that is your average support
you slut
SG Syndra is cute. CUTE!
Ok bud, why ask the question if you don't give a shit about the answers?
sg syndra is fucking shit and clearly so is your taste
I play a lot of ARAM or jungle so no mia's for me. When I play mid I'm mid zilean and flashing the thumbs up after you save someone with ult is free honor.
In the last year we have gotten Legendary Skins for all the bronzord champs: Lee, Yasuo/Riven, Vayne.
When is Zed getting his?
I LOVE girls!
I love 'em so much I want to BE one!
>autofilled supports feeding
What the fuck is so hard about supporting it's really not that complicated. Sure you won't be a god but what's so hard about just picking Ali and camping on your ad
One day you will get a girlfriend don't worry. You just need to fix that rancid personality that's all.
Helmetless nami skin when?
>mfw support mains, sissies, sluts and e-girls cry about lack of honors and key fragments
>mfw I just chat it up with the team and play well and get most-honored even in rounds I shouldn't
None of that "muh alpha supports" or tanks-only stupidity either. Pick for comp and presto.
>Ok bud, why ask the question if you don't give a shit about the answers?
You didn't give me an answer you blamed the support and said they get camped. My bot lanes tend to lose 2v2 again and again. I get you're trying to defend your shit role, but please just admit you're retarded.
he wants to get pounded like fag
everyone knows that Supp is the e-girl and qt bois role
>adc mains feeding
Jesus just fucking go play a different game if you cant manage the easiest fucking role in the game
>Make it to plat every season
>Always fuck up placements and get put into silver anyway
>Main gets banned so I make smurf
>Do almost flawlessly S every game, 7-3
>Silver II
Its not fucking fair, why do I of all people have to grind LP while random retards on fresh accounts here get Gold II right off the bat
That explains a lot. A lot of people are less impressed there and you can't really show your worth as often in that run-it-down-mid mode.
>you didn't give me an answer
>you just gave me an answer
I think spunky girls like Jinx, Kat, Vi etc are the best because they'd probably struggle the most
Based Braumbro
Same actually...
Why do the punishments for dodging get progressively worse? I can't help it if I'm getting trolled twice in the same day?
you sound like a little bitch
I miss Thunderlords Lulu. Everything changed when I started using that instead of Windspeaker's.
>spend entire game insulting our feeding yasuo with elementary school insults like "fart knocker, barney lover, crybaby"
>end up getting 3 honors
>goes 7/3
>thinks he doesn't belong in silver.
What's this?
Im not, Im just frustrated I have to waste time at start of every season with spending the first 50 games getting myself back to plat
>no threesome with Kat and Lux
Worst timeline
illaoi skin
illaoi crap
>wahh im a toxic shitter hardstuck plat v that got banned and now my smurf account put me in my proper elo and it isnt fair"
fuck off
>be submissive person irl
>be angry douchebag in LoL
Anyone else know this feel?
Be thankful you even have the option, worm.
>2 hours for dodging in featured game mode
>half an hour for ranked
I don't even play ad I play top lane, I just don't understand what's so hard about being autofilled. I win most of my autofilled supp games with Taric or Ali
So dont play anything outside of normals and ranked because the rest have fucking retarded punishments.
>guy claims he is gonna troll in a featured game mode because he didnt get what he wants
>its either just be held hostage in a 20 min+ match or be blocked from playing the game for 120 minutes