/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

maut edition

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Developer Forum, Suggestions and Bug Reports: dev.dota2.com
New Players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide
New Players (League Refugee Edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com
Blog: blog.dota2.com
Lore: dota2.gamepedia.com/Lore
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Guides 2: dota2.gamepedia.com/Guides
Cosmetic Simulator: dotaloadout.com
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 Analysis: datdota.com
Personal Statistics: dotabuff.com
Personal Statistics 2: opendota.com
Personal Statistics 3: stratz.com (beta)
Hero Stats, DPS Calculator, & Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

previously on dotard 2 general:

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first for le balanced cat meta

>Top voted super hot epic thread on r/dota2
>Valve pays soy boys to monitor all the top threads to immediately implement whatever they request
Enjoy your new feature, faggots. While the dedicated base drops.

If TF2 is still kicking even to this day with an average of 30k+ players at any given time, I'm not too worried about Dota.

Dude, you are replying to a literal redditor, he only cares about popularity.


if i cared about popularity then why am i always complaining about a patch and changes to the game that redditors praise?

>tfw dota 2 doesn't have a streamer like drdisrespect

because you're only reason for suggesting that those changes are bad is the fact the game is less "popular" because of them

It's your way to get upvotes since Veeky Forums only allows (you).

You only post about reddit to get replies, neck you'reself, retard.

no, i post about reddit because i want valve to stop ruining my favorite game by implementing everything corny reddit faggots ask for.

>tfw dota 2 doesn't have a streamer like drdisrespect


Posting on /d2g/ does nothing.
Try here:
>Developer Forum, Suggestions and Bug Reports: dev.dota2.com

that would require him to express his thoughts in a form free of memes and buzzwords
then he would have to think of realistic solutions to his "problems" and not resort to screeching that reddit is the issue

Posting there does nothing either.
Valve only listens to whatever makes it to the front page of Reddit.

I literally wish I was joking too.

>occasionally play dota with a girl i know
>shes cute, has a nice ass, and is pretty good at dota (3.8k mmr, im like 4.3k currenty)
>playing dota with her a last sunday morning, she usually plays enchantress and is pretty good
>shes been flirting with me all day, asks me what color undies she should wear today, other stuff
>she invites me over to play dota at her house, tells me i can 'sleep over' if i want (her house is like 2 hours away, i knew her from high school)
>im thinking that she wants the dick
>get my 2nd comp, a laptop, and head over, but stop at a local store to buy a condom before i head over thinking im going to get lucky for the first time in my life
>im at her house and weve played a few games, won the first one, lost, then won the next, one of the games im ember spirit and get 15 kills without dying :^)
>have to piss real bad holy shit
>go to piss
>come back and shes holding one of the condoms i bought, i guess she went through my stuff while i was pissing
>shes got an expression on and im not really sure how to explain it, sort of like, surprised, and embarassed
>she says "why do you have this? haha" or something like that
>"you know i have a boyfriend right?"
>"uhh.. no i didnt.."
>"did you seriously think.. really, user? what the fuck is wrong with you, you need to go home, now."
>i dont know what to do, just quickly fumble to pack up my laptop and leave fast
>drive home
>get drunk, watch tv, play a dota and win a painfully shit game cause of peruvians
>pass out drunk that night, wake up, post this here for you to laugh at me

He just contradicts himself most of the time, so he'll be ignored or laughed off.

I felt this one deep user, hang in there

>occasionally play dota with a girl i know
stopped reading there

imagine falling for 3 year old pasta

imagine playing dota

girls you wanna dick or even date dont play dota user,
trust me

>its a 9v1 draft



what i wouldn't give for a team that actually fucking thinks about what heroes they're going to draft.

i dont have to imagine :^)

>thought I was hungry so I went to go order a pizza
>tfw stopped myself before I could order because my depression killed my appetite
>wouldn't even be able to eat the pizza if I wanted to
>tfw just going back to queueing for more dota
what's a fun hero to play dotards

I actually googled it and didn't find anything also fuck you you stupid idiot

>googling Veeky Forums pasta
lmao get a load of this retardbro

I keep a condom in my wallet literally 24/7. Lots of guys do.
It's not weird to have condoms on you even if you aren't trying to fuck. What a dumb bitch.

so why are you still breathing

What's your warning sign that your game is going to be a total shitfest?

for me its being forced to play mid or safelane, mostly because my supports will not rotate for ganks, they don't know how to pull or ward, and my offlaner can't initiate worth a shit

because only alive people play alive games :^)

someone shows techies

core with a blademail

Post your recent games, /d2g/
(I only lost the visage one because our teammates were all 2-6/14, including a luna who had 3k less networth than me, a 14-11 offlaner who had to buy all the ward)

When I play mid and the enemy team is constantly rotating and ganking me but my team just starts flaming instead of helping.

nice image

Why aren't you watching WCIII esports, doturds?

best pubstomp hero for archon 4?

>playing against the ti3 alch build

Forgot the image, I've been awake for too long
Post your recent games /d2g/

Would you rather have peruvians or russians for teammates?

Ive played a lot with boths but definetly russians.
Ive seen peruvians feed many times but not russians they tend to abbandon instead.

i dont get off to nostalgia

No matter how hard he is stomping you, it will never even come close to the sheer autism of the Bad Naga meta.
I'm glad for Alch players, he's supposed to be the nutty combat jew, not the most cancerous hero in the game.

>takes literally over 2 minutes to find a match

True Sight with Liquid and Newbee is fuckin KINO


finally starting my journey to get 4k solo mmr
>2,7k solo
>4,5k party
>thousands of unranked games
shouldnt take too long with this winrate
feels fucking bad to lose to a booster tho desu

>wait 6 minutes in queue
>8 smurfs
when the fuck are valve doing something against the smurf niggers?
whats the point of a punishment system when you can just create an account in 5 seconds then shit up unranked in 2 games when the system places you at very high skill with normal behaviour score or ranked in 20 turbo games?
fucking retarded

trying offlane wr

fugg, pic related

>blink pa


>letting a girl go through your stuff
Why the fuck you didnt tell her anything?
"why did you check my stuff?" "what makes you think it was for you" were viable answers.

>"did you seriously think.. really, user? what the fuck is wrong with you, you need to go home, now."
"Why not? i didnt know you had a bf and i thought the chance was there, who do you take me for, a 12 year old kid?"

didn't happen. what's the point of making up a story like this?

not much not counting turbo

Do stout shields and vanguards stack?

>what is the point of posting old copy pasta
FREE (You)s

And spotting newfags.

Zeus is SO SHIEEET in this patch.

PSG here, one time i drove 2 hours to go see this chick. She had an insane fucking roommate, and the roommate like would not stop hovering around us. The roommate was obviously literally crazy, like bipolar, or something like that

So anyways, after like 2 hours of watching movies the roommate finally fucking goes to pee or something, and I turn to the girl I came to see and instantly start frenching her. After about 10 seconds of kissing I stuck my hand down her tank top, pulled out her tit and started sucking it, just like that. She goes "oh my god you're bold" and I tell her I wanted her and I drove that far because I wanted her, and she knew I wanted her.

tl;dr, I know it's a pasta now but if a girl ever asks you to drive 2 hours to hang out, don't bring fucking video games

TIL psg was a fucking stud back when he had hair

? im a stud now youd shit your pants if you saw my gf of 7 years

you're prolly right bro, corpses give me the heebie jeebies

Quick /d2g/ you are given a split second to delete/rework one hero in the game. Which hero do you delete/rework?

Techies out. Icefraud will be free from that curse.


Delete Techies, Invoker, Tinker, or Pudge
There really are no other options.

Lone Druid just needs a complete rework because he's been a failed design for years



The fuck is wrong with Techies?


nerfed too hard imo

literally a dotard

literally a lolbab tier hero
>only wins if his team would win anyways
>if hes losing he extends the losing games duration to retarded amounts

what's the point of iron branches

also why do magic wands and bottles seem totally useless to me

You must be playing him wrong if you can't mad push with techies. Especially out of the minimap view. To play offensive you start leveling his E and W. Late game to push max his q and place it under towers while channeling meme hammer.

yeah bottle is a bit weak now, very few mids get it but it seems to be rather popular for offlaners
wand is really fucking good tho, what are you on about

>what's the point of iron branches
for building into wand
>also why do magic wands and bottles seem totally useless to me
you just hate winning I guess

thankfully most of niggers that pick this hero are too retarded for that
it would just give me another reason to get an aneurysm whenever someone picks it

>one of the best carries
>failed design
also wanting techies out is a glaring sign youre a fag
also new hero: youtu.be/ATscgWRqpG4

t. techies picking nigger
literally no one likes techies but low functioning autists

OpenDota or DotaBuff?

t: reddit
feels really fucking good to drop behaviour score by picking techies in UN FUCKING RANKED where im not even ruining anyone's mmr because the community is such bunch of whiny fucks
literally no one even bans it

dotabuff are jews with less features than opendota

opendota is run by dirty open source neckbeards

>huuurrrrrr why dont people like me picking a hero that makes the game unfun for 9 other people waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
take a guess you sub10iq monkey

Rework Techies into a good hero

>not going 3/0/3/0 for max push and gank

Ah... yes... I love this Bounty Hunter meta.

is this really badly drawn porn

No, it's a reaction image featuring Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin. If it was porn there would be genitals featured.

should have dicked her

why is he in pain?
did he get dusted?

I think it's because he got revealed with Track

is it true?