/mcg/ - Minecraft General

Post your builds edition
Previous thread ► 1. WELCOME

We discuss Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!
If you develop mods or anything Minecraft related, keep us updated for feedback.
Don't spam your server or discord here, use the list from the link below to advertise it.

[!] Performance problems in 1.10+: use foamfix+Optifine (turn off terrain animation)

► 2. NEWS

[23 jan 2018] the thaumcraft
[02 jan 2018] The oldest news in this OP are now 1 year old. Congratulations for never updating this shit

[31 dec 2017] MultiMC5 0.6.0 is out, featuring easy downloading of Curse modpacks and more.

>[2017/Jun/30] Noodlor's Castle Collection is completed! Including a world-download:

>[2017/May/14] GoG update is finished:

>[2017/Jan/02] asie has been working on FoamFix, FabricMC and others.


>/mcg/ General text (to contribute news and info for the next thread)

>Modding Tools & documentation:

>Curse downloader

>how2dostuff for newfags

>Server list (own a server? Please move to the new Serblist.com)
docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w0Nywo6sZcexcYb46hTOfAwElaeUlPoCC4DKRFcMWYQ (Old)

>Ideas & Inspiration

>Castlefag's map

>Cracked MultiMC for Linuxfags

Other urls found in this thread:


Where's oldshoes?

can't be having anything be better than anything else, can we? then people would only use the best : ^)



>Aether 2, besides it's donation faggotry and le party system, is now a shitty visual novel
Oh my fucking god, WHY?

>no good farming mods in 1.10

minecraft is suckers


Are there any good dimension mods at all? All of the ones I've looked at either add things that don't blend well with vanilla or are just stupid.

Oh boy! It's another episode of hunt down a specific biome, to get an item that is found only in that biome, in order to progress further into a mod with no alternate method of making/getting said item.

N A T U R E ' S

What biome mod should i choose BoP xBxl or higlands? or should i just play vanilla with RTG ?

Thanks famalam. You're the hero I deserved, but not the one I needed.

Never post *nglo scum on my general ever again.

Okay let me try writing a small review.
+ adds a fuckton of biomes
- adds so many biomes that it bloats the shit out of the game and you'll never find what you want without Nature's Compass
+ also looks really fucking good with RTG
+ feels kinda natural I guess? I could see it being part of vanilla or something
- some biomes like redwood forests are really fucking taxing both to generate and visit, even more so than the usual
+ all the mountainous biomes are great
+ ore generation has extra ores on a few biomes, giving you a reason to visit them
- textures look like shit, but at least you can disable all trees and plants from the mod

Out of the three my favorite is Highlands, especially with RTG.
There's this one too, but it isn't perfectly compatible with RTG so caves won't generate with it for some reason but it otherwise seems kinda neat.

not him but thanks, I've been having a fine time with rtg and ebxl myself, but I have run into issues with fuck huge fir forests taxing to deal with.

Someone has the sultan dies image?

Should I keep Techguns structure generation? I don't know the frequency of their spawns and I don't care much for a world being cluttered by structure spawns.

Yes, though you should definitively lower the frequency of spawns.

>the sultan died so Aether 2 can become a visual novel

What is even happening

I replaced mocreatures with a few other creature mobs, but domobgriefing is gone and new creatures only spawn in areas generated after the swap. Is there any way to fix this short of deleting chunks?

Got a (you) saying i was a poor thing for playing aether 2, what's wrong with it? If it's for the visual novel i can pass that, right?

>Post your builds edition
finally got my second floor done. lath and plaster is annoying as shit to make.

>those horizontal log beams

Damn, dat shit good

I love those horizontal log beams. Screw anyone that says otherwise.

Just use a mod that lets you make wood with the wood texture on all sides, Factorization does it on 1.7.10 and I think Quark does it on 1.10+.

Does emerald spawn regardless the cofh world setting?

>mod doesn't update for 10 minutes
>lebbit says it's dead

i tried it with quark and it doesnt rotate like normal logs do so the pattern always runs one way

i changed the lower logs to be upright too and i think it looks a little less awkward.

Feeling cocky in this part of the galaxy will end up getting you killed. After escaping the treacherous heat of the vast desert planet on your last adventure, you got the ship up and running again. While using the hyperdrive to venture into uncharted space, you thought all was fine and dandy until… sirens shot off, piercing your brain like a sharp dagger. You stumbled over to the control panel to find out what the issue was and noticed that the damn hyperdrive had went into meltdown. With wrench in hand, you rush over to the hyperdrive core and try to fix any part of it that you can, but you are too late. The ship shook violently, causing all sorts of mechanical problems. With no hope left, your survival instincts had kicked in and urged you to try and use the working engine power to thrust your way out. The engines roared and threw the ship off course, plummeting the vessel out of hyperspace and into a blackhole. With low engine power and time needed to fix the hyperdrive, you had given up and let the abyss of the black hole determine your fate, thus, turning on the autopilot while you continued to tinker with the hyperdrive. The ship began shaking violently once more, throwing your body into the ceiling, knocking you out cold. Luckily, the auto pilot had done it's job and managed to land the ship safely on a nearby world. You rise from your slumber to the smell of foreign burning gasses, the sounds of faint screams, and the concept that you are in hell. Stepping out of your ship, you look around you and notice that you are not quite in hell, but you might as well be. It might be a good time to hang up the keys to flying ships and work on getting a proper piloting license, because you are apparently the worse pilot in the galaxy

pls halp I don't know which mod to chose. I just want a sorta vanilla experience but with some realistic mods in it. mods like signpicture are nice

Version? There are different options on 1.7.10 and 1.10/1.12

Just went to the End after not checking in for a while and there's like a hundred endermen all lit on fire constantly teleporting all over the place. What the fuck's going on? I wish I could record a gif or something cause this shit's a lightshow. It'd be pretty funny if it wasn't also laggy as fuck.


Draconic Evolution

>tfw want to use ars magica 2 but /mcg/ dislikes it



>mob C lost
Fuck this gay earth.

>no facades for essentia pipes
kill me

My nigga.

mods will fix it.

What? There seems like a story behind this. I thought aether was just a cloud-themed dimension mod. Hell, I remember when it was first suggested on the MCforums.

someone recommend me a thaumcraft 6 modpack pls

>i tried resurgence but EVERY villager overhaul mod is MCA-tier trash


Either get Witching Gadgets and Forge Multibloat (WG makes them compatible), or get immibis' microblocks and add compatibility for them yourself. I think you can find how to do that with google, but I can't remember if it's outdated.

>It doesnt line up
Fucking hell this is bugging me.

i'm a sucker for flying sea life, B for me

He looks like such a tremendous faggot.

what irks me most
>have ideas for 4 hostile mobs
>chose to only implement 1

fucking mojang brand laziness.

B is the one that won
it's not sealife
it's the minecraft equivalent of a cliff racer

>giving a fuck what /mcg/ thinks
y'all just went full retard, nigga. NEVER go full retard!

>so we had these ideas and all but fuck implementing all of them, here choose one of them so we can be lazy

>play almost exactly 1 year ago
>haven't played since
>feel that need to do some exploran again

what has changed from 1.10 to 1.12?

>added some useless ugly blocks
>added one new dungeon-type
>added new mobs that only spawn in that dungeon
>added llamas
>added parrots
not much

ebin, guess im just going to keep using my 1.10 save then

does anyone else play with the tornado/weather mod by coros? its really fun, comfy too.
>spawn into a big plains biome bordered by a forest
>spend 4 days getting materials, building house, etc etc
>the 5th day a massive storm blows through, F1 tornado narrowly misses my house
>barely made it to the storm shelter
>all my windows and doors are gone and scattered to the wind

its pretty fun desu

if you're on the spectrum

I like it, because, while infuriating, the same can happen to mobs. Their deaths give me solace.
Plus, vanilla storms suck ass.

I spend too much time building so I'd end up just beelining the tornado deflector block anyway.

>he doesn't like to larp as a kansan, while also giving himself a challenge
lol its always funny to build a tornado proof house and to watch the mobs get swept up and away
where's the fun in that?

>Tinker's Construct aluminum is oredicted as both oreAluminum and oreAluminium
>IE's aluminum is only oredicted as oreAluminum
>UniDict keeps spitting aluminum ingots from both mods at random even after being set to only use IE's version

>add Born in a barn to modpack
>game now crashes when launching

Are you using it with Gadomancy? I heard there's a conflict.

There was in the first version, but an update came out quickly enough which solved that problem.

that is oddly specific but yes i am so maybe i downloaded the old version

if it does it will be the first time i ever solve a problem thanks to this thread

>Make Witchery Mirror
>Game mechanic consists of right clicking the mirror every 10 seconds or so until it randomly (0.01%) spawns an NPC that drops a heart of gold
This is fun. I have been clicking this mirror for 2 hours. I am having fun.

use a thaumcraft golem or various other device to do it for you

I tried with an autonomous activator but the only way to tell it successfully spawns is because you receive a chat message and I dont think that happens when you use fake clicking machines

That's what you get.

>mod adds an useful thing
>but it's so expensive that by the time you can get it, it's already completely overshadowed by something from another mod in your pack

>not playing curated modpacks with tweaked recipes in which the more useful thing is either built upon or more expensive than the less useful one
why do you even bother




>tfw playig GTNH modpack
>having not much fun because too low iq and grindy
>but now can't have fun in other packs because their crafting is too easy
baka desu

try any other "expert" modpack or HQM, most have harder recipes

Any images to post? Even throwaway pics?

Whats a good way to have a "perimeter wall" without it looking fake and gay cobblestone square.

Shaders can make stuff look tasty

depends on the type of architecture you have for your base

Lots of machinery, probably stone with wood and later concrete.

what BGM do you listen to while building?

if you go with a more industrial theme, use limestone small bricks with fences ontop

bump from 10 ur welcome

what shader


BSL shader with a decent amount of tweaking to the settings. Very configurable shader

shit fire homie drop the config

I think my shaders fucked up. This is night time with night brightness set to minimum.

need help with redstone

the circled repeater in pic related is located in the only place where it would stop emitting its signal after i turn off the contraption. if i put it deeper into the circuit, the repeater wouldn't turn off and would keep on emitting the signal.

whats the deal here? i need to put the repeater deeper cause the signal is too weak for my redstone lamp to turn on

dont die on me

It got fagged up by pretentious developers, but if you can ignore all the shit, I guess it's fine
I haven't checked it out in quite a while, so maybe some real content has been added besides the first dungeon

There's also a port of the original Aether

make the signal stronger with another repeater or something nearer to the lamp

>find comfy IC2 + BC server
>they install AE2 after a week

do play around with it yourself though

Left or right?

>Mending enchanted pickaxes can restore from almost dead to nearly fully repaired off a few coal ore veins

Is it going to be a building with shit inside like machines and whatnot? Left. It's easier to plan machines in a boxy building

If it's just going to be aesthetic fluff, right.