edition Sorties Edition
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com
>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)
>Notable links
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm
Riven Prices: semlar.com
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Shrine of the Eidolon (Update 22.13.0)
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Nezha a cute.
>he doesn't know
Cerata, or glaive prime?
Cerata if you have a riven for it
Glaive P if poorfag
Nothing is killing my interest in this game more than trying to maximize focus gains every day. I think I'm gonna go buy that new ftl game before I get burnt out of this game permanently.
repostin because I'm bored and want attention
little sissyboy tenno
thanks doc
>he doesn't have the reward from maxing out every school
Great news guys, me and ivara are gonna get married!
So to continue from last thread, am I correct to think it's NOT worth pumping chroma full of forma, since his only real use now is eidolons and other frames do it better?
do what you want who cares
id rather have the furry ocs at this point
What if what I want is to not waste my time
Like anyone is going to care about Dogbats and Fishcats when we are getting Moa pets who have mounted guns on their heads.
why the fuck are you playing this game if you dont to waste your time in first place
Do you have fun playing Chroma? If so, improve him.
Do you dislike playing Chroma? If so, play as a different frame because pretty much everything is viable for 99.9% of the content in the game you fucking autist.
is the miter _fun?
I would hold off on formaing chroma since they mentioned they will do some more touches to him
This is the only useful answer thus far. Thank you.
I thought their disposition is basically the same, though.
I have a 6 forma Chroma with max strength and I say it was worth it because it lets me use MR fodder weapons without potatos. Also lets me obliterate assassination sorties. Hunting ayydalons is alright.
Chroma is in the same situation as Ember, DE nerfed them then benched them for a bit to lower their popularity.
>people who bitch about how boring the game is while they autistically do everything in the most boring, efficient way possible in order to spend a few fewer seconds playing the game and then complain when DE makes it harder for them to do boring shit
y-you too
Good guns?
>no true longsword that isn't heug like the galatine
best weapon in the game
the sword skin in frost deluxe pack is pretty neat
I rush all the frames I think look fun
but muh cross guard
I rushed Nova because she was my first frame and I couldn't stand playing as Mag anymore.
They're usable now, so I would say yes to an extent.
Anyone going to the GoyCon? The VIP and Legendary tickets are already sold out and I'm betting at least one of you Warbros faggots bought one.
a few insiders from the discord went to the last 2 cons but probably not going to be a 3rd. so unless you want to get your information from twitter feed or redditt i suggest someone who lives close enough for it to not be a bother to go for us.
Really want to forma my panthera for 6th time.
Should i reroll to try to get rid off the - magazine?
Warbros stronk like ox
It was, but I turned my into Panthera
limbo and chroma are being primed this year so hold off
>MR12 has the kuria glyph
Childhood is joining Warbros.
Adulthood is realizing joining Warfurs just makes more sense.
Adulthood is realizing that Warbros is no longer numba wan.
>TennoCon Relay Key
>(Unlocks a special Relay for access to Baro during TennoCon weekend! Gain access to every item Baro has ever had.)
This is my first year playing, is this something they do every year during Tennocon? Sounds pretty rad. Guess I better start farming up ducats.
>4k endo two days in a row
Gimme that fuckin 75% discount Steve
you know I'm good for it
I'll give you 50%, best I can do.
And people say no one ever buys platinum.
I want to buy Prime Access but won't until they stop nerfing frames for no good reason
they just started last year.
the worse part about it is the people that bought those tickets probably buy every prime access anyways.
>Only 2 days
I got sculptures for the past 5 prior
I really hope they go to your orbiter on prime time.
Considering this is only the second ever Tennocon and they did it last year, yes, it's going to be a recurring thing.
What is that thing on the ground
>simulor riven
i hate this thing
Hey bored out vets, you might wanna check out Soulworker
My wife, show some respect!
>still no update
>still no octavia deluxe
Just do it DE, c'mon.
fuck outta here with that weeb shit, nigger
Eh...maybe next week if they feel like it.
i think the fuck not
user, what is that.
would rather play tera or pso
Not jesus, my wife.
>no update
>no teaser of update
>stupid skin for frame I hate before any content or relevant fixes
>Kuva grind is the only activity even remotely close to promise of progress
have you ever been bored enough to consider making alt account? I'm to weak to restrict myself for challenge on main
as long as they add the endless kuva missions I don't give two shits when it comes out
>tfw haven't kuva grinded since last july during the resource boost weekend
already got all the kuva and rivens i want. if i wasnt running a clan, i wouldve stopped playing long ago given my mr and all. all i do is stockpile shit to give away
>octavia deluxe before so many frames
why? what justified this in their minds?
1k for a custom glyph, some shirts and a bj by rebecca?
they need to sell cosmetics so that they can nerf her ass
They have been saying that for years.
the shirts would be worth it alone
fuck that shit away from here
1k for some t shirts....that is beyond jew
I gave it a shot on asian server some time ago
combat looks very fluid and juicy on videos but once you start to play yourself it feels mediocre
I had a blast with Kritika though, frost mage being the only class I truly like does not make me want to grind anything else than endgame
even Closers are better and literary less shitty Soulworker with more static camera action
Do you think he will touch my waifu? Pls no ;-;
how the fuck do we get rid of scott
Don't worry friday is bestiary league
What's the ayatan sculpture monster supposed to be, an onahole on legs?
Are they ever gonna let us go inside Orokin Tower?
Make Glen fuck off first.
No. DE moved on. It's all about Venus now.
i want it to be a gauntlet where you've gotta fight through 100 stories
>H relic radshare
>2 ask for inv
>inv both
>2nd one goes "jk not enough traces"
>3 min later
>other one leaves group
Hopefully that'll never happen. He, Glen and Drew are the only ones standing between the cries of the player masses for unlimited power and a good game.
octavia is overpowered as fuck, they gave no fucks about mag they gave no fucks about chroma despite being good at doing 1 thing which is damage with guns, they gave no fucks about fucking ember, but 1 thing i know, they didn't nerf frames when deluxe for them came out, like they knew very fucking well about chroma "bug" but hell they just released the skin, then everybody bought the skin, then poe came out, then jewtubers made the eidolon guides and the video of the guy oneshotting the limb with euphona using chroma, then even more poeple bought the skin, then ops sorry tenno chroma damage buff is not working as intended :)
Unironically, they should do something similar to the new Dark Sector stuff.
100 floors of the tower, each floor as a theme and modifiers. Some of them might be combat, some of them might be obstacle courses, shit like that. Kind of like the Master Rank tests, but actually difficult.
it should also be timed and randomized weekly. i actually want a challenge for my forma'd to hell primaries and zaws. not sure if i'd rather it be solo or group content though
Why do rep and syndicate missions reset at different times?
12pm eastern = sorties and syndi mission
7pm eastern = syndi standing