/dng/ - Dueling Network General

YGO General #2720
In Honor of Chadzipan Edition
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Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Curse of the Dark (March 10th)
●OCG: Starter Deck 2018 (March 24th)
●OCG: Cybernetic Horizon (April 14th)
●OCG: Collector’s Pack 2018 (May 12th)
●OCG: Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 (June 9th)

●TCG: Legendary Collections Kaiba (March 9th)
●TCG: Star Pack: VRAINS (March 30th)
●TCG: Lair of Darkness Structure Deck (April 20th)
●TCG: Flames of Destruction (May 4th)
●TCG: Dark Saviors (May 25th)

No CaC unless you can provide a 1000 word-minimum essay explaining why your card would be good for both the current OCG and TCG metas, is more creative than all the archetypes in the game, would not powercreep Card Shuffle, and has at least 5 citations in MLA format.
Go to /dIg/ for Duel Links discussion.

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>KF fucking over DMfags left and right
>Maripoo fucking over metafags and brain dead anons left and right

They're truly the saviors of this general



>doesn't know Kaibafag


Say something nice about ghost reaper

cute loli

Reminder that BASED Kaiba wants everyone to have fun and gave us the best reprints. He also makes the "Rich"fags seethe.

I like sytches and winter time.

Dropping reaper on Dark Law is satisfying

cutest handtrap

She's a good girl
Accel Synchros shall rise again with Shooting Riser Dragon!

but he can't beat a beta manlet that plays DM

Where the fuck is Kaibafag when you need him?

Red-Eyes needs more hand traps.

>beta manlet that plays DM
While Yugi won the battle, Kaiba won the war. Kaiba still makes MILLIONS and can kill people and get away with it while yugi does nothing after winning.

Red-Eyes needs to decide on how it wants to build it's deck and stick to it. It wants to be either a fusion, or Rank 7 deck but fails at them both

Reminder to hail Needlefiber once it drops in the TCG.

And equips and gemini too for some dumb reason

>thread is made after a tripfag
when will the dicksucking end

I forgot about the LEVEL 8 ritual monster. lmao what the fuck is going on with that deck.

Stay mad

Geminis were ok and the best kind of them, but equips were really fucking dumb and retarded. The guys who did the first Legend Duelist cards should be fired,

>he isn't part of the church of marzipan and kaibafag

>In Honor of Chadzipan Edition
You shouldn't have. No, really, you shouldn't have.


The card is decent and you can search with Pre-Preparation of Rites. But it should be LV7 and count as a Red-Eyes monster. I only use him in non-red-eyes decks like Kaijus.

i like kaibafag tho
i just really hate marzipan

Not op but I don't see anything wrong with giving you the praise you deserve. We don't want you to leave us anytime soon

Kaibafag and marzipan is the broship we deserve. empolemew on the other hand...

>If your deck loses to ash it's trash
Y-You guys still like Dark Synchro right?

It would have been good if it was a level 7 as another 1 for 1 grave ritual like Chaos MAX.
I'm still mad about Pre-Prep not being able to search Chaos Zone and how they shoved BLS into it, even though it was unrelated to it in the movie.

Remind me again why final countdown is still at 1 with judgement back to 1? Same can be said for many forgotten low power cards.

Red-Eyes needs a deck theme and to stick with it. BEWD brings power, and Red-eyes is supposed to be the potential. Everything REBD does, BEWD just utterly outclasses.

>Basic spell support
BEWD gets fucking raigeki, REBD gets some weak ass burn spell
Chaos Max gets stuffed by any competitive deck, but in casuals, people lose their shit to him. Lord of Red is level 8 and fucking works better in BEWD.
BEUD scared KoA so bad that Cyber-Stein is still banned because of it. Kaiba is an alpha, he doesn't need to fucking poly to get out his fusions. Joey needs a shit ass Red-Eyes Fusion which locks you out of plays because ???.
Does Red-Eyes even have a synchro monster? Spirit Dragon also gets points for having beautiful artwork.
Flare Metal is one of the better rank 7s, but Rank 8 access was always better. However, the time of non-rank 4s has come and passed us by, so it's worthless. REBD sucks ass at rank 7 plays too, even Dark Magicians make better use of flare metal.
>Gemini and Equips
Lmao who cares?
Knowing konami, there's going to be some Blue-Eyes Code Dragon with 3000 atk and some good shit attached to it. Red-Eyes Hacked Dragon would probably have some prohibitive effect and weak burn effect to your opponent.

>Give a level 7 deck a level 8 ritual monster
I wonder who did that

I'm blushing

>MFW a tripfag doen't want to be recognized for something he did,defeating the whole point of being a trifag.

>gets some weak ass burn spell
yeah, some weak ass burn spell that can FTK the opponent now and it could be better if it was searchable someway.

These are the tips I live by
>Study decks
>Always assume your opponent has the out or a handtrap
Once you do that you can become a lessshit player. I had one for pet and meta decks but WORLD chalice winning the YCS changed it to
>Pet/Old decks are weak and meant for fun but do not underestimate them

final countdown is at 1 because decks based around it are extremely retarded, even if garbage
or konami just forgot it was on the list
the fact that dmfags still lose their shit when you insult them is what makes you good

Does anyone have a higherquality version of the mokey mokey art?

>the fact that dmfags still lose their shit when you insult them is what makes you good

I like how smug he is all the time, just like kaiba

You mean inferno fire blast? Even if you got 3 off, that's still 800 left to work with.

How to fix Red-Eyes:
>more gemini support that is actually good
>better "future fusion" spell
>more burn abuse
>Red-Eyes Jinzo and fusion
>a better use of Hermos with a new generic Dragon fusion
>Link support because of the paywall

Red-Eyes Fusion changes the name of the fusion for Red-Eyes B. Dragon and makes Inferno Fire Blast a 3500 burn damage card.

>>Red-Eyes Jinzo
how would this help out at all

If he is somehow level 7 and does more than just negate trap cards,them yes

No need to be humble chadzipan!

Once you understand that life is a giant shitpost, you too can be smug. Not too smug though or you could get BTFO.
Smugmento mori

It'll just antagonize user into more shitposting.

I like both Kaibafag and Empolemew. Always quality posts.

>>Pet/Old decks are weak and meant for fun but do not underestimate them
Pet decks are always to be treated cautiously. You never know how much time and effort the pilot has dumped into that thing. Autism is a lethal weapon when channeled.

Doppelwarrior sure has more uses now for the tokens with Links.
The deck seems fun though.

Couldn't find one but I got this instead.

Just give them a new red-eyes fusion that restricts them to DARK dragons for the turn.
Give them an archetypal monster rebron while they're at it.

>It'll just antagonize user into more shitposting.
>giving you the praise you deserves will keep the brain dead anons seething

so I keep doing it then? it's fun seeing them 100% full mad



Anyone have a Revolver decklist (including Mirror Force)

>the fact that dmfags still lose their shit when you insult them is what makes you good
and yet even the autism combined from all the nostalgia bait decks are still less then brandish players having a meltdown when you say 1 negative thing about the deck

>You never know how much time and effort the pilot has dumped into that thing.
>Japan: April 14, 2012
Where has the time gone


List of people BTFO lately:
>impostor fags
>people who hate gay people fags

Anyone missing?

Brandish more like Brandshit

Here's revolver.dek but without the Mirror Force.
You might run it for the memes but consider the newer ones before you get hit by ZA LIGHTNING

Redditfags and "Rich"fags. Kaiba is the only person who deserves to have money. He crashed the secondary market in one day.

I counted them with metafags but fuck it i'll update it. others can update it how ever they like ofc.

List of people BTFO lately:
>impostor fags
>people who hate gay people fags

That on is actually the reason I want the high quality art. I want to make a high quality proxy of it.

If Kaibafag was tripfag,what would be he's name?


i don't know if you're trying to imply that i am one, but i'm not a brandish fag. i just think rei is cute


I'd stay with kaibafag to make things easier.

>all those anons talking shit about Brandish
all of you will eat your own shit, faggots
I know the deck is trash, I just want cute mechagirl fanart

>Lord of D. has lower ATK than Lady of D.
wew lad



that's what im thinking,since he has such devotion to always post Kaiba,it's pretty easy to spot his post,depite the fact he doesn't have a trip.

Rei is the most generic anime girl I've ever seen. Get taste

I also post maidens
>Inb4 master
That's the highest quality of the maidens. There is no difference between them.

>Veeky Forums shitposter now on /dng/
I want you out of this place you fatfuck

Ding dong diddly worked into a shoot. /asp/ runs this shit nigga

Don't forget anons that hate tripfriends

why am i an shitposter?Is it because of the smug anime girls?
Good to know.

I have fellow Veeky Forumsizens here?


just stop this faggotry already

forgot pic


don't fucking force me to post the feces you left back in Veeky Forums and to out you there

fuck no. he's a lardass who never stops posting variations of this anime girl with MAGA hat and made threads everyday asking the same question. posted a picture of himself, again as a lardass, asking if he had 20% bodyfat

T. faggot who Marzipoo BTFO last thread

BASED. Thats where I learned how to be smug and shitpost. /asp/ and Veeky Forums have the best memes.

Awkward. I haven't browsed in awhile, I go back to laugh at /fph/ threads though. I hear the piano man finally kicked the bucket, RIP.

Seeing you QUIVER at the mere SIGHT of them will just make me post more user.

not me, but nice try anyway!!

Marz just exposed him and let him Blow Himself Out.

It was really quite beautiful to watch. Like a train wreck but the train was full of fireworks.

I BTFO him
He literally said he sucks dick

What girl

Kirino Kousaka

Don't you have some Ash Blossoms to cry over? Admit you've lost and move on.

How do you feel about Undercarder not making Mania?

Again, I dont buy cards and dont give a fuck how expensive they are

The only thing anyone is going to eat in relation to Brandish is Iblee's vagina and that's only if Rei is a very good girl

>I dont buy cards
So you only play online?

Pet deck hour, let's do this. Slap down those decks boys.

I was angry when I made this deck.

No I also play with your mom

I have become one with the soy


>Timelords and Hand Traps, the deck
>Dildochair in the side
Who the fuck pissed you off?

How are the mained Gameciels treating you this format?

>Still no reprints

I only wanted him to go so that BMJ could go over brother. Then John gets boo'ed and the fans turn on him which then turns him into Holloywood Cena.