Is depression a meme disorder? Has anyone ever in history suffered from it?
Today literally any special snowflake can fake it. People in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch and man up.
Is depression a meme disorder? Has anyone ever in history suffered from it?
Today literally any special snowflake can fake it. People in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch and man up.
It's real, but only when it's caused by the meds that supposedly treat it
Probably because until recently, nobody had time to be depressed because they were too busy spending 16+ hours a day just focused on surviving. Aristocracies probably had many cases of depression.
>People in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch and man up.
And this wasn't the case for all illnesses?
It wasn't, they had doctors for that
Abe Lincoln definitely suffered from depression. Taking mercury pills probably made it worse though
It's real, however most people that bitch about depression, either irl or on social media, aren't really depressed.
Depressed people tend to bottle it up.
2012 was a legitimately rough year for me, not a single good thing happened. Sure i've been sad at times after, but overcoming a year long depression is liberating to say the least, and i haven't been depressed after.
were you really depressed though? really?
It most certainly is real. You're not going to tell me Sylvia Plath killed herself in the manner she did just for the lulz.
I had most of the symptoms (all except suicidal thoughts, i kept telling myself things will get better).
I just started getting better on my own in early 2013. I don't know, i'd say it's a struggle with oneself.
You conveniently forget that most people back then died before hitting 50. With 40 you were an old as fuck man.
Depression certainly does exist, but it is difficult to diagnose and its treatment is heavily monetized, so every doctor is quick to proclaim depression at the slightest suspicion.
People running around and telling everyone about their depression usually are just attention whores. Exactly those people who "stop being a bitch" and "man up" usually are depressed beyond rescue and waiting until the day where it gets too much.
depression is a first world problem
Just because the life expectancy was lower then didn't mean most people dropped dead in their forties. A lot of the meaning in those numbers reflect infant mortality and child death.
Actually foragers only spend like 4h a day working for survival
Depression was real then as it is now. People back then blamed the devil or would pray. They also had much closer and bigger families. They also were satisfied with surviving where as today, we dont need to work so we are never satisfied or the work is just soul draining and tedious.
Its real, a famous example would be Queen Victoria after Albert died. Nowadays its overdiagnosed but many historical figures are described as being "melancholic", while others commited suicide for what seemed to be no reason at all.
Well that's probably why there aren't many foragers anymore, they'd all just get depressed and kill themselves
>used to be depressed, before i stopped taking my hypertension medication
>only look up side effects of my medication after i saw this post
>depression is actually a common side effect.
It's usually between 120 and 140, generally in the 130s. The other number is fine.
My opinion on this is that less you have struggle to survive more you feel depressed. So it explains why third worlders have less depression compared to westren cucks. Just a theory thou.
Unabomber knows his shit
Marcus Aurelius. Now stop shitposting.
Yes user, neurochemistry is just an ebin maymay.
Someone who is depressed does not live in a way that someone who is mentally healthy would live if it was in their self-interest.
Le special snowflake tumblrinas of course are another matter, someone who is depressed does not use their condition to attention whore over the internet.
Sure, they had """""doctors"""""
A year of depression? I've spent the last 10 years putting off my suicide you pleb XD lol
>people in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch
Because they had zero medical understanding of mental health. Shit like epilepsy, seizures, depression, PTSD, etc. were completely written off or went undiagnosed and untreated. But we know for a fact they are real medical conditions with adverse effects on your brain's chemistry.
>disease exists physically, therefore it was caused by physical factors
cool fallacy bro
I made zero interpretation of the PET scan.
>haven't read books
Depression, schizophrenia, PTSD and borderline personality have been recorded throughout history. I believe it is real, just because you haven't gone through it doesn't it make it a meme, but I will agree that we over diagnose it.
I mean, if I don't take meds, I constantly fantasize about and plan killing myself. I hurt myself constantly and start crying for no reason. I'm perfectly fine on meds but I know I would be dead within two months of discontinuing.
As far as I can tell, depression is real.
>People in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch and man up, he assumed
Winston Churchill famously suffered from depression.
The interface between 'physical' and 'psychological' illness is deeply complex, and we don't clearly understand the relationship between the two.
t. doctor.
Some depressed states do not come from medication but on their own, linked with environment. It can go away the same way. This makes depression nothing but an attention whore's disease. You get it by developing such a perception of the world/your life. You cast it away by bettering yourself instead of being a little whiny lazy dependant faggot. Maybe people from the past used to feel 'depressed' for a day but the tolerance and surviving needs people had were at much higher standards. Remember that today everything is permitted to the lowest degree, not the other way around. I'm surprised there isn't a suicide outbreak, but then today's youth is nothing you should trust/look upon so it's like dead youngster walking around waiting to be old to have more excuses.
Men used to be able to heal themselves on their own, better yet, they didn't create a world that had them in need of saving. Now women are free, children given everything and anything and grown ups are just children with a memory full of made up excuses to be anything but adults.
Depression isn't real, your excuses are as long you believe them to be. You could be stronger, you don't want to and therefore will find the most suitable excuse to be weak, or depressed if you will.
It's probably real but just in like 5% of cases (ie. chemical depression), the rest is all memes.
I hope you have a child with depression and gotta pick bits of brain and skull off the walls and carpet when he blows his skull off listening to your rhetoric instead of getting them treatment.
Well you seek 'treatment' before that person you think cares about you finds your brain and suicide note with only a sentence as to why you 'had' to do this and why reproducing was their mistake, cause I'm not doing the same one. Whether or not you tolerate such a weak minded society and its flaws is not my moral problem and certainly not my responsability, yet I wonder how you and I can be part of the same gene pool.
It doesn't even fucking matter because I'll happily leave this world without an heir to see what your kids are made of (yeah from the inside), so your descendants can find out why you transmitted them such a shitty environment before killing yourself. All of this without my imparted rhetoric. Win/win user! Fuck off.
Do you have any children?
It really depends on whether you have things to be depressed about.
If your life sucks and you feel down about it, you're not depressed, your life just sucks.
But if everything is working out for you and you still feel down, you might suffer from what they call clinical depression.
You kinda did by placing the labels where you did.
>your descendants can find out why you transmitted them such a shitty environment before killing yourself.
As a carrier of Witchblood, it's my duty to prevent the taint of my Qayinite lineage from continuing.
I wasn't the guy doing graphic design on the PET result.
You kinda did by posting an image of someone placing labels where he did.
many famous figures suffered from symptoms like lincoln or julius caesar, but it is impossible to diagnose the decayed dead.
do your own research instead of relying on monkeys from /pol/ and /leftypol/ attempting to enforce their various agendas down your throat.
>it's a depression thread
Reminder that despair is different from suffering, and not associated with any particular level of suffering.
>tfw too smart for children
I mean if I'm always going to be smarter than my kids what's the point
>goes senile
>not shooting yourself as soon as you get the diagnosis
families force you to stay behind and witness yourself turn into a babbling babby completely incapable and inept, unable to string together proper sentences nor cognizant thought. :^)
This is an MRI scan of someone when depression hits
Think it's not real yet?
what am i looking at? i know activation of left prefrontal lobe = happy, and activation of right = sad/fucked up.
these people think neurology and psychology are pseudoscience, an MRI or another of the other dozen similar tests will not convince them.
The brain goes dark in an instant. The gif kinda ends to soon for the point to really get across.
>Subject deceased
>give meds to someone who is depressed
>depression is a side effect
Are you literally retarded?
>You conveniently forget that most people back then died before hitting 50. With 40 you were an old as fuck man.
This is supposed to be a history board and people unironically post things like this and nobody calls them out on it.
>You could be stronger, you don't want to and therefore will find the most suitable excuse to be weak, or depressed if you will.
I struggled with depression for 4 whole years during which I didn't sit around but I kept working hard and faced stress day by day (which just added fuel to the fire) until I came to a breaking point, after which I almost tried to kill myself twice and I actually made an attempt a few months later.
But of course I'm just faking it so I can be lazy because a random person on the Interner says so in spite of medical science :^)
Read the post, it's blood pressure medication.
This is a clip from The Walking Dead.
My god you are the most autistic person I have ever seen on Veeky Forums
I do believe a lot of people in earlier societies didn't suffer from the same degree of depression as people in our modern society do. However it has always been prevalent throughout history, which you can clearly see just by reading literature.
>mfw no history gf hits
>People in the past would just tell you to stop being a bitch and man up.
Actually they didn't. You're confusing the past with a 1950's dad.
People in the past were spiritual people. We are not.
Yes, it is real, I have dealt with it personally. Imagine you feel so bad that literally killing yourself in a slow painful way seems like a great idea, that is how messed up it is. It is well ... Depressing.
One problem is that the word depression is widely used from everything from having a bad day, to wishing to go to hell to escape the torment of life. This overly limiting vocabulary is one major issue I find when trying to talk about it with others.
Also our current cultural issue of telling every kid they are special didn't help matters as reality can hit like a bat to the face, not everyone becomes an astronaut when they get older.
Over years of therapy and medication I found a diet that helps me maintain my mood properly as it is a chemical imbalance in my brain and some deep father issues. But I have to maintain it strictly or I start to relapse. So now it is like a manageable case of diabetes for me, real enough I have to adjust the way I live but not threating like it was years ago.