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Reminder that Kaga is a good girl. Hotel is a good ship as well and deserves headpats!
Eli Hall
>thread without discord drama Fucking finally.
Is there a compiled list of maximum DD concealment distances, with camo, CE, and concealment mod (for the high tier ones)? I just started playing DDs and I want to know what can and can't outspot me.
Robert Wood
what DD you playing?
Jaxon Myers
>you will never save HOTEL ;_;
Matthew Walker
The free Fushun from the New Year missions.
Luis Sanchez
No list, but you can generally tell from experience. Fushun gets 6.1km concealment with skill and camo which is very good. It bests all american DDs except Benson by about 500m, loses to all japanese DDs under tier 7 by 100-500m, equals or beats german DD except t-22 (which is ~200m better) and btfos russian dds except okh and gnevny. Prems are generally comparable to tech tree except Grem.
Christopher Nelson
I'm not sure if there's a comprehensive list (though you could just get a list of base values and compare them since it's the same % reduction for everyone), but nations tend to have a general trend, IJN has the lowest, USN after that though they sometimes have the same as the IJN, KM after that, and RU has the worst. I think the Pan Asia ones tend to be comparable to the USN and IJN, but I can't remember off the top of my head.