What stopped this from happening ?
>literally the largest and most powerful country in the world
What stopped this from happening ?
>literally the largest and most powerful country in the world
I blame Quebec
fuck off burger
americans are literally niggers, keep those svages out
The war of 1812
The great barrier, the muricas think the ice walker story we keep telling them is true, they don't realise it is like WW1 and the whol area is a huge migration camp
Imagine if the subhuman Russians couldn't claim they're the largest. That would be all worth it.
>Americans Inherit Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Quebec
I'm not even American and I DON'T even think they should have to suffer that fate
The War of 1812.
Americans tried, but couldn't manage it. Also, right before the war of independence, ALL of the British colonies/territories were invited to the Continental Congress. It's perhaps telling that the now-Canadian colonies did not go.
First, most of Canada at the time (late 1700s) had a low population. Less than 100,000 whites compared to 2-3 million whites+blacks in the US. (Indians were never counted, roughly similar if lesser numbers). There were cities, and they did have small educated elites, but they tended to be rather socially conservative. Not interested in stark raving lunacy of 'democracy' or non-royal authority. Just wanna get those crops in and dry that cod, if you don't mind.
In fact, many Canadians (not called such at the time, but in the territory) were used to a rather lax autonomous life, centred around Church, trading with natives, and subsistence living. Then some ponce arrogant Anglo-Saxon colonial-aristocracy from Virginia show-up asking you to bend the knee to them instead of your equally distant King. Nah, fuck off m8s, we're fine as-is.
Additionally, Quebec was just different. It was the most populous part of 'Canada' at the time, and was French-speaking and Catholic. Although they had no great love for the English Royals, nor the French Royals for that matter, they had managed to wring out a system of checks-and-balances.
The other problem is that the fledgling US did not head in to Canada as brothers, but as hostile conquerers. Benedict Arnold's ass was handed to him when he tried to invade Quebec, probably pissed off locals with all that theft and raiding of supplies. Also, in the late 1700s, American ships were authorized to engage in piracy and pillaging, and the first place they headed was Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, etc. You're not going to much sympathy by raping, burning and looting from people you want to join your side.
>hurr durr the world in the 1700s was just like today!
Why don't you look up when Vancouver was founded, shit-for-brains.
>socialblob would miss paying extra for medical aide due to lack of privatization
I can't blame him for not giving a shit about one of the most shittiest cities in the world aka vancouver
%90 of canada is not something you want to own. Also americans did try but got their white house burned down.
>wanting to integrate the fucking leaf into your country
Yanks failed to spread the revolution to the northern British colonies, and when they invaded in 1812 they were beaten back.
So, it was the Eternal Anglo that stopped that from happening.
because the canadians didn't want it
Give it a couple of years, then yes. we'll see. It's probably another fail state.
This isn't EU4. Fuck off.
yes it is.
t. /gsg/
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I see no reason to include places like Quebec within the union. Those poutine slurping curs have no place here.
>Implying you could get the mana in time to convert the culture and core it
They tried twice
You can do it again.
Canada USA merging when?
Canada is a frozen hellhole and only autists like Barneyfag would live there
Yeah imagine that.
I agree it's over-rated, but there are thousands of worse places.
Sounds like you're some bullied chink/currystank basement dweller.
>i don't understand history in the slightest, but i'll repeat this old meme !
All of the largest countries have sizable chunks that are basically uninhabited. What's your point?
This tbqh
>this triggered leaf
Chang we don't want your country. You don't need to feel so bad
8th gen, white as fuck British-mutt, with a drop of Acadian and Swedish just to keep the bloodline 'exotic'
But I've tapped my share of white-washed Asian pussy, not gonna lie.
Dont worry we'd rather choke on our poutine than join that ''union''