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>Upcoming event: Little Ladies' Day:
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Eri meltdownies when
hows it feel exploiters
hows it feel to be getting perma'd
post them now
I might be talking out my ass here, but usually it takes 3 strikes for an account to be perma'd? Even RMT/botting gets strikes.
whats up
As WAR should I be in dps stance most of the time? When I watch guides they always switch into it during the opener and make no mention of switching back though I assume I should if I need to. Also when to use the enminity combo? Nothing I have read or watched ever mentions it at all.
post what
doin nothing while I should be doing the level 70 dungeons I unlocked and stuff
>meet a girl online from FFXIV
>sounds cute
>types cute
>she sends me a picture
>she's a lesser hambeast
>uhhh, I got drafted by the military gtg
>block her
Has /xivg/ ever made friends online before?
excuse me why are you copying shyv's shitposting techniques
Usually, but SE doesn't seem to do jack about botters or RMT people that aren't Chinese. The 9 day bans are in place so they can go over all your chat and battle logs without you causing more work for them. This is why they ask people who are filing reports to include things like server time, location, and to be very specific in their reports do they know what to look for. The 9 day thing is probably so they have enough time to get through an account queue and still give you a time out if they don't find anything ban worthy.
do them
where do you think he learned it
i trained him in my top level shitpost arts
Does anyone need an expert or something on Aether?
Offering free healer queue!
Just put up a PF and post password.
I'm gunna pet them against their will if i see them again. I can't be stopped.
why are you judging someone who is nice by their appearance? I bet you are not any better looking yourself
This is the opener. It should suffice in dungeons and raids as long as dps use enmity tools and the ot does the voke/shirk stuff he should be doing.
elks bobs
I have new dungeon anxiety
The people who make those guides assume you're going to be doing max damage at all times, with an OT who can Shirk often, with a party of equivalent gear or worse, or that your party is going to manage their own hate. That means in the most optimal case you won't need a Butcher's Block in stance at all.
You can't reliably expect all of the above to happen 100% of the time. Use an enmity combo in UC/Defiance while you start. Use Equilibrium on pull (you won't need it otherwise). Once you get a high enough amount of resources you can swap, dump and ride Deliverance until someone comes close to pulling threat.
If you're comfortable you should be able to ride it to the end, but if not you can always go back into Defiance and BB a time or two.
Remember. If you post about elk (chemo) you will be report bombed
>lesser hambeast
holy shit lol
what did he mean by this
just do it pussy
>break the rules
>complain about getting banned
im gay
post butt, homo
Literally not complain you blind ass retard. Just raising awareness
She's fatter than me...
>spamming memes
>not ban worthy
Next you'll say "memecat" is totally innocent and a good poster.
post brilliant cringe
They get their posts deleted almost immediately though
I know I could probably google this, but I'm thinking about taking a vacation from my home server to Balmung for a while. I'm not really into RP as I'm not creative, and erp isn't super my thing but our markets seem to be relatively the same. Questions I have are
Am I able to buy a house off of someone, or is that timer still in place?
Are apartments still available?
What's the max amount of gil I can take? (I have 3 retainers)
Any idea what sells well, outside of the usual grade 6 materia?
He deletes his own posts as a gimmick, you retard.
Imagine being this delusional
I fanta'd to male lizard is that cringe enough?
You fanta'd to look like an NPC, so it's even worse
Haven't played this game in ages but resubbed. Wanting to play on an RP server, and I do already have one on Balmung, but if there's an unlocked server with a sizeable RP community I think I'd like to play there instead.
Any servers that fit that criteria or should I just remain on Balmung?
males are the opposite of cringe
I need a good bull, any suggestions?
I like catgirls
mateus is dead bro
stay on balmung
Of course you get report bombed because you're wrong.
Kaori has been confirmed to be Chemo and that's fact.
Did your mother have any children that lived, boy...?
That's no catGIRL...
you cruisin for some dick in that really gay outfit there, gramps?
Balmung is unlocked, you just have to snipe the clear hours to create a character.
Mateus is LE BALMUNG WAITING ROOM but it has its own inertia now
I can say from my experience on Coeurl that Preferred Worlds are actually attracting small, steady (if normie) RP groups
is he single and looking?
What? How and when was this confirmed?
Don't listen to Mateus is great! Live free in the Panda FC!
Please don't booly me....
It wasn't and never. It's just more shitposting.
So who is the latest grown man couple from xivg?
Where's that slut who likes catboys on Gilgamesh at? I'm some fresh blood in need of draining.
All of the chemo spam posting had halted since someone called Kaori out in it 2 afternoons ago.
There is your proof.
>gimmie mateus mebe megucas 5 star cookie gimmie ganbatte out there user yamero!!
nah you good
me and you
me and _____
she is a girl though..
Yeah, I mean was there some damning evidence?
I don't want to miss the drama.
They admit to doing that constantly. Just search in the archive for "memc@ delete".
i need this pump
Miau Miau, usually in Limsa under the tree.
>someone jokes about it
>chemo shifts from spamming to "SEE ITS KAORI ALL ALONG"
obvious bait is obvious
Strangled a bitch and fucked her cervix, shit was cash
post meowy wowy kittie bois owo
me and lei
where is your jaw
I'm a married boy.
are there any cute cats around here.....
Join Panda now and get a free pumping courtesy of this fine pump!
Actual pumping not guaranteed.
because they are wholesome and not man sluts
How do I get a monochrome cat eb like pic related?
This is the best fotm yet and I really want to cash in.
panther cats are almost as boring as blue cats. fucking yawn.
All the lizard boys in Soft contradict that statement.
Sorry, I don't play on an ERP server...
keep pretending you're straight
Why do I like imagining futa in RP but dislike images of it?
It's fun to play around with the idea of being a hermaphrodite. May not be so fun to actually look at it however.
Message Lovers Suicide
gonna need a closer picture than that
you want nacho cheese or cool ranch
post futa velvet